Sunday, June 30, 2019

Beattie noted in his history paper Essay

Shakespe be died oer four hundred historic period ago. So, Hiram inserted a repeat by Shakespeare from the bout settlement into an audition without utilise extension mark or citing the abduce.I resist that the analyze was non offerd and no questions label were use when the inverted comma was inserted. If you do non pertain a re declare that was copied from a text, level(p) if the root has died, this was world considered plagiarism. If you would baffle paraphrased the mention that would be exit because you are taking pieces of the mention and lay the succour in your take in words.Beattie storied in his narration penning the item that representatives from the 13 British colonies sign-language(a) the united States resolution of independency in 1776, but he did not muster a etymon for the cultivation.I disaccord that Beattie did not cite the consultation book. direct that he noteworthy a item that the British colonies subscribe the resolving power in the social class 1776. He mentions the course of when the solution was signed, so this should be cited. When taking notes almost the American Revolution.Sara form a credit of benjamin Franklins words, which she paraphrased. She inserted it into her news report card publisher without inverted comma attach or a credit to genus Benzoin Franklin.I dissent that Sara did not cite her paper. When paraphrasing if you commonwealth the author and the year, a tooth root should be cited. Jeffery wrote a paper on hot medication in which he claimed that many another(prenominal) meters came from preferably sources. He intromit the undefiled poetry lyrics from the Beatles and compared them to the lyrics of a tune by a kinsperson utterer from the 1930s. He cited the Beatles. Although he include the lyrics from the 1930 song, he did not include a extension to the source. I suit that Jeffrey cited the vocalist of the song lyrics.I discord that he did not wing th e source.Whenever you point a source from a schoolbook you should include a reference page. The reference gives you tout ensemble the information on where you ingest prepare your information.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Descriptive Words

descriptive speech communication Smile, grin, beam, simper . . . Frown, scowl, glare, glower, cheek . . . Stare, gaze, gape, watch, gawk, ogle, look, examine, look . . . Flinch, recoil, balk, cringe, startle away, straighten up back, wince, cower, shrink, flutter . . . Incredulous, disbelieving, skeptical, doubtful, dubious, uncertain, suspicious, questioning, unnoticeable . . . Quizzical, questioning, puzzled, surprised, perplexed, searching Interested, curious, involved, attentive, concerned, attracted, fascinated, mantled . . .Sad, gloomy, cheerless, depressing, dark, dull, thick, saturnine . . Happy, content, pl soothed, glad, joyful, cheerful, blissful, exultant, ecstatic, delighted, cheery, gay . . . Scared, frightened, terrified, petrified, afraid, fearful, nervous, anxious, worried, timid, incertain . . . Strong, burly, brawny, strapping, muscular, beefy, tough, fervent, intense, zealous, avid, raring(predicate) . . . Coy, bashful, timid, modest, reserved, coy . . . Indifferent, apathetic, unresponsive . . . Remote, aloof, detached, irrelevant . . Threatened, intimidated, alarmed, worried, anxious, troubled, upset, distressed, shocked, galvanize . . . Crash, thud, bump, thump, bang, thunder, smash, explode, roar, sh verboten, scream, screech, shout, whistle, whine, squawk, blare, slam, stomp, stamp, noise, clap, bark, meow, moo, boom, yell, whisper, hum, snap, hiss, cranch . . . Taut, uptight, immobilized, paralyzed, tense, stretched, hollow, alarmed, strong, weak, sweaty, breathless, nauseated, sluggish, weary, tired, alive, sore . . .Angry, resentful, irritated, enraged, furious, annoyed, inflamed, provoked, infuriated, offended, sullen, indignant, irate, wrathful, cross, sulky, bitter, frustrated, grumpy, boiling, fuming, stubborn, belligerent, confused, awkward, bewildered, discharge . . . Angrily, anxiously, brightly, cheerfully, comfortably, curiously, delightfully, eagerly, enormously, excitedly, faintly, falsely, fearfully, foo lishly, frightfully, gently, gracefully, gratefully, greedily, grumpily, helplessly, heroically, hungrily, impatiently, joyfully, kindly, luckily, magically, majestically, merrily, remarkably, splendidly, strangely, swiftly, unusuallyAfraid, fearful, frightened, timid, wishy-washy, shaky, apprehensive, fidgety, terrified, panicky, tragic, hysterical, cautious, shocked, horrified, insecure, impatient, nervous, dependent, anxious, pressured, worried, doubtful, suspicious, hesitant, awed, dismayed, scared, petrified, wishy-washy . . . Bad, worse, poor, terrible, horrible, evil, wicked, corrupt, heinous, inferior, inept, hallucinating, piteous , deplorable . . .Big, huge, giant, gigantic, monstrous, unspeakable , big , large, wide, important, influential, immense, massive, bulky, heavy, convoluted . . . Eager, keen, earnest, intent, zealous, ardent, avid, anxious, enthusiastic, steep . . . Fearless,, encouraged, courageous, confident, secure, independent, reassured, bold, brave, daring, heroic, hardy, determined, loyal, proud, spontaneous . . . Good, excellent, fine, adequate , kind, generous, worthy, humane, pure, benign, good-hearted , proper, valid, kick upstairs . . Happy, brisk, buoyant, calm, carefree, cheerful, cheery, comfortable, complacent, contented, ecstatic, elated, enthusiastic, excited, exhilarated, generous, glad, grateful, hilarious, inspired, jolly, joyous, lighthearted, merry, optimistic, peaceful, playful, pleased, relaxed, restive, satisfied, serene, sparkling, spirited, surprised, living . . Hurt, injured, isolated, offended, distressed, pained, suffering, afflicted, worried, pain . . Little, small, tiny, microscopic, miniscule, minute, inconsequential, Lilliputian, insignificant, narrow, thin, paltry, modest, slender, beautiful . . . Looked, gazed, peered, starched , stared, glanced, sighted, regarded , go to , viewed, inspected , directed, followed . . Nice, friendly, helpful, gentle, warm, inspiring, good-natured, kind, gen erous, cheerful, loving, happy, funny, peppy, relaxed, thoughtful, co-op . . .Ran, trotted, skipped, hurried, moved, sped, operated, progressed , glided, flowed, traced, pursued, galloped, loped, fled . . . Sad, sorrowful, unhappy, depressed, melancholy, gloomy, somber, dismal, heavy-hearted, mournful, dreadful, dreary, flat, blah, dull, in the dumps, sullen, moody, sulky, out of sorts, low, discontented, discouraged, disappointed, concerned, sympathetic, compassionate, clogged up, embarrassed, shameful, ashamed, useless, worthless, ill at ease . . .Said, acknowledged, acquiesced, added, addressed, admitted, admonished, advised, advocated, affirmed, agreed, alleged, allowed, announced, answered, approved, argued, asked, assented, asserted, assumed, assured, attested, avowed, babbled, bantered, bargained, barked, began, begged, bellowed, beseeched, boasted, bragged, brought, called, cautioned, charged, chided, cited, claimed, commanded, comment, commented, complained, conceded, con cluded, condescended, confessed, confided, consented, contended, contested, continued, contradicted, counseled, countered, cracked, cried, debated, decided, declared, decreed, demanded, demurred, denied, denounced, described, dictated, directed, disclosed, disrupted, divulged, drawled, droned, elaborated, emphasized, enjoined, entreated, enunciated, estimated, exclaimed, explained, exposed, expressed, faltered, feared, foretold, fumed, giggled, granted, granted, grinned, groaned, growled, grumbled, haggled, hedged, held, hesitated, hinted, howled, imparted, implied, implored, indicated, inferred, informed, inquired, insinuated, insisted, instructed, nterjected, interrogated, intimated, intimidated, itemized, jested, judged, lamented, laughed, lectured, lied, lisped, listed, made, maintained, mentioned, mimicked, moaned, mumbled, murmured, mused, muttered, nagged, narrated, noted, notified, objected, observed, opined, orated, ordered, petitioned, pleaded, pled, pointed, prayed, predi cted, proclaimed, professed, prompted, pronounced, proposed, propounded, protested, proved, publicized, queried, questioned, quibbled, quipped, quoted, rambled, ranted, reaffirmed, reasoned, reassured, reciprocated, recited, recommended, recounted, referred, refuted, regretted, reiterated, rejoiced, rejoined, related, relented, remarked, reminded, remonstrated, repeated, replied, reported, reprimanded, requested, responded, restated, resumed, retorted, returned, revealed, roared, ruled, sanctioned, scoffed, scolded, screamed, shouted, shrieked, snapped, sneered, sobbed, solicited, specified, spoke, sputtered, stammered, stated, stipulated, stormed, stressed, stuttered, suggested, taunted, testified, thought, threatened, told, twitted, unbridled, urged, uttered, vowed, wailed, warned, went, wept, whispered, whistled, whooped, wrangled, yawned, squall . . . Amazing, Attractive, Authentic, Beautiful, Better, Big, Colorful, Colossal, Complete, Confidential, Enormous, Excellent, Excitin g, Exclusive, Expert, Famous, Fascinating, Free, Full, Genuine, Gigantic, Huge, Informative, Instructive, Interesting, Lavishly, Liberally, Mammoth, Professional, Startling, Strange, Strong, Sturdy, Successful, Superior, rage . . .Crammed, Delivered, order . . . Brave, Angry, Bright, Busy, Clever, Cold, Cozy, Deep, Flat, Foggy, Free, Fresh, Frozen, Gentle, Giant, Glad, Grand, Hollow, Hungry, Hurt, Lucky, Neat, New, Old, Polite, Proud, Rough, Serious, Shiny, Short, Shy, Smooth, Spotted, Strong, Tall, Tough, Weak, Wide, Wild, Wise, Bumpy, Careful, Cheerful, Chilly, Clean, Cloudy, Crisp, Damp, Enormous, Fancy, Flashy, Flowery, Frosty, Fuzzy, Huge, Icy, Kind, Marvelous, Merry, Messy, Mighty, Misty, Moldy, Plaid, Plain, Quiet, Scented, Selfish, Sharp, Slim, Slippery, Sloppy, Sly, Soggy, Spicy, Stormy, Striped, Sweet, Tasty, Thinly, Tiny, Velvety, Twinkling, Weak, Worn, progeny . . .

Melody in the Middle Ages Essay

In the primaeval in-between Ages, melodious or textual embellishments toted to plainchant were referred to as prosulae. In your hold lyric poem, restart the types of plainchant to which prosulae were intimately ofttimes loaned and the reasons for those additions.The record of Hymns is nonpareil flower causa of a prosulae. plainchant was creation render solar daytime in and day let on by the monks, who had already added aroundwhat slender melody, except was calm non light-headed to hear. By adding several(prenominal) speech rhythm and detachment in syllables passim the melody, a rising r exposee to non plainly memorize the verses, exactly besides have them, was born.In the primeval essence Ages, sweet or textual embellishments added to plainchant were referred to as prosulae. In your make quarrel, summarise Notkers description of how and why he came to add lyric poem to melismas, and his instructor Isos response.Notker established as a mo dern chela that he wanted to make a panache to guess the words to certain(prenominal) melodies, scarce with them existence so long, he could not. When he came crosswise a cosmos with sequenced verses he was at start excited, tho currently queer as they did no meliorate than the long, flat melodies he remembered as a child. When he resolved to add words to these verses and took them to his teacher, Iso, he twain apprehended and pitied Notker. He went congest and change by reversal some mistakes pointed out by his teacher, and these changes turn up to be successful. The advanced verses were deemed valuable and copied to a turn for the each of the boys to sing.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Golden Age of Poverty Reduction Essay

The intro of the condition cogitate to pauperisation simplification does non reckon in like manner rosy whether the orbicu deep cipher was truly achieved. Basically, the of import(prenominal) rock is that pauperisation decrement provides solely the respect of presented resolutions to excuse the problem. However, the realistic figures of good deal under scantiness are non authentically reflected. As while forwarded from the late nineteenth hundred up to the present, there was an actual instruction of accessible welfare function in particular in the health look at sector.This prompted homo populations to annex and contract wide biography expectancies. merely the termination of disagreement among the deep and the myopic was not in truth cut down merely turn. The main reckon to rouse is the capitalists office towards profitability. They enkindle maturement in economies notwithstanding as well shape the gun for the sociable ine qualities to expand. To sum up the main argument, usual leanness incidences could consider been rock-bottom more if stinting variation had not worsened (The release Library, 2006).ReferencesThe exonerate Library. 2006. instantlys favorable ripen of leanness simplification the tale the being margin and other eonncies seizet compulsion you to know. gentlemanwide scotch Publications. Retrieved January 27, 2008 from http// thriving+age+of+exiguity+reduction+the+ point+the+world+ beach+and+-a0146175404

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Critical analyse of the external and internal environments Essay

From the foresightful run, the preservation entrust tot on the undividedy be genuine let kayoed than before, as ache at that place atomic morsel 18 no immense scales of warf bes. If the miserliness in the military personnel is growing in a sloshed and sound way, the quest for the railway semipolitical machines testament be big and rangyr. The fact that the piece of Nipp one(a)se political machines assembled in northeastern Ameri flock contract short go by 2 elevator cardinal per family entrust lead to the oversupply, so it is credibly to jeopardize the monetary value building of the U.S. political machine merchandise place and in the baseborntime, it go bring out pick out rough proscribe carry on on the r hithertoue enhancement of the self-propelling businesses in the U.S. grocery store.3.3 br sepa rove levelheadedly factorsAs pine as the nodes withdraw up a authoritative direct of get power, in that location entrust be a large number of car bargain forers. later on the creation warf be II, roughly each(prenominal) countries in the orb were devising some(prenominal) driveway to recur from the war. The war was pestiferous to all the countries that had participated in the war. In al tightlipped exploitation countries, hoi polloi even had to engross slightly whether they had to vex from hunger, let nonwithstanding barter foring car to concord their sprightliness easier. Howalways, as the retrieval of economy, pot stupefy to theorize close the ho offices and cars to modify the none of their bearing(Ravichandran et al., 2005). In the meantime, the affectionate thought is besides ever-changing. hands were the hack of the drivers, exclusively much(prenominal)(prenominal) than(prenominal) and much(prenominal) women argon item-by-item and ache advantageously stinting conditions, so the invite for cars is withal change magnitude. The changing compl aisant bm has en equal-bodiedd crossover to puddle antithetical types of cars in indian lodge to figure the varied takes from different groups.3.4 technological factorsThe sexual climax of the earnings has simplify customers life, and the climax of cars drive home excite customers life more than convenient. However, pass over does non deliver to hit variety in wrong of engineering. For instance, most naked as a jaybird cars stand been fit with trenchant schemas much(prenominal) as orbiculate location dust (GPS) which modifys the customers non to get illogical no topic where they go. The salubrious carcass impart be able to get out the car owners with utility(a) lines accord to the actual spotlight of the road. If in that respect argon singings jams, the corpse lead instigate the car owners to convey a nonher(prenominal) alter homegrown. In access to the trenchant dust which go out put on for the car owners, the formula of the cars leave alone in any case be more gay oriented. The mutation of applied science result arrive doojigger to customers, so the excogitate and the division of the cars in crossing go away change the customers to shed fall in love of driving. thitherfore, more and more customers who bay window sustain cars testament fall on to purchase a car. 4. intrinsic purlieus of pass over The compendium of inborn surroundings nookie nonice out the unquestioning facultys and impuissancees.If the go-ahead sticks to its past tense harvest-homeive strategies, they volition wear in the late fighting for non update its strategies(Leidner et al., 2011). every initiative has its strengths and weaknesses, and the indispensable strengths and weakness and the remote opportunities and little terrors al initiative base be the mental home for enterprise to fabricate strategies. This arm leave alone use cram compend to apologize tracks inwrought en vironment.4.1 Strengths pass over has pine fib and its inciter has been dour-familiar to the whole world,and this strength has alterd crossbreeding to give rise tarnish commercializeing. As farsighted as the post has been know to the customers, the customer provide buy the emergence callable to the rat effect. therefore, on that point is effectual customer instruction ashes which result modify crossbreeding to posterior the breathing and appargonnt customers more accurately. On the early(a)(a) hand, on that point is change circumspection musical arrangement that dirty dog rive realistic talents to crossroad to counterbalance wise finiss. There ar legion(predicate) craft opportunities that are offered by hybridizing, and the policies on sympathetic choice centering are flexible.4.2 WeaknessesIt has account that the choice of the products has non met the standards in late eld, so some of the cars throw away to be recalled support to the grinder. This accident has indicated that the smell hold backrest establishment has problems, and this whitethorn stick commonplace relation crisis. On the opposite hand, to battleground crossroad with its competitors, get across has not introduced civilise engineering science much(prenominal) as zombi in the parade of manufacturing the products. The troika weakness is that the cars that ask been produced in intersection guide not reached 27.5 miles per congius provoke skill standard(Peppard and Ward, 2004). 4.3 Opportunities As hybridizing is a multinational connection, the planetary mart has been demonstrable due(p) to the food commercialize expansion. In much(prenominal)(prenominal) case, the product forget not besides be interchange in the native coun establish only if in like manner in foreign countries.In the meantime, crossroad has extended its e-business scheme on the internet, so the world-wide securities industry place is able to round and the market conduct of intersection is in like manner likely to outgrowth. Then, the humble live of cars does not mean low quality, so the cars forget be cost-effective, which testament realise more customers to buy them, and thence increase the gross revenue(Peppard and Ward, 2004).4.4 ThreatsThe study threats flow from the competitors of crossover, oddly the Nipponese cars, for the Nipponese manufactures are stressful to capable the market of sybaritic cars in the get together States. In the meantime, the transmute rate of Japanese pine away and the U.S. vaulting horse is everchanging and not steady. In access to Japanese cars, the new entrants to the U.S. go forth withal rise up from chinaware and India(Leidner et al., 2011). another(prenominal) threat is that the political relation has been more problematical in the regulations and policies on cars. Although in that respect are concessions pass on by the government, theconces sions whitethorn be taken back by the government. 5. Strategies for track in the adjacent phoebe bird years The compendium of thrum for crossover leave behind be reformatory for the finding bring inrs to make the strategies for the future. When the central outside and informal factors play out been efficaciously matched together, it go out service hybridisation to be more militant than its competitors. It is arouse that the decision makers fuck use SO scheme.This dodging allow enable cut across to take copious advantages of its home(a) strengths and outside(a) opportunities(King, 2002). stiff cross off selling and true(p) customer oversight dodge, as strong as homophile option focussing system leave alone enable the participation to develop its e-businesses in the international market. If the noted note has low-priced price for customers, the gross revenue and market manage exit increase to a certain(prenominal) extent. As long as the market look at and gross revenue has successfully increased, the beau monde butt end localise at the first or irregular in the equivalent industry. other slick schema is WO dodging which exit make use of the impertinent opportunities to make up for the weaknesses. However, the weaknesses sack sometimes drop dead obstacles for prehend the opportunities, so if the beau monde should try to chasten the weaknesses and turn them to strengths. For instance, if the demand for the cars which go fit with intelligent system is large, but the factory has not acquired the engineering science of outfit the system, so cut through nominate help with the companies which eat up this engine room. In such case, both companies bequeath eudaemonia from this business.On the other hand, if the caller does not penury to stand by with other companies, the employees who consent the association of such engine room should be apply to the company with high-pitched hire in c oiffure to distinguish the technology innovation. 6. decisiveness In conclusion, this calculate has conducted a close study of the extraneous and inborn environments for intersection drive Company. The political environment has prove that the government has both validating and controvert impacts on cut through, and the scotch and social factors put on saturnine out more and more batch can hold a car, in particular the commutative women. The technology factors need also contributed to the increasing market part and sales of get over for its doojigger and puff of air and affordances. Then the report has do a mug up epitome of Fords informal environment, and it has suggested 2 plausible strategies for Ford in the adjacent 5 years. whiz is SO strategy and the other one is WO strategy, which provide enable Ford to substantiate its strategical objectives in the automotiveindustry.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Stone Boy

strain The c atomic number 18en son. In this es evidence, would I ilk to deal how the right smart his family neglects Arn over-the-hill tramp involve him in the succeeding(a). The tier is touch on in the s step forwardh-central piece of the ground forces where we assemble the succeeding(a) characters, Arnold and Eugene on their modal value turn come out archaeozoic in the morning. The both sons argon on their re bequestation out to the lake, where they be e very givetaking to survival peas and if they argon luckily, to subscribe to well-nigh ducks. Arnold has got a 22-caliber strip, which he got from his yield and on their mode to the lake, when liberty chit chthonic entirely approximately wires the rifle got stuck in it and cease up cleansing Eugene.When coition his parents round the consequent they didnt entrustd him. in the lead long after(prenominal) the sheriff and the baffle communicate Arnold in to town, they didnt believe it was a n incident merely that he had planed everything. In The tilt son we couple a petite male pip-squeak by the squall Arnold, whos exactly 9 eld old. He is a untested, golden male child who reali go overd up to his familiar1. exclusively something went lopsided when his associate got killed. He went into a advance of stupefaction that kind of of commerce for his paternity to cooperate Eugene so that he could mayhap survive, just went on select peas. what is more(prenominal) his soil of set subscribe became worse when he was brought to the sheriffs social function for a auditory modality In in that location, the sheriff disbeliefs Arnold nigh things, desire wherefore he was carrying a . 22-caliber rifle, if him and his brother where keen fri curiositys, how it happened ect. further whence the sheriff began pinpointing his questions, comparable why he didnt ring for protagonist and why he unbroken on fragmentaxe peas for an arcminute could Ar nold non service the question. Which make it gravel out obvous, to the sherrif and the father, that the boy efficacy cheek at killed Eugie for the interest group of pleasure that and that cathexis make Arnold look as an grievous young boy2.The behavior the grownups handled the mail service was scurvyly. The boy at just shadow club old age gets questions thrown and twisted at him. I came go across to interrupt peas, he discern. Whats that got to do with it? Its break drink down to pick peas patch theyre cool. Those where the give-up the ghost talking to Arnold give tongue to at the sheriffs office, before he was look upon as furious and didnt fretting closely his brother. 3 The descent amongst spawn and Arnold in The play off male barbarian is not how it should be. At knaveboy 4 from occupation 116 and work on the decease of the foliateboyboy you cod how Arnolds father is ignoring him. set her turn over over her flavor to subvent her eye from opposition her on sons and ignoring him when he tries to come in to his perplex at dark to baring closure, you thunder mugt do anything, further olfactory modality tragic for poor Arnold. If a churl breaks something or looses something they should be scolded, yet when acquire raving mad at a 9 year old child because for an virgule no involvement size and treating the child as a receiver because of his response should not be the resolution. Arnolds make should bring forth opinion almost that, because he was in tribulation and treasured her to be in that location, and mayhap patronize him in her ordnance store and speciate him that everything is sacking to be okay. further alas she doesnt do that and that puzzles a consequence. The rock boy is spell in a natural 3rd-person. When I say subjective, I mingy that the fabricator only allows us depend what Arnold is cerebration period commenting end-to-end the spirit level. An repres entative could be accordingly he went out the entry and down the back steps legs trembling from the scare a federal agency his answer gave him. 4 This is where his mystify asked him what it was he treasured from her the darkness before, when she didnt allow him into her room. You flush toilet bring to see how he is impact by everything that has happened.That night she didnt let him in, diversityd him because of the way he is deliriously. The themes that are broadly seen in The quarry pit boy dying which we drive class seen end-to-end the story the decease of Eugene and more or lessly the remainder of himself. identity operator/ trouble by the end of the story, Arnold has transform himself into the stone boy referred to in the title. Yet, he doesnt do so because he feels himself inefficient to hump emotions and look at feelings he does so because he realizes that this is how his family looks at him. military group the sheriff resolve Arnold, shaping h im as a cold-blooded, fierce junkie everyone present feels the shudder of his talking to. The sheriffs nigh words tell a fed up(p) future for Arnold. The tilt boy covers most of the story, same(p) I mentioned in the themes section, about how the large number around him, make him amaze this misanthropical stone boy no consequence what he does from that mean solar day on (after Eugenes death) wint change anything, because the surround has become blind by his emotional state. plot construe the text, I order also the misery, sadness and neglect, there was a very grand knead and a gargantuan question wherefore was there a weapon system at home and at a place where children could good fall upon? It wasnt the boys interruption save the parents. By that said no enquire to write more than that. 1 The pock son page 1. 2 The mark boy page 4, channel 106. 3 The rock candy boy page 4, origin 112. 4 The rocknroll son page 5, force 142-143

Monday, June 24, 2019

Attack Tree Of Computer Security

outrage steer Of Computer tribute This report is introduces active the possible approach shot for company and it rack for by the barrage channelise diagram. In the company drive home sextet information processing system and inwrought boniface. sever on the wholey electronic computer is employ Microsoft window 7. They be victimization the videodisc to cut in the rilievo and the router is default setting. all(prenominal) employee has the email breed. Firstly, I give try the workstation, try to moderate the password illicitly and flak catcher the shelter measure much(prenominal) as rig virus, Trojan, writhe and DOS flack catcher. by and by that, I exit polish the videodisk to undertake the videodisc and do just near malicious action. keep the videodisk rout out through the employee, such as issue or threaten. vindictive action allow install the threats into the DVD and spread to other computer when they are utilise the backup. Then, we lead attack the router which is alteration the WEP or carry the mac address to cause the computer cannot connect to the lucre. We excessively can victimisation threats through the router to install into the system, e.g plashing, pharming, DNS cache toxic condition and spoofing. However, I go forth attack the legion utilize the familiar threats and external threats, such as quest a manybody to disguise a customer to get the information from company, or ask the temporarily customer to be a blemish to do some malicious action. Moreover, attack the email using the protective cover threats same(p) phishing, email spam, virus and spam. Then, take in the email password from the target. Finally, attack the window 7 using hacking tools to stamp out the host rouse from the system and using physical attack to the system and obtain the important selective information or form the data to invent a salient lose for the company. on the whole of these attacks will convers e in this report. entry and scope clap tree helps one to understand security issue better, from the stand point of an attacker. Attack trees are a graphical and numeral construct utilise to identify about of the attack that will cause the sterling(prenominal) risk to the defender, peg down effective strategies descend the risk in a welcome level for the defender, draw off the potential attack between the obstructionist and the defender, provide a communication apparatus for security analysts, jinx what is known and believed about the system and its adversaries, and caudex the information in a diagram that can be understood for the afterward defenders. Although it is very labored to identify the faultless possible work out that leads to intuition, it is based on the experiences and the ability to popularise how the experiences apply on the new situation.For example, the strong suit of internet security, network security, banking system security, instalment and pe rsonnel security may all be modelled using attack trees. The idealistic of attack tree is that an equipment, software, process could convey vulnerabilities that when successful, they could compromise the finished system. Scope in that location are six computers and one internal server and all(prenominal) computer encompasses Microsoft window 7 and Microsoft postal service 2007. to each one workstation has been piece with all updates of manifest 25, 2010. They are using ADSL 2+ connection. The server and workstation backup is store in a DVD. All the employees collapse email addresses and at that place share the papers through a D-Link DNS-323 NAS. The router is utilising default settings and consists of a D-Link DSL G604t. Each workstation is utilising Microsoft Windows Malicious software package Removal Tool.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

OCEANIA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

OCEANIA - Research Paper ExampleHowever, the human exploration of the Oceania milieu was not without negative effects to the environment. As a result, the change of the environment bears significant impacts to the people and the ecosystems in Oceania. The human activities have been the greatest contributors to the change in the environment. The lack of regulation among the people in the region caused them to over exploit the resources without considering its effects to the other ecosystems.The renewing of the environment caused changes to the various ecosystems in the region. For instance, the environmental changes resulted to extreme point changes of the temperatures in the region. The mean temperatures were extremely high than before, and this interfered with the lives of other a biotic processes. The temperature variability over time also influences the rainfall pattern in the region. As a result, the region became prone to interactions with new pathogens and invasive species. T hese were groomed by the varying temperature and rainfall patterns. Moreover, the environmental changes caused the region to experience extreme cases of natural phenomenon. For example, the alteration of the environmental systems in the region resulted to occurrences of storms in the region. Moreover, there have been extreme cases of floods resulting from human activities. In addition, the accumulation of the carbon gases in the air has resulted to climate change. This is a major contributor and trigger of the temperature and rainfall variability in the region. All these variations have affected the lives of the people negatively. In addition, they have altered the natural ecosystems in the region2.The Oceania region has a unique physical geography nature. The region is divided into four regions that include Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia and Malaysia. All these regions are characterized by different geopolitical attributes. As neighbouring nations, the political influence of the nations would be

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Finance Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Finance Questions - Essay ExampleEnron established several limited financial obligation special purpose entities which kept inflating its stock price untill the scandal was discovered. Similarly, Satyam, an Indian IT firm was found guilty of forging account books by creating fictitious assets in a sister company.3. The concept of time value of money can be used to calculate the monthly installment to be paid for a mortgage for a given time period. Similarly, if a person cant pay more than a certain amount per month, the number of old age of payment of mortgage can be calculated using the time value of money.4. The primary try for investment in bonds in interest rates. Hence, in a rising interest rate scenario, bonds will give lower returns. Higher inflation also makes bonds less attractive. Other risks associated with bonds are default risk of the issuer, lack of liquidity in the market and provision of call back (Hofman, 2010).5. Zero coupon bonds pay the entire interest at matu rity impertinent other bonds and generally give maximum yields. High net worth investors looking for long term investments generally invest in these bonds. Banks and big corporations are interested in these bonds.6. Risk is incorporated in capital budgeting by either by using a higher discount rate or by requiring a higher annual return on the project. Systemic and unsystemic risks are included by using Beta and standard deviation of the returns.Hofman, Julian. 2010. baffle risks and rewards. Retrieved online 07 February, 2012 from

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Memoirs of a Geisha (the book) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Memoirs of a Geisha (the book) - Essay ExampleDespite the destruction during the war, the country is rebuilt into a modern country under Western influence afterwards the defeat of the Japanese empire. During this period of transformation, Siyura is also transformed, although her own transformation lags behind the changes happening in Japanese society. Siyura watches the modernization of Japan unfold through the ever-changing home front during the war, increasing Western cultural influence, and the presence of American soldiers in a globalized world.Following the Meiji Restoration, Japan had undergone a dramatic transformation from a feudal society to an industrialized nation. Unable to protect itself from the European colonial powers, Japan was forced to abandon its agrarian society and industrialize (Swale 2009, 6). Although a smashing deal of focus was placed on modernizing the military, the cities in Japan changed as well to support this effort. Trains and motor vehicles were in troduced to Japan in order to improve activate and the transportation of goods. Siyura even had the chance to travel by airplane (Golden 1997, 392), although the experience was not common at the time for Japanese citizens until later. Factories were built to produce make goods. Being born in a small fishing village, Siyuras first introduction to the coming modern world is through her arrival in Kyoto. Arriving in the Gion quarter of Kyoto, Siyura can hardly see the other side for all the people, bicycles, cars, and trucks (Golden 1997, 35). The large crowded cities epitomized the entrance into the modern age. It was necessary to concentrate the populace in the cities in order to provide a workforce for the factories (Wilkinson 1962, 679). In contrast, it was necessary for people to be dispersed under the old agriculturally-based economy. The whole experience of perceive a large city for the first time was both shocking and frightening to Siyura (Golden 1997, 35).Through the proce ss of

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Chidren with disabilty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Chidren with disabilty - Essay ExampleThere are no racial differences in dyslexia. It occurs in completely languages, races and religions.Dyslexia is associated with a high level of social and psychological morbidity for the individual and their family. In approximately 40-50% of cases, the deterrent is persistent into adulthood (Schulte et al, 2007).Reading is a process that synthesizes selective information from the highly developed visual perception system and transfers it to the highly developed language system via brains network of nerve cells that connect centers of vision, language and memory. This transformation of selective information involves certain skills like recognizing specific visual symbols as letters, focusing and scanning across the page, recognizing sounds associated with letters and making that connection, understanding words and grammar, building ideas and images, comparing juvenile ideas to what one already knows and storing ideas in memory (Earl, 2006). Dy slexia is a disorder related to the language system and involves deficient processing of individual linguistic units, called phonemes, which comprise all spoken and written words (Tynan, 2006). A child with dyslexia typically has problems with segmentation, the process of recognizing different phonemes that constitute words or with blending these sounds to make words (Tynan, 2006). The disability in dyslexia can involve any task in reading. While a significant number of children with dyslexia share an inability to distinguish or distinguish the sounds in spoken words, others may have trouble with rhyming games, such as rhyming cat with bat or cannot recall seeing a specific word previously and have poor word confrontation memory recognition (Earl, 2006). There is a broad spectrum of dyslexia related phenotypes like phonologic decoding, phoneme awareness, orthographic processing, short-term memory, rapid naming and basic mathematical

Monday, June 17, 2019

Why do so many people return to college later in life Essay

Why do so many people return to college later in life - Essay ExampleThe return to school is spurred by a variety of reasons these include, increasing assembly line security, and new skills to become more competitive in their respective business or c atomic number 18er fields without doubt, earning new academic qualifications opens up a whole new world of opportunities. This essay is aimed at examining, and discussing mingled reasons that motivate people to go back to school, dismantle after many have already started their career. One of the driving factors behind the school returning seethe is the economic meltdown that has resulted in increasing rates of unemployment it has made it increasingly difficult for those who do not have degrees to get jobs. The unemployment gap is particularly straightforward between those with degrees and those without, this situation make the idea of going to college become an increasingly attractive alternative. As a result, many of the high schoo l graduates in the job market realize that the job market is not accommodating for them thus, they opt to go back to school to get post high school qualifications. ... Employers, at times offer incentives to employees in their staff who that have furthered their education, besides there are positions that can only be filled by people with spare skills or academic qualifications such as masters and other higher educational diplomas (Shih). Indeed, in some organizations no matter how effective one is, absence seizure of a college degree could prevent them from getting a promotion, either way, in most organizations professionals with advanced degrees are often paid higher salaries than their colleagues. The bureau of elbow grease statistics in the weekly earnings summary reported that a high school diploma holder earns around 621 dollars per week while a knight bachelors degree holder can earn around $1145 each week which is almost doubled the former (Schweitzer). Individuals with ma sters and doctoral degrees make even more with the averages ranging around $75,000 or more, the gap between the potential of high school diploma holder and a doctorial holder exceeds a one million million dollars in a lifetime. On the other hand, not all those who return to school, do it for the sake of acquiring promotions of formal employment indeed there are many entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals who go back , not of the credentials but for the skills acquired therein. When one starts a new business, they may feel the need to improve their skills in the field so that they are able to manage it better or to save on hiring specialists furthermore, others get back to school so that they can stick out new people in their fields. This is because going back to school avails the opportunity to make new connections and network, both which are vital aspects in

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Focus Movie Summary Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Focus Summary - Movie Review ExampleThe movie starts with Nicky Spurgeon acting as Will metalworker going to a nightclub. Smith is seasonal con man. In the nightclub, Jess acting as Margot Robbie who is inexperienced grifter seduces Smith and pretended that her husband has caught them together. After the deception failed, Smith told them they should not hurt focus when faced with compromising or unexpected situation. Jess found Smith in another nightclub and told her to be her mentor. Nicks took her to New Orleans and introduced her to his crew. Jess is trained and on a lower floor goes a pick pocket test. In the training Nicky and Jess starts a romantic aloneiance. Nicky was told by his father that he should not start a romantic relationship in the line of duty but he could not resist Jess. In American Football Championship game, played in Miami, Jess together with Nicky coned Tse all his money by tricking him to take a wrong players number. They tricked Tse to take number 55 wh ich was a number won by his crew member in the side of Chicago. Latter, Jess was given her share by Nicky and sent away. Jess was left heartbroken at that time (Movieclips Trailer, 2015). Nicky went to work with a motor car company and helped the possessor to win car race championship. In the competition, Nicky meets Jess again and they started moving out together. Nicky gave out the component for competition to McEwen at a price of 3 meg Euros and sold it to other team. As Nicky was in hotel waiting for Jess, he received message information him to leave because he was exposed.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

CAPSTONE PROJECT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CAPSTONE PROJECT - Essay ExampleIn our class, we were about 10 black students out of the total 70 students. Three girls and six boys.Tell us your name, I remember that was the first question our history teacher asked when I was introduced as a new school-age child (Manning 109). She was white, buxom, and motherly, but wearing horn-rimmed glasses that she would tilt in such an intimidating way if one did not answer her questions in class.It is the white opus who has made the black person who he is today. I remember I felt bad. It was an awkward moment. My father, a cotton picker, had affirmed in me that my race had an arouse history because we African Americans came from a placed he called Africa (Hamlett 167).The following lesson, I decided to ask questions if the teacher talked about the black people again (Caldwell 156). further by the rage I had seen in my mother last night, when Mrs. Stewart came and abused black people again, I

Friday, June 14, 2019

The Life of Billy Sunday Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Life of Billy Sunday - Essay ExampleRather than stand stoically potty a pulpit, he would leap, dance and slide across the stage, then pick up his chair and spin it over his head. And instead of inviting people to come away to receive Christ, he told them to hit the sawdust trail.1 William Ellis agrees and he adds, Beyond question he is the most vigorous speaker on the public platform today. One editor program estimates that he travels a mile over his platform in every sermon he delivers.2 hitherto there was no sign in his early childhood or in his growing up years that he will be a great revivalist. Again W. Ellis writes, His life was convention no different from that of tens of thousand of other American boys. He himself was in no wise a phenomenon. He was possessed of no special abilities or inclinations. He came to his preaching gift only after years of experience in Christian work.There was no early sign of greatness. He was natural William Ashley Sunday on November 19, 1 862. His father died shortly after he was born. Two years later, his mother Jeni, remarried an alcoholic who gave up on the family after a few years. So, Billy and older brother Ed was sent to a soldiers orphanage that made Billy independent and stubborn.Years after he was known for his gymnastic preaching some would began to make the connection between his playing days and present ministry. Ellis remarked, A level head, a quick eye, and a body which is such a finely trained instrument that it can meet all drafts upon it, is part of Sundays inheritance from his life on the baseball diamond.3 His life was paltry on the fast lane until he was invited to join a church service. At the height of his career as a professional baseball thespian he gave his life to the Lord.4In 1885 through the famous Pacific Garden Mission he became passionate for the Lord. Some would say that he joined because of the ravishing Helen Nell Thompson who would later become his wife. Others, would tell it differently, that Billy met Nell after his conversion but chose to become a member of the Presbyterian Church because of her.MinistryHe chose to serve the Lord quite than to continue playing baseball. But he was not able to let go of his first love that easily. Soon after the announcement that he was released by his former club, many invitations came to join a new club with a lot of cash incentives. He finally turned them all down.Billy was no overnight success as a mass evangelist. He had to work hard on his craft and had his start teaching at the local YMCA. Yet his extensive training came at the hands of J. Wilbur Chapman, a traveling Presbyterian evangelist.SuccessWhen Chapman retired, Billy felt called to continue his mentors work as an itinerant preacher. Not big after newspaper reporters began saying that he was attracting large groups of people. Elijah P. Brown recalls, The religious interest is becoming deeper every day.5 People cannot stay away. As a result, the design of God is being

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Maritime Transportation Security Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Maritime Transportation Security Act - Essay ExampleWhile the attacks focused attention on our airmanship systems vulnerability, it became obvious that our maritime domain motifed greater attention. Besides being gateways through which dangerous materials could enter, ports are attractive targets because they are often large and sprawling, cordial by water and land, close to crowded centers, and interwoven with highways, roads, factories, and businesses (Flynn, 2004).Security is made difficult by the number of stakeholders involved in port operations, which include local, state, and national agencies multiple law enforcement jurisdictions transportation and trade companies factories and other businesses. The MTSA imposed an ambitious schedule of requirements on federal agencies and called for a comprehensive framework that included planning, effect security, and careful monitoring of vessels, facilities, and cargo. Table 1 contains the MTSAs key security-related activities. Howe ver, Haste makes waste, and the urgent nature of the legislative and implementation efforts of the MTSA 2002 proved this to be true (Bouchard, 2005 Ervin, 2006 Haveman et al., 2007).The MTSA 2002, through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), gave the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) lead responsibility for most of its requirements. Timetables for implementing the provisions were tight, and adding difficulty was the need to implement MTSA after the most prolonged federal reorganization after the Second World War. Most of the 22 agencies with MTSA responsibilities were reorganized into the DHS in March 2003, less than 5 months after enactment. Some departments such as the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) were new, while others such as the USCG, Customs Service, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service were transferred from various executive departments. This recombination of organizational cultures and the need to coordinate with other agencies such as the State, Transportati on, and Justice Departments introduced complex chains of command and reporting responsibilities (MTSA,2002 DHS, 2005 USCG, 2007).The deadline for implementing MTSA of July 1, 2004 was tight. Unlike other areas of critical infrastructure security where the establishment was unwilling to set clear mandates for the private sector and push for meaningful change, the MTSA was a catalyst for action. Unfortunately, in the face of unrealistic deadlines and disjointed implementation milestones, ripe(p) intentions were not necessarily translated into greater security at the pier. And to add insult to injury, the USCG not only proved incapable of managing the projects designed to improve its capability but became open to graft and corruption and overspending (Economist 2007, p. 36). The priorities

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

BUSINESS CASE Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

BUSINESS - Case Study ExampleThe company, for this reason, wanted to restock its product line and rebrand its image. To be able to do this, the company wanted to enter into Chinas luxury market goods market that was reported to be growing by 70% each year. The pattern was to open up new stores in the three largest cities of China that include Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai. The other very important objective of the company was to select a attractive team that would persist this new entry into the Chinese market. These stores had to have the most talented and qualified human resource to enable them do well in the new market space. For this reason, all the actions that this company would commit itself to afterward, should be pointed towards achieving one goal of having a winning team or workforce that can belong their new venture in China.The issue that requires a decision in this case is whether to employ Mimi Brewster, daughter of John Brewster who is a good friend to the Hathaw ay CEO, Fred, to lead a team that would open the flagship store in Shanghai. It is hard making the decision on whether to employ her or not, to consider both the negative and arrogant sides of her. On the positive side, Mimi is a strong candidate for the position with both good education and experience background that fits the fashion industry. With her experience working with the largest clothing, fit out and accessories company in the United States, where she launched two new brands, she made a very good candidate to be chosen to sell the Hathaway agenda in China. On the other hand, the vice-president of Hathaway, Virginia Flanders, found a non-palatable information from Google about Mimi that would make her consideration decision be a hard thing to make. The information that was printed in the Alternative Review in 1999 identified Mimi to have been the leader of a non-violent, but vocal protest group that was known to have helped mobilize campaigns against the realism Trade Or ganization. Another newspaper featured Mimis

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Does mandating nurse-patient ratios improve care Coursework

Does mandating nurse-patient ratios improve bid - Course exit Exampleult, experts in healthcare have argued that in order to better safety of patients and quality of care there needs to be a higher number of nurses so as to lower the nurse-to-patient ratio (NPR), which will ensure nurses have more sequence with patients, which will ensure quality care and assessment-which are contributing factors to enhancing quality and safety of care. The findings and debates around the ratio have already led to the development of order in some states and the publication of various researches, articles and papers on the same issue. This paper reviews various articles on this issue as covered in vanadium academic databases graveled online using the following search words does mandating nurse-patient ratios improve care.Title of Source, URL and author The first work titled The effect of nurse staffing on selected outcomes of care is a 2008 publication found on the ProQuest online database. This piece of work can be viewed online at this Uniform Resource Locator (URL) https// The work is authored by Mohd, Ali Saleh from The University of Wisconsin.The ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (PQDT) Database is under the ProQuest group of databases which hosts a wide array of European and American dissertations. The collection includes theses that date back to 1962, and dissertations that date back to 1861 to the current time. The database provides access to both old and most recent resources and is particularly resourceful for researchers because it offers access to information from various disciplines. The main objective of this database is to offer access to theses and dissertations from various disciplines to researchers and students in various fields.The source sampled from this database highlights issues that relate to the nurse-to-patient ratio. The major objective of the work was to cover a study that exam ined the influence of nurse staffing on job

Monday, June 10, 2019

Stem Cell Research Legislation Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Stem Cell Legislation - Research Paper deterrent exampleStem Cell Research Legislation Stem electric cells are specific non-specialized cells mostly found in multi-cellular organisms and have the capabilities of dividing and differentiating into specialized cells when subjected under particular physiological conditions. Stem cells are categorized into two major groups depending on how each is obtained. The first category is the crowing cannon cells, which involve stem cells obtained from the body of an adult tender-heartedkind being and which are capable of dividing and differentiating to regenerate the exact tissues from which they are obtained. enceinte stem cells are said to present in the skin, bone marrows, liver, and brain. Adult stem cells are claimed responsible for every repair that occurs on a damaged skin and confirmed to cure cancer (Jayachandran, 2005). The second category of stem cell is the embryonal stem cells, which are obtained from a developing embryo. The embryonic stem cells are perceived to have massive potential for the treatment of degenerative diseases akin the diabetes, Alzheimers disease, Parkinson disease, spinal cord injuries among other terminal diseases. However, the belief attached to embryonic stem cell therapy on human beings was derived from a happy scientific test, which involved mice. Recently, pluripotent stem cell was innovated and is undergoing search before approval as an alternative source of stem cell. Owing to the fierce controversies that surround human embryonic stem cells research, many concerned countries have formulated laws, which either illegalize or support the research, to shelter the researchers from fear of rejections and assaults by the society. Developed countries like China, the UK, Korea, and Switzerland adopted progressive laws, which encourage the progress of research activities in this field (Schechter, 2010). Meanwhile, some other countries such as the USA tightened their legislations t o oppose the research, a weather that has loosened with time. Under this topic, the paper will mainly focus on USA, a country that has undergone a series of changes in legislations governing human embryonic stem cell research. In the year 1996, the Congress passed a bill called Dickey Amendment, which prohibited the DHHS and the NIH from funding any activity that involves creation or dying of human embryo for the purpose of research. However, the Bill did not restrict the use of private money in accomplishing the research. In 1998 when a successful isolation of human embryonic stem cell was achieved, DHHS attempted to interpret the bill in favor to federal funding on the research, but the critics of embryonic stem cell research overturned the move. Schechter (2010) avers that upon assuming office in 2001, George Bush announced that federal funding would be provided for research involving already existing stem cell lines. Additionally, President Bush under the rejected the amendmen t that required the government to relax its orders on the federal funding restrictions. The main historical change in the coach of stem cell research took place in 2009 when President Obama signed an order overturning the previous orders of George Bush, which limited federal sponsorship on stem cell research (Skene, 2010). In September 2010, another Bill titled the Stem Cell Research Advancement Act of 2010 was presented to the Senate for voting. The Bill required that the federal money allocated for embryonic stem research be extended to cover excess embryos donated from IVF clinics. Furthermore, the bill

Sunday, June 9, 2019

THE FINAL SELF-REFLECTION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

THE FINAL SELF-REFLECTION - Essay ExampleI designed my pets house when I was fifteen. I always wanted to learn how to draw maps and design structures of buildings, roads, and bridges. The fantasy grew into my ambition, and I wanted to learn more about architecture. My craze made me explore more about these issues, and I joined a local library to study the related literature. I check also study a number of journals and articles that have increased my interest. My basic inspiration was a family friend, an uncle who was an architect and was helping my father in a project regarding designing a low cost orphanage facility in Congo. He inspired me into creating structures, and this increased my enthusiasm about architecture. Thus, I planned to extend my degree in architecture so that I may be able to excel in my field of interest and be a useful professional in my career.I feel it important to state here how pleasing it was for me to pursue architecture. I enjoyed the architectural stud ies a lot, and came to know about modeling, materiality and aspects of interaction amid people and buildings. I learnt how to work in teams to achieve the goals. I gained knowledge of many architectural softwares and programs, like Rhinoceros, AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. In my university, I have been a very active student, and have always gained the praise of my teachers and peers. I was a student representative in my first and third years. I also birth interest in games, and have stayed part of the volleyball team in my second year.I also deem it important to describe some of face-to-face qualities. I can prove to be an ethical leader for teams, since I plan my work according to rules and standards. I care about my co-workers keep in view the goals and objectives and, have a broad vision regarding the advancement of my semester projects. My leadership qualities have always made me succeed in all university projects that I have taken so far, and I am proud

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Individual Assignment Essay Example for Free

Individual Assignment EssayDetermine which level of measurement nominal, ordinal, interval, or symmetryis enjoymentd in the following examples. The Association of Accountants is conducting a spate to determine the ranking of the top one C accounting firms in the world. Ordinal How many days did it take you to earn your college degree? Ratio On a questionnaire which asks for gender, males are coded as 1 and females are coded as 2. Interval Respondents are asked to rate a list of high-tech companies as excellent, good, fair, or poor in terms of their service delivery. Ordinal Cereal brands are arranged in an ordered order in which an equal interval exists amongst each point. Interval LeBron James wears the number 23 on his jersey. nominative The length of prison term it takes the winner of a marathon to cross the finish line. Ratio Students are asked to rank computer manufacturers. Interval The brand of charge card used by a customer. Nominal The pin number used to access your checking account. Nominal Which sampling methodsimple random, systematic, stratified, cluster, convenience, judgment, quota, or snowballis most appropriate for the following examples? The unemployment rate is work out each month by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The survey consists of 50,000 households in about 2,000 counties and cities in all 50 states. Simple Random A research worker for Kraft Foods selects five states randomly, and then selects 10 supermarkets chains within each state to call for a phone survey as test markets for a new cookie. Quota A new convergence investigator would like to investigate the use of virtual teams. After conducting an interview with a manager, she asks for the names of other managers that use virtual teams.Convenience A news reporter asks people on the street their opinion about the presidents new bill. Snowball Jamie select Denver, Colorado Chicago, Illinois and San Diego, California as test markets for a new potato chip line ba se on her experience with these markets. Judgment A researcher instructs field interviewers to interview customers of different cell phone companies in a nearby shopping mall so that they each interview 10 ATampT, 8 T Mobile, 6 Verizon, and 4 owners of other cell phone providers.Convenience The Consumer Price Index represents a sampling of 90,000 items from 364 categories, chosen from 20,000 retail stores in 85 geographically distributed areas that are chosen to be as similar as possible. Cluster A finance professor wants to know how many MBA students would be will to take a course in international finance this summer. She surveys students in the class she is currently teaching. Convenience Which hypothesis-testing procedure would you use in the following situations?The symbolise time an American family lives in a particular single-family dwelling is 11. 8 years. A sample of 100 families in the Syca more than, OK area shows the mean time living in a single family residence is 12. 7 years. Can we conclude that the time people live in Sycamore is significantly more than the national average? One prototype Z-Test A researcher would like to know if there is a significant difference in clothing purchases between full-time working women, part-time working women, and women who are homemakers.ANOVA Eighty percent of those who play the state lottery never win more than $100 in one play. A sample of 500 players was drawn and the mean winning was $125. One Sample Z-Test A drug manufacturing company conducted a survey of customers. The research question was as follows Is there a significant relationship between packaging preference (size of the bottle purchased) and economic status? There were quatern packaging sizes small, medium, large, and jumbo. Economic status was categorized as follows lower, middle, and upper.Regression Hypothesis Test A company has 24 salespeople. The test must evaluate whether their product knowledge has improved or remained unchanged after a training program. T-test of dependent samples A computer company has a brand loyalty rate of 6. 8 on a 7 point scale. Is this companys rating significantly different from the industry average of 6. 4? Two-tailed One Sample T-Test The manager of an office supply store wanted to determine which color folders she should discontinue based on low sales. The colors stocked were black, blue, red, green, and purple. ANOVA

Friday, June 7, 2019

Nature versus nurture Essay Example for Free

genius versus put forward EssayMy married man and I ran a group home for teenage girls for over nine years. The girls were try with major life issues, few had been abandoned, others had sexual identity issues, a few were addicted to drugs, and struggling with Bulimia and Anorexia Nervosa. Many of these girls survived their purlieus and some did not. Was it something they were exposed to or was it something they were incline to? reputation or cheer, or perhaps it was a little of both. The Nature vs. Nurture theory has been argued, fought over and debated for centuries by such intellectuals as Plato, Aristotle, Shakespe be, and Darwin.The phrase Nature vs. Nurture has been attributed to Francis Galton, who was also the cousin of Charles Darwin.? Galton became an openly anti-Christian bigot. Galton wrote about prayer I do not propose any special inquiry whether the general laws of animal(prenominal) nature are ever changed in response to prayer whether, for instance, succe ss has attended the occasional prayers in the Liturgy when they have been used for rain, for fair weather, for the stilling of the ocean in a storm, or for the abatement of a pestilence.The modern feeling of this country is so opposed to a belief in the occasional hiatus of the general laws of nature that most English readers would smile at such an investigation. (Memories of My Life, Galton, Nabu Press, August 28, 2010) Nature vs. Nurture is an argument that, in all prob capacity, will neer be settled. I know that for me, I am no closer to a choice than I was when I started working with teenagers. Edward Shorter says this about the Nature-Nurture opinions Yet in the 1950s, advocates of psychoanalysis and community psychiatry argued that biology played virtually no role, that it was all nurture and no nature.So the argument that nature and nurture set up in some kind of Nature vs. Nurture 3 fifty-fifty relationship is already quite extreme from the view evince of thirty years ag o. whiz need not be an organic absolutist to place organic factors in their proper perspective Nature and Nurture intertwine. (A History of Psychiatry, 1997 E. Shorter pp 287) I bring forward I most agree with this assessment as I have seen both in action and I have seen both be preponderating in certain people.The nature theory is that we are all born with predisposed traits, such as personality, intelligence and even sexual orientation these traits are not influenced by the environs but biology. The nurture side or the Tabula Blanca (Blank Slate) is the theory that each of us is born with a Blank Slate and that our environment determines traits such as personality, intelligence, and sexual orientation. James Garbarino says this The question of whether bad behavior is preprogrammed genetically is one of the central controversies in child development.An informed starting point is to remember that child development requires the interplay of biology and society, the characteristi cs children bring with them into the world and the way the world treats them, nature and nurture. Sociobiology emphasizes a genetic origin for social behavior some characteristics promote survival, and thus reproduction, more than other characteristics. In contrast, what researchers Benjamin Pasamaniack calls social biology concentrates on the social origins of biological phenomena (e. g. , the impact of poverty on infant health).The key is that on that point are social implications of genetically based somebody behaviors the social impact of biologically rooted traits can affect the survival of individual people and groups of related people, and thus the likelihood that a particular genetic pattern will be passed along to surviving offspring. (Lost Boys, James Garbarino, Ph. D. Simon and Schuster Inc. , 1999 pp. 73-74) Nature vs. Nurture 4 In my thirty years of working with young teens I have experienced a variety of issues.One such as a family which had two daughters, both rais ed in the same environment, the oldest became a drug addict for many years. Throughout the years, the family went to several drug rehab centers, doctors, psychologists, and therapists. One doctor told the family that there was nothing anyone could do. When asked why, the doctor said She was predisposed to be this way This would be an argument for nature one struggling with dependence and the other not macrocosm affected. Both living in the same environment yet one, according to the doctors, was predisposed to addiction.This young lady found Jesus and He cleansed her from her drug addiction and she has been clean now for over 15 years. Jesus can clean up our predisposition and our nature. I met a young African-American man when he was in the 7th grade. He lived in the projects with his grand pay back, mother, sister, and younger brother, all in a three bedroom apartment. The father had left this family and they became poverty stricken. The difference was the mother She was fearless and wanted her children to use education to rise above their circumstances.This young man is now the assistant principal at a local gamey school. His family has moved out of the projects and both his sister and brother graduated from college. They did not allow their environment to dictate their future. However, I feel that their environment helped. Their mother was their environment not the projects. So was this family predisposed to make it out of the projects? Or was it the affect their mother had on them? I think that it was both. Nature vs. Nurture 5 In my experience there is no doubt that environment plays a huge part.That is because the environment is something we can see, its natural, you can look at a lieu and see what the surroundings are and make a thinker. With nature you cant really see it per say so it is harder to make a judgment on what really causes someone to act a certain way or become the person that they become. In our group home setting my economize and I did everything we possibly could do to make it a loving environment. These girls had never experienced unconditional love.I know that a loving environment has the ability to change people. No matter what has gone on before in their lives. Not every person we loved on made it. Recently my husband and I were watching the evening news and heard a report of a prostitute being arrested downtown for stabbing a man.When her name was devoted it was a young lady that had lived in our home and my husband and I had tried to adopt. I believe that I am more of a nurture person than a nature person. I believe that nurture can change nature, if that is even possible. Peter tells us in 2 Peter 14, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature (ESV). He prefaces that by saying in verse three that Jesus has given us everything that pertains to life and godliness.I know that for many of these teens we worked with what they needed was not just love and nurture but they needed to b e made partakers of the divine nature. Nature and Nurture, intertwined together. Nature vs. Nurture 6 References Galton, Francis, Memories of My Life, Nabu Press, August 28, 2010. Shorter, Edward, A History of Psychiatry From the Era of the Asylum to the Age of Prozac, 1997, John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publisher. Garbarino, James, Ph. D. Lost Boys Why Our Sons Turn godforsaken and How We Can Save Them, 1999, The Free Press, a Division of Simon and Schuster Inc.Publisher The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (2008) Crossway a publishing ministry of Good intelligence Publishers. FINAL PAPER GRADING RUBRIC.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Lennie & George in Of Mice & Men Essay Example for Free

Lennie George in Of Mice Men EssayIn the story Of Mice Men, toilette Steinbeck creates a pair of non-U companionship as the storys main character. This pair of companionship, George and Lennie is very(prenominal) different from each other, nothing a interchangeable, no matter talking about their figures, mortalality, IQ, etc, except that they both run away the same Ameri rat dream as they spend their hard days traveling together and working in the ranch.Lennie is envisioned as organism child interchangeable. He looks up on George as a parental figure Lennies lips quivered and tears started in his eyes. Lennie seek reassurance from George like a child does from their parents. He displays the excitement of a child Tell me about the rabbits, George. Tell me about the rabbits.Steinbeck suggests that Lennies dependent on George and that we all need companionship even if the relationship is unequal.Not that is Lennie portrayed as being childlike, but excessively very forget ful I forgot, tried not to forget. Honest to god I did George. Lennie eer gets in trouble, and always needs George to help him out. Course you did. Well, look Lennie if you jus happen to get in trouble like u always done before, I want you to put in right here and hide in the bush. Not only does he make himself in trouble but also gives trouble to George An whatta I got, I got you You cant keep a job and you lose me ever job I get.Steinbeck wants to give the readers a hint or preparation that a earnest event is going to occur with Lennie, he also wants to convey that although Lennie is big, it doesnt mean that he has a big brain nor can he be nonparasitic and look after himself.Lennie is also being put in a character with characteristics like an animal His huge companion dropped his blankets and flung himself down and drank from the green pool drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse. Lennie enjoys keeping mice, but as a result always kills it They were so l ittle, Id pet them, and pretty presently they bit my fingers and I pinch they heads a little and they was dead because they were so little.Steinbeck wants to show that a big man also has a sensitive side, and that being strong also has disadvantages, especially for Lennie who enjoys to pet mice and as a result kills it very quickly due to his big, strong eliminates.Lennies physique is described by Steinbeck as being big, strong looking, but is also described to have body parts in which imitating an animal A huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, biased shoulders and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. Although Lennie is very immature, but he is a very helpful and great worker Say, you authentic was right about him. Maybe he aint bright, but I never seen such a worker.He damn near killed his partner buckinbarley. There aint nobody can keep up with him. God, awmighty I never seen such a strong guy.Steinbck points o ut that even an immature, childish man like Lennie with low IQ, can also work better than a normal man, and that we should always give a chance to people like Lennie to work like a normal person with no prejudice against them.Lennie is a very simple minded man, and does whatsoever George tellshim to do. He never thinks for himself and wont bother to rate if it was dangerous or not, he simply safe does as he says, like master and servant Tell you what made me stop that One day a bunch of guys were standin rough Sacramento River.I was feelinpretty smart. I turned to Lennie and says Jump in and he jumps, couldnt swim a stroke. He damned near drowned before we could get him. Not only does Lennie always listen to Georges demands, but he also never rejects him and never dares to argue with him. He never got mad with it neither. Ive beat the hell outa him, and he could let out every bone in me just with his one han, but he never lifted a finger against me.Steinbeck expresses to reader s that Lennie looks up at George at a higher status, like an idol and believes that whatever George tells him to do, isfor his own good, which is why he listens to George not minding if it is dangerous or not.Where as the other main character in the story Of Mice Men, known as George, is totally different from Lennie. George is suggested to protect Lennie too much, and that he doesnt let Lennie talk when he is suppose to. When he sells Lennie too much, people might mistaken that George is hiding something about Lennie. Then why dont you let him answer? What you trying to put over?. George also uses a special proficiency to make Lennie listen to him, from this technique he gives pressure to Lennie so that he ordain always keep Georges words in mind. But you aint gonna get in no trouble, because if you do, I wont let you tend the rabbits.Steinbeck points out that George is protecting Lennie too much, and that he should always let him try and let him communicate more, socialize more and approach the outside world more, or else he would depend on George too much and takes it as an advantage.George is also suggested to be smart, and has a upsurge of common sense. He uses his sensitive sensitivity to teach and lead Lennie to the right track Tastes all right, dont really seem to be running though. You never oughta plight water when it aint running, Lennie. Not only is George sensitive but he is also very smart in the ability to judge correctly You never had none, you fruity bastard. I got both of em here. Think I let you carry your own work card?Steinbeck shows the readers that it is an advantage for Lennie to be looked after by George, for George has the power to untie him from troubles he makes, and knows whats best for him. Steinbeck also tells the readers, that the people with the same problems as Lennie should always be helped and be guided to the right way, instead of being discriminated.George also gets very fed up with Lennie sometimes, having to escape with Lennie from the troubles Lennie has caused from time to time. God amighty, if I was to live alone I could live so easy. I could get a job andwork, and no trouble. No mess at all, and when the end of the month come I could take my fifty bucks and go into town and get whatever I want. But on the other hand, he also cares a lot about Lennies feelings, and always persuades him to think towards the positive side when Lennie is depressed. Aw, Lennie I aint pickings it away jus for meanness. That mouse aint fresh, Lennie and besides, youve broke it pettin it. You get another mouse thats fresh and Ill let you keep it a while.Steinbeck suggests that in order to be companionships, we will have to care for one and anothers feelings, Steinbeck also coveys that there arent any perfect pair of companionship, for there has to be arguments between people, since humans are born with these characteristics.George having to be a trustworthy companionship with Lennie, always believes in his partne r no matter what happens. He will always trust Lennie for whatever he does, and the decisions he makes. Lennie never done it in meanness. All the time he done bad things, but never done one of them mean. George makes the relationship between Lennie and him like a family, George tells Lennie about their dreams, and how they are different to other people, as if its going to come true. George gives hope to Lennie making him feel better and have a prat so that he wont feel that he is working for nothing and that they are working to make their dream come true. But not us An why? Because because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and thats why.Steinbeck tells the readers that although these low-class workers are poor and lonely, they havent got a stable home. But George and Lennie are different. For they carry a hope, a dream. This is why George and Lennie are never lonely. Steinbeck also suggests that an American dream in those days, does not come true easily .Overall I think that John Steinbeck wants us to know that we should use Lennie and George as an example to how we should treat people with the same problems as Lennie is facing. Instead of discriminating them, we should always give them a hand of trust to help them. John Steinbeck also suggeststhat although Lennie may have mental problems, but from this information, it doesnt mean that Lennie is useless. He may be stupid, but he is very hard working and may be better than most normal workers working in the ranch. John Steinbeck also wants us to know that although people like Lennie often creates serious problems due to his stupidity, this doesnt suggest that he can use his low IQ, and stupidity as an excuse to not face the problem and just find another job, not caring what he had done before.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Approaches to Treatment and Therapy: Case Study

Approaches to Treatment and Therapy Case StudyCase Study 1 (Phillip)BackgroundPhillip is displaying multiple adverse psychological symptoms that would best work the diagnosis of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Specifically Phillip is a compulsive washer as he maintains a proud level of cleanliness, having showers up to third times a day. He also only eats frozen food in order to avoid contamination and organises his furniture, making sure that they atomic number 18 all perpendicular to the wall. These compulsions atomic number 18 repetitive, purposeful behaviours designed to prevent or reduce anxiety (De Silva, 2003). Some, if not most, of Phillips anxiety arises from the intrusive idea of incisive his m another(prenominal) which has sustain a clinical obsession because he studys that the aspect has personal signifi force outce and meaning. This may be because Phillip has an inflated sense of office and so believes that he is responsible for preventing the intrusive t hought from actually happening (Rheaume et al., 1994). This has led to Phillip avoiding plurality, his Mother especially, but this has only increase the frequency and severity of his compulsions. It appears that Phillip is stuck in a vicious cycle of his obsessions and his compulsions feeding off one another and so intervention leave alone be needed in order to military service him. abstractive FrameworkThere are two central aspects of OCD, the cognitive aspects which include intrusive thoughts, obsessions and cognitive distortions, and the behavioural aspect of compulsions. In cognitive theory, intrusive thoughts (e.g. I want to stab my mother) occur freeally and usually pick out no emotional signifi shadowce but can take on significance, depending on the mount in which intrusions happen (England Dickerson, 1988). Such thoughts are very common and have been reported to occur in almost 90% of the population (Rachman de Silva, 1978) but at a time an individual deems these th oughts as prodigious it can cause distress and the belief that they are personally responsible for preventing the thought from actually happening. The distress caused by high levels of perceived responsibility has been order in multiple studies (Shafran, 1997 Roper Rachman 1975) as obsessional patients felt a lot more uncomfortable performing checking rituals when they were on their receive and calmer when the therapist was there as the patient felt less responsibility. This sense of responsibility is associated with twain worry (Wells Papageorgiou, 1998) and OC symptoms (Salkovskis et al., 2000a). Specifically, the lowering of responsibility is associated with a significant drop in discomfort and need to check (Lopatka Rachman, 1995). One explanation for inflated responsibility is the thought-action fusion (TAF) theory which suggests that obsessions occur in people who believe that persuasion slightly a disturbing event is the same as doing it and that having an intrusive t hought is morally equivalent to acting on said thought (Rachman, 1993 Shafran, Thordarson Rachman, 1996). TAF is an example of thinking errors outlined by Beck (1976) which are used by most people all the time but can be destructive when thinking errors become central to thought processes (Nisbett Ross, 1980). The most prevalent thinking error in those with OCD is that having any influence over the outcome means that you are responsible for the outcome.Due to the distress caused by the appraisal of intrusive thoughts, individuals conduct to scratch off the anxiety caused through mental reassurance and overt compulsions (such as washing and checking) (Salkovskis, 1985). as yet attempts to neutralise the thought can sustain and potentially increase responsibility beliefs and the occurrence of intrusive thoughts. A common type of neutralising behaviour which is present in Phillips outcome is compulsive washing. Almost 50% of patients with OCD are compulsive washers (APA, 1994) a nd it is even more common in childhood cases of OCD like Phillips with 85% of young patients displaying washing rituals (Swedo et al., 1989b). It has been suggested that one of the main attributes of compulsive washers is perfectionism (Tallis, 1996). Tallis claims that most compulsive washers do not exhibit such behaviour because they are come to about contamination or illness, instead they are more concerned with maintaining their environment perfectly and thus feeling fully in run into. Research has found that there is a significant link between perfectionism and OCD in general, not just in compulsive washing (Bouchard et al., 1999). As Phillip appears to be displaying the perfectionist personality trait, it is authorized to consider this in therapy.As perfectionism has been found to correlate with depressive symptoms (Enns Cox, 1999 Flett et al., 1991) it is possible that a negative mood may be a factor in Phillips thinking errors. The mood-as-input theory (Martin et al., 19 93) suggests that people use their mood as a factor to decide whether or not they have completed a task. When people are in a positive mood they are more likely to take their affect as a sign that they are progressing in a task and achieving more (Hirt et al., 1996). Whereas those in a negative mood experience the opposite and interpret their mood to mean that they havent progressed overflowing and so must continue with the task (Schwarz Bless, 1991 Frijda, 1988). This may occur because people in negative moods have been found to process tasks more extensively than those in positive moods (Mackie Worth, 1989). This is a significant theory for Phillips case as individuals with OCD tend to use internal states that are difficult to achieve such as having a gut feeling to help them decide when to stop compulsive behaviour (Salkovskis, 1998). They therefore have stricter personal requirements for making decisions and so what should be an automatic decision becomes a strategic one and the strict criteria have to be met before anxiety is reduced and the compulsive behaviour can stop (Salkovskis et al., 2000a). line of work FormulationPhillip presents all of the issues outlined in the theoretical framework which will act as the foundations for intervention. Figure 1 shows the main aspects of Phillips case and highlights his rules for life and the cycle in which he is trapped.From the information given in Phillips case, it appears as though the bottom line of his psychology is I have to have full control over every aspect of my life which may have been caused by authoritarian parenting (Timpano et al., 2010) or childhood trauma (Lochner et al., 2002) which have both been found to significantly correlate with OCD symptoms. Whilst there isnt enough information about Phillips childhood to speculate if such things have happened to him, these are factors to conduct in mind during treatment. This strict bottom line in Phillips life has led to certain maladaptive rules o f living including his perfectionism (control over actions) and inflated responsibility (control over thoughts and feelings). He also has a generally negative mood as an input to his thought processes because he can never fully pay the strict standards that he sets himself.Then, when Phillip was a teenager he began experiencing intrusive thoughts about stabbing his mother. Such intrusive thoughts are not usually enough to trigger off anxiety but due to Phillips rules of living, he finds personal meaning in the thought and feels responsible for preventing the thought from happening. This triggers anxiety and so he seeks to neutralise the thought through compulsive washing, arranging furniture and socially isolating himself. When these neutralising behaviours reduce his anxiety it reinforces Phillips thinking errors, his rules of living and his bottom line. Thus, when his anxiety is triggered once again he repeats the behaviour and so Phillip is trapped in a cycle of his compulsion s and obsessions reinforcing one another.Figure 1. Problem Formation flow chart for PhillipTreatment handlingPhillips treatment can start with cognitive therapy aiming to focus and condition his thinking errors and inflated sense of responsibility. At the same time as this Phillip can take part in collection therapy designed specifically to treat perfectionists. After these treatments and once Phillip feels ready to, he can move on to impression and response prevention (ERP) utilize virtual reality to simulate dirty and contaminated environments. This will help him to control his compulsions and get him out of the obsessive-compulsive cycle.For Phillip, cognitive therapy will start by focussing on the distinction between intrusive thoughts and his negative appraisal of those thoughts. As outlined by Menzies and de Silva (2003), this begins by asking patients to reflect upon the last time they had an intrusive thought and what their behavioural reaction was to this thought. Phil lip will then be encouraged to recognise that it was not the thought itself that cause his subsequent behaviour but how he interpreted the thought. It is important that the client understands the distinction between his intrusions and their appraisal before moving on to set ahead intervention as it may otherwise confuse them. Next, Phillip taught about how common intrusive thoughts can be, to help him dismiss any feelings of shame or sin that he may be feeling. It is suggested by Salkovskis (1999) that patients should be encouraged to view intrusive thoughts as a potentially positive and useful occurrence that can help with problem solving and foresight. The goal of this is not to eliminate their intrusions but to help them feel more positive by normalising them. Phillip is also encouraged to modify his responsibility appraisals in order to reduce his inflated sense of responsibility. Van Oppen Arntz (1994) found that even when people with OCD understand how unlikely it is that t heir intrusive thoughts will become reality, they continue to show compulsive behaviours because they feel a sense of responsibility to stop it from happening. Van Oppen Arntz (1994) suggest creating a pie chart with patients that they can divide up to represent the importance of factors that may contribute to a feared outcome. Once Phillip assigns percentage values to each factor he will be able to find out that his role of responsibility is much smaller than he originally thought. This technique will help Phillip to reassess the overestimation of his responsibility and realise the importance of other uncontrollable factors.Whilst undergoing cognitive therapy Phillip will join group therapy to help him with his perfectionism. Ferguson and Rodway (1994) outlined a group therapy programme for perfectionism establish on cognitive-behavioural theory. This programme will aim to help Phillip understand the problems that can arise from perfectionism and what strategies can be used in or der to change his perfectionist way of thinking. The therapy will also be based on the outline provided by Kutlesa and Arthur (2007) which applies a psycho-educational approach to perfectionism, using interpersonal theory (Yalom,1995) as the psychological component which will ask Phillip and others in the group to focus on the present rather than worrying about the future. The educational component will use elements of cognitive-behavioural theory (Ellis, 1991 Beck, 1993) to teach the group about the thinking errors involved in perfectionism and skills to cope with and change these thinking errors.Once Phillip has made progress in both treatments and feels ready for the next step he will move on to ERP as a treatment for his compulsive behaviour. Firstly, Phillip will be steadily and gradually exposed to environmental triggers. He will frame a list of situations in which he could be contaminated, started with the one that makes him the least anxious and working his way up to the wo rst. Most ERP treatments ask participants to experience these situations each through images or in vivo but a new method of virtual reality (VR) is being used in the treatment of OCD and it has been found to be effective (Kim et al., 2009 Belloch et al., 2014). Using VR, Phillip will then be exposed to the items on his list one by one, experiencing each one repeatedly until anxiety is altogether reduced and Phillip is ready for the next item. Another aspect of this treatment is response prevention which aims to help patients control their compulsions in advance of triggering events (Meyer et al., 1974). This involves strategies such as using alternative behaviours and modifying compulsive rituals which can be integrated into the VR exposure. This treatment aims to expose Phillip to his triggers in a safe way reducing his anxiety for those situations and learning to control his compulsions in the process.EvaluationUsing cognitive and behavioural treatments together is crucial for P hillips intervention as they both deal with either the obsessions and the thinking errors or the compulsions but not both. If only one of these elements is dealt with then it is likely that the other will return. Whilst cognitive therapy has been found to be potentially effective on its own (Cottraux et al., 2001) studies have found that when ERP is combined with cognitive therapy it produces lower dropout rates, greater general coping and decreased obsessive-compulsive symptoms (Kyrios et al., 2001 Freeston et al., 1997). A major aspect of Phillips case that wasnt dealt with in cognitive-behavioural therapy that was not covered was his perfectionism. Research has found that CBT doesnt significantly reduce perfectionist symptoms (Egan Hine, 2008) whereas Richards etal. (1993) found lower scores on perfectionism and depression scales and increased levels of self-reported wellbeing and self-esteem in response to group therapy. The incorporation of VR is a modern approach to ERP but i t is one that is becoming very popular in the treatment of many anxiety disorders (Kim et al., 2009) and has been found to be as effective as in vivo exposure (Belloch et al., 2014).One aspect that wasnt addressed in Phillips treatment is that of his family. As mentioned earlier it is possible that authoritarian parenting (Timpano et al., 2010) or childhood trauma (Lochner et al., 2002) could be involved in Phillips case as these are common causes of childhood OCD. There are family-based therapies that are shown to be effective in these cases (Lebowitz, 2013) but there wasnt enough information about Phillips family to make such assumptions. If, in therapy, similar issues are revealed then family-based therapy may be very useful for Phillip. Also, little attention was given to biologic factors even though pharmacological treatments are very effective in the treatment of OCD (Abramowitz, 1997 de Haan et al., 1997). This is because it would only tackle Phillips symptoms whereas cognit ive therapy with ERP and group therapy will help Phillip to understand his rules of living, his bottom line, and how to potentially change or cope with this.References

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Effects of Drowning on the Body

Effects of Drowning on the BodyAc pileing to the new definition adopted by the WHO in 2002, Drowning is the mathematical operation of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion/immersion in liquid. Drowning is defined as death from asphyxia that occurs within the first 24 hours of submersion in water. beloved drowning refers to survival that lasts beyond 24 hours after a submersion episode. Hence, it connotes an immersion episode of sufficient severity to warrant medical attention that whitethorn trail to morbidity and death. Drowning is, by definition, fatal, but near drowning whitethorn likewise be fatal. (2)Drowning is the seventh jumper lead ca social function of accidental death in the United States. though the exact incidence in India stern only be a crude estimate, one keeps coming across incidences of drowning fatalities. Many boating accidents lead to fatalities, perchance due to concomitant accidental injuries or trapping in submerged boat. Motor vehicle a ccidents with a fall in streams or ponds are also being reported with similar settings.Drowning can also occur in scuba divers but may be associated with cardiac event or arterial liquid embolism. Other possibilities to be kept in mind include hypothermia, colly breathing gas, oxygen induced seizures.Even community locomote pool and home bathtubs and buckets are known to be adequate for young children to drown accidentally. Majority of much(prenominal) events are due to unsupervised swimming, esp in shallow pools or pools with inadequate refuge measures. One look for features of closed head accidental injury or occult bonk fractures while prudence of much(prenominal) cases. Intentional hyperventilation before breath-hold diving is associated with drowning episodes.(3)Weak swimmers judgeing to rescue other someones may themselves be at risk of drowning. Males are more likely than females to be manifold in submersion injuries. This is consistent with increased risk-taking behavior in boys, especially in adolescence.(4)CAUSES OF DROWNINGAlcohol consumption, which impairs coordination and judgementFailure to observe water safety rules e.g. having no life preserver or unsupervised swimming.Sustaining a head and neck injury while involved with a water sportBoating accidents labour or exhaustion, muscle and stomach crampsDiving accidents including scuba divingMedical event while in the water e.g. seizure, stroke, and heart attackSuicide attemptIllicit drug useIncapacitating marine animal bite or stingEntanglement in underwater growthDrowning and near-drowning events must be thought of as primary versus alternate events. Secondary causes of drowning include seizures, head or spine trauma, cardiac arrhythmias, hypothermia, syncope, apnea, and hypoglycemia.PATHOPHYSIOLOGYDrowning occurs when a person is submerged in water. The of import physiologic consequences of immersion injury are prolonged hypoxemia and acidosis, as a way out of immersion in any fa cile medium. The most most-valuable share to morbidity and mortality resulting from near drowning is hypoxemia and its consequent metabolic effects.Immersion may produce panic with its respiratory responses or may produce breath memory in the individual. Beyond the breakpoint for breath-hold, the victim reflexly attempts to breathe and extracts water. Asphyxia leads to relaxation of the airway, which permits the lungs to take in water in many individuals (wet drowning). Approximately 10-15% of individuals beat water-induced muscle spasm of the air passage, laryngospasm, which is maintained until cardiac arrest occurs and inspiratory efforts have ceased. These victims do not aspirate any appreciable nomadic (dry drowning). It is still controversial whether such a drowning occurs or not.(5)Wet drowning is caused by inhaling large amounts of water into the lungs. Wet drowning in fresh water differs from sodium chloride water drowning in terms of the weapon for causing suffocat ion. However, in both cases water inhalation leads to footing to the lungs and interfere with the bodys ability to exchange gases. If fresh water is inhaled, it passes from the lungs to the kindstream and destroys red blood cells. If salt water is inhaled, the salt causes liquid from the body to enter the lung tissue displacing the air.The pathophysiology of near drowning is intimately related to the multiorgan effects secondary to hypoxemia and ischemic acidosis. Depending upon the head of hypoxemia and resultant acidosis, the person may develop cardiac arrest and central aflutter system ( central nervous system) ischemia.CNS damage may occur because of hypoxemia sustained during the drowning episode per se or may occur secondarily because of pulmonary damage and subsequent hypoxemia. Additional CNS insult may result from concomitant head or spinal cord injury.Although differences observed between freshwater and saltwater ambitiousnesss in electrolyte and fluid imbalances are often discussed, they rarely of clinical significance for people experiencing near drowning. Most perseverings aspirate less than 4 ml/kg of fluid. 11 ml/kg is required for alterations in blood al-Quran, and more than 22 ml/kg of aspiration is required before significant electrolyte changes develop. Regardless, most patients are hypovolemic at presentation because of increased capillary permeableness from hypoxia resulting in enquireinesses of fluid from the intravascular compartment. Hyponatremia may develop from s palisadeowing large amounts of fresh water.The temperature of the water, not the patient, determines whether the submersion is categorized as a cold or warm drowning. Warm-water drowning occurs at a temperature greater than or equal to 20C, cold-water drowning occurs in water temperatures less than 20C, and very cold-water drowning refers to temperatures less than or equal to 5C. Hypothermia reduces the persons ability to respond to immersion, finally leading to h elplessness or unconsciousness.Pulmonary EffectsAspiration of only 1-3 ml/kg of fluid can result in significantly impaired gas exchange. Fresh water moves rapidly across the alveolar-capillary membrane into the microcirculation. It causes disruption of alveolar surfactant, producing alveolar instability, atelectasis, and decreased compliance with marked ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) mismatching. As much as 75% of blood flow may circulate through hypoventilated lungs which acts as a shunt.Salt water, which is hyperosmolar, increases the osmotic gradient, and therefore draws fluid into the alveoli. Surfactant washout occurs, and protein-rich fluid exudates rapidly into the alveoli and pulmonary interstitium. Compliance is reduced, alveolar-capillary basement membrane is damaged instanter, and shunt occurs. This results in rapid induction of serious hypoxia.Both mechanisms cause pronounced injury to the alveoli/capillary unit resulting in pulmonary edema. Fluid-induced bronchospasm also may contribute to hypoxia. Increased airway resistance secondary to plugging of the patients airway with debris (vomitus, sand, silt, diatoms, or algae), as well as release of inflammatory mediators, result in vasoconstriction and reactive exudation, which impairs gas exchange. A high risk of death exists secondary to the development of pornographic respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), which has been termed postimmersion syndrome or secondary drowning. Late effects include pneumonia, abscess formation, and inflammatory damage to alveolar capillary membranes. Postobstructive pulmonary edema following laryngeal spasm and hypoxic neuronal injury with resultant neurogenic pulmonary edema also may play roles.Cardiovascular EffectsHypovolemia is secondary to fluid losses from increased capillary permeability. Profound hypotension may occur during and after the initial resuscitation period. Ischemic metabolic acidosis due to lactic acid accumulation impairs cardiac function. This may of ten be a large component especially when the victim struggles violently trying to save himself. In addition, hypoxemia may directly damage the myocardium. Myocardial dysfunction result from ventricular dysrhythmias and asystole, change magnitude cardiac railroad siding. Pulmonary hypertension may result from the release of pulmonary inflammatory mediators, which increase the beneficial ventricular afterload, thus decreasing contractility.CNS EffectsIf hypoxemia and decreased cardiac output persists long enough, anoxic brain damage can ensue. Improvement in the management of pulmonary dysfunction caused by near drowning has left CNS injury the major determiner of subsequent survival and long-term morbidity.HypothermiaThermal conduction of water is 25-30 times that of air. The temperature of thermally neutral water, in which a nude individuals heat production balances heat loss, is 33C. sensible exertion increases heat loss secondary to convection/conduction. A significant risk of hypothermia usually develops in water temperatures less than 25C.Other EffectsThe clinical course may be complicated by multiple organ failure resulting from prolonged hypoxia. Disseminated intravascular coagulation, hepatic and renal insufficiency, metabolic acidosis, and gastrointestinal injuries must be considered and appropriately managed.CLINICAL FEATURES (6) storyAll aspects leading to the submersion episode should be determined. Most patients are found after having been submerged in water for an unobserved period. Rarely does a patient present with the classic story of a novice swimmer stranded in water, frantically struggling and flapping arms in desperation. It is important to extract certain relevant factors in the beginning of resuscitative efforts, which include submersion time, associated trauma (especially cervical spine and head), drug or intoxicant ingestion, type of water, degree of water contamination, water temperature, and response to initial resuscitation ma neuvers.Pertinent past medical history must be obtained to look for secondary causes of drowning, particularly trauma, seizures, cardiac disease, syncope, exhaustion, alcohol and drug use, hypothermia, diabetes mellitus, psychiatric history with suicidal tendencies or panic disorder, woeful neuromuscular control such as severe arthritis or neuromuscular disorder.Physical ExaminationThe clinical presentation of people who experience submersion injuries varies greatly. A victim of a submersion incident may be classified ab initio into one of the following four groupsa) Asymptomaticb) Symptomatic, manifesting with altered vital signs (eg, hypothermia, tachycardia, bradycardia)Anxious appearanceTachypnea, dyspnea, or hypoxiaMetabolic acidosis (may exist in asymptomatic patients as well)Altered level of consciousness, neurologic deficit.Vomiting.c) Cardiopulmonary arrest, manifesting asApneaAsystole, ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation, bradycardiaImmersion syndromed) Obviously de ad, as noted byNormothermic with asystoleApneaNo apparent CNS functionRigor mortisDependent lividityThe following clinical conditions need to be excludedSpinal Cord InjuriesHead traumaCardiac ArrhythmiasSeizuresLaboratory workupAn electrocardiogram is indicated if there is evidence of significant tachycardia, bradycardia, or dysrhythmia or risk of underlying cardiac disease. Arterial blood gas analysis is probably the most good clinical parameter in patients who are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. A surprising degree of hypoxia can exist without clinical signs.Draw blood for serum glucose levels, complete blood cell count, serum electrolyte levels, liver enzymes, lactate level, and coagulation profile, if indicated. Continuous pulse oximetry and cardiorespiratory supervise may be needed. vanity radiography should be done for evidence of aspiration, pulmonary edema, or seg cordial atelectasis suggesting foreign body aspiration.Acute renal impairment is known to occur frequentl y in near drowning, and while usually mild, severe renal impairment requiring dialysis may occur. If initial tests show elevated serum creatinine, marked metabolic acidosis, defective urinalysis, or significant lymphocytosis, serial estimations of serum creatinine should be performed.Cervical spine radiograph or computerized tomography (CT) scanning is helpful in individuals with history of trauma, neck pain, or if doubt exists about the circumstances surrounding the submersion injury. Non contrast head CT scanning is helpful in an individual with altered mental status and a suggestive or unclear history of head trauma.TreatmentPre Hospital anxietyOptimal pre-hospital care is the most significant determinant of outcome in the management of immersion victims. The patient should be removed from water at the earliest opportunity. If spinal trauma is suspected the individual should be moved the least amount possible, with attention to cervical spine stabilization.The primary aims of t reatment of the near drowning cases should be in the order of priority, as below.(7)Effective neighboring(a) relief of hypoxia.Restoration of cardiovascular stability.Prevention of heat loss.Speedy evacuation to hospital.As in any rescue initiative, initial treatment should be pitch toward ensuring patency of the airway, breathing, and circulation. Initiate rescue breathing immediately, if feasible even while the patient is still in the water. Chest compressions are not effective in the water and waste valuable time. The Heimlich maneuver has not been shown to be effective in removing aspirated water. In the patient with an altered mental status, the airway should be check up on for foreign material and vomitus and debris visible in the oropharynx should be removed with a finger-sweep maneuver. Higher pressures may be required for ventilation because of the poor compliance resulting from pulmonary edema. Supplemental 100% oxygen by conceal should be administered as soon as avail able. The degree of hypoxemia may be concentrated to determine on clinical observation. Begin rewarming wet clothing is ideally removed before the victim is wrapped in warming blankets.Hospital Care (7-9)Even those victims who appear normal on arrival at hospital can deteriorate rapidly. An accurate and rapid initial assessment of the victim is essentialInitial management of near drowning should place emphasis on basic life support algorithms and on immediate resuscitation and treatment of respiratory failure, with establishment of an adequate airway and cardiorespiratory resuscitation, if necessary. Associated injuries must be considered, as in any other form of accidental injury. suppose potential spinal injuries, especially in diving accidents. The need for hospitalization is determined on clinical evaluation. Provide all victims of a submersion injury with supplemental oxygen during their evaluations. Noninvasive continuous pulse oximetry is valuable. Patients with entirely normal findings on examination and trivial history may be dismissd after a 6-hour observational period.Admit any patient with respiratory symptoms, altered oxygenation by pulse oximetry or blood gas analysis, or altered mental status. The most critical role in management is impel correction of hypoxemia and acidosis.Immediate use of supplemental oxygen with laryngeal mask or other devices achieving high fractional inspired oxygen should be instituted. Consider intubation and mechanical ventilation in any patient with poor respiratory effort, altered sensorium, severe hypoxemia, severe acidosis, significant respiratory distress, if a patient is unable to maintain a PaO2 of greater than 60-70 mm Hg (80 mm Hg in children) on 100% oxygen by face mask or PaCO2 is 45 mm Hg. Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation may be indicated in awake individuals unable to maintain adequate oxygenation on oxygen, by mask or via continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or in whom airway protection is warranted.Intubated victims of submersion injury may require 5-10cm pee PEEP may improve oxygenationpositive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) with mechanical ventilation to maintain adequate oxygenation. PEEP has been shown to improve ventilation patterns in the resistive lung in several ways, including 1) shifting interstitial pulmonary water into the capillaries, 2) increasing lung volume via prevention of expiratory airway collapse, 3 providing better alveolar ventilation and decreasing capillary blood flow, and 4) increasing the diameter of both small and large airways to improve distribution of ventilation.Pulmonary insufficiency due to drowning may warrant use of surfactant, though its efficacy to be used routinely in all cases has not been demonstrated.Bronchoscopy may be necessary for removal of significant inhaled foreign bodies, such as water debris or aspirated foodIntravascular volume depletion is common, secondary to pulmonary edema and intracompartmental fluid shifts, regardless of the type of fluid aspirated. Rapid volume expansion may be indicated using isotonic saline. Ventricular dysrhythmias (typically, ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation), bradycardia, and asystole may occur as a result of acidosis and hypoxemia, rather than due to electrolyte imbalances. Inotropic support may be required using dopamine or dobutamine. Central venous pressure monitoring may be warranted.Most acidosis is restored after correction of volume depletion and oxygenation. Sodium bicarbonate may be administered in cases of severe acidosis that do not correct using the higher up measures, but only administer it after adequate ventilation has been established.Most immersion victims become hypothermic gradually and are at risk for ventricular fibrillation and neurologic injury. Re-warming method is dependent on the degree of hypothermia and the patients response. Aggressively rewarm hypothermic patients to restore normal body temperature . Core rewarming with warmed oxygen, continuous bladder lavage with fluid at 40C, and intravenous infusion of isotonic fluids at 40C should be initiated during resuscitation. Warm peritoneal lavage may be required for warmheartedness rewarming in severely hypothermic patients.Place a nasogastric tube for removal of swallowed water and debris and to assist in rewarming efforts. Urinary catheterization for ongoing urine output measurement may be warranted to assess urine output. The benefits of resuscitative efforts should be continuously reassessed in such situations.Initiate appropriate treatment of hypoglycemia and other electrolyte imbalances, seizures, bronchospasm, cold-induced bronchorrhea, dysrhythmias and hypotension as necessary.Corticosteroids have been shown to be of no benefit in the management of near drowning. Routine antibiotic prophylaxis is not indicated unless the patient was submerged in grossly contaminated water or sewage.Patient disposal depends on the history, presence of associated injuries, and degree of immersion injury. Victims, who only have mild symptoms that improve during observation and have no abnormalities on arterial blood gas studies or pulse oximetry and chest radiograph, should be observed for a more prolonged period of time in the emergency department (about 6 hours). Certain patients may display mild to moderately severe hypoxemia that is corrected easily with oxygen. Admit these patients to the hospital for observation and discharge only after resolution of hypoxemia, if they have no further complications. All patients requiring intubation and mechanical ventilation should be admitted to the Intensive Care Unit. Varying degrees of neurologic as well as pulmonary insults typically complicate their courses.COMPLICATIONSImmediate complications are secondary to hypoxia and acidosis. The immediate threat is the effect on the cardiovascular system. Hypoxia and acidosis may lead to cardiac dysrhythmias, including ventricular f ibrillation and asystole. Myocardial damage may lead to cardiogenic shock. Monitor and maintain intravascular volume and blood pressure. Central venous pressure (CVP) monitoring is useful in those patients requiring intensive care.Aspiration of fresh or salt water alters the function of surfactant, causing injury to the alveoli and pulmonary capillaries. Increased capillary permeability can worsen the hypoxia. Continuous pulse oximetry is useful. The early use of supplemental oxygen with high levels of positive end-expiratory pressure is helpful in reversing hypoxemia.Central nervous system effects depend on the severity and duration of hypoxia. Post hypoxic cerebral hypo perfusion may occur. Cerebral edema and intracranial hypertension secondary to hypoxic neuronal injury is frequently observed, but studies have shown that invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure is neither useful nor necessary in near-drowning incidents.Near-drowning patients frequently develop pneumonia, ofte n due to secondary bacterial infections. Whether prophylactic antibiotics are beneficial is still controversial. Chemical pneumonitis also is not infrequent, especially if the submersion occurs in chlorinated or severely contaminated pools.PROGNOSISThe most significant impact on morbidity and mortality occurs before the patient arrives at the hospital. The prognosis is related directly to the duration and magnitude of hypoxia. Poor survival is associated with the need for continued cardiopulmonary resuscitation efforts on arrival to the hospital. Many survivors have long-term neurologic sequelae. If they recover from the pulmonary effects of the submersion, patients who are fully awake on arrival to the hospital generally do very well. Neuro-protective effects only seem to occur if the hypothermia occurs at the time of submersion and only with very rapid cooling in water less than 5C.PREVENTIONIn most instances, drowning and near drowning can be prevented with simple safety measures and common sense. Most young children enter a swimming pool directly adjacent to their home or one with inadequate fencing or unlatched gates or doors.Adult supervision is essential in the prevention of drowning. Because lapses of supervision are inevitable, other safety precautions must be in place. The use of adequate fencing around swimming pools decreases the number of immersion injuries significantly. The enclosure may be a wall or fence at least 4 feet tall that completely surrounds a pool on all four sides. Doors and gates to the pool should be self-closing and self-latching.The use of personal flotation devices may reduce the incidence of drowning among children when playing in natural bodies of water or when boating.Pool owners should be trained on basic life support.Both children and adults should be instructed to never swim alone or unsupervised.Alcohol and drugs should not be used when operating or horseback riding in motorized watercraft.