Friday, December 27, 2019

The World Of 1984 Scared Me - 1442 Words

Total surveillance. Complete obedience. Absolute authority. The world of 1984 scared me when I first read the book last year. Never before had a book made me think so deeply about individuality, society, and government. 1984, a manifestation of my nightmares, described a totalitarian police state of resolute submission. The horror came when I looked upon our own society, and Big Brother glared back at me. We live in a world where every phone call, every text, every search, and every email can be monitored and recorded by our own government. The National Security Agency, or the NSA, was originally proposed to monitor threats outside of the United States, but the NSA began domestic surveillance shortly after the horrific terror attacks of 2001. This cleared the way for warrantless, unlawful tracking of American citizens. Initially, the program collected only the data of high-risk individuals in America with direct links to Al-Qaeda. Now, however, government data collection has spread t o millions of otherwise innocent citizens. Government surveillance is a direct violation of the privacy of American citizens that is dangerous, immoral, and unlawful. It is important to realize the dangers of government surveillance; personal information containing sensitive details about an individual s private life put in the wrong hands or otherwise used incorrectly could potentially have disastrous repercussions. In today s interconnected world, everything that is said and done online isShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of George Orwell s 19841423 Words   |  6 PagesIn the novel 1984 by George Orwell, the Party has many strategies and tactics that help them have complete control of the people of Oceania. The control the Party has maintained gives them the ability to manipulate people as a result. The Party takes away the people’s freedom to have a say in their government and become their own person. 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In George Orwells 1984 he shows the authority a government can have on ones life even when all they want is self-expression. Many are too frightened to rebel, yet when one does it impacts his life forever. Even though the society of 1984 by George Orwell claims to be complete and total censorship, the problem of wanting more self-expression is still evident which is shown through indirect charact erization, symbolism, and themes. George Orwell 1984 utilizes components of indirectRead MoreThe Masses And The Dystopian Novel Elysium Essay1557 Words   |  7 PagesThe connection between these texts is they all feature compliancy of the masses, and all feature in some form of dystopian worlds. The texts all feature varying forms of dystopia, Bioshock features a dystopia brought on by evolutionary war, whereas brave new world features a world where the state has unlimited control over the technology and the people that rely on it. Paragraph 1 In Elysium, the film has an imaginary space station called â€Å"Elysium† this station hold only the most elite people, everybodyRead More Dangers of Totalitarianism in Orwells 1984 Essay1583 Words   |  7 Pages 1984 by George Orwell is an extremely negative outlook on a futuristic, seemingly utopian society. People inhabiting the land of Oceania are enslaved to the government, most without even realizing it. The Party uses its many members to enforce its methods of control on the population. While a bit extreme, Orwell was attempting to warn people about the dangers of totalitarianism. The story focuses largely on the tactics of the Party?s manipulation. The major aspects of the aforementioned control

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hydraulic Fracturing And Its Effects - 1500 Words

Imagine a hot summer day with a brother and sister playing in their backyard, ages three and five respectively. They want to cool off, so they turn on the hose, and, as they have done countless times, the sister partially blocks the water flow so her brother can toddle through the spray. However, today she notices a strange odor permeating from the spigot. She doesn’t think anything of it until the smell worsens, at which time she promptly tells her mother. Horrified, her mother rushes to scoop up her son to go wash him in their bath tub. When she turns on the tap to draw the water, she again smells the odor. Distraught, the mother towel dries her child in a final attempt to spare his skin, but does not know what else to do. This sounds like a horror situation that would only happen in a country that was not very developed. However, situations like this one are plausible in America, partially due to hydraulic fracturing. Hydraulic fracturing is a process which began in the late 1940’s as an experiment and has since expanded into a global method to efficiently extract natural gases. It has led to various economic benefits, including job creation and has lessened the economic dependence of the United States on foreign countries for oil consumption. Despite this, opponents of fracking cite environmental harms including various pollutions and contaminations. Like in the example with the mother and her children, â€Å"fracking† has the potential to contaminate drinking waterShow MoreRelatedHydraulic Fracturing And Its Effects On The Environment1087 Words   |  5 Pages Hydraulic Fracturing Maya Murray Mr. Iwasaki Chun MYP Chemistry Essay 3 May 2015 Maya Murray Mr. Iwasaki Chun MYP Chemistry 3 May 2015 Hydraulic Fracturing â€Å"Our country will have drilled and fracked our way down a blind alley for a short lived energy boom† (qtd. In †¦). Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gases inside. Many people are referringRead MoreThe Effects Of Hydraulic Fracturing On The Environment1695 Words   |  7 PagesDangers of Hydraulic Fracturing Despite its many advantages, hydraulic fracturing poses serious threats to the environment. Some of the commonly identifiable effects of hydraulic fracturing include water pollution, over depletion of water resources, noise pollution, air pollution as well as contributing to land movements such as tremors and earthquakes (Boudet et al. 57). According to Boudet et al. (58), fracking presents challenges that prompted the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to commenceRead MoreThe Effects Of Hydraulic Fracturing On The Environment1275 Words   |  6 Pages Hydraulic Fracturing Hydraulic fracturing is known as the process of inserting sand, chemicals, or water into the ground to crack the deep deposits. Additionally, high pressure is required due to the far distance. Next, a pressurized rock layer is created, this is called Marcellus Shale. After, sand or water is used to keep the fissures open for continuous release of shale (natural) gas or oil. To transport water to the site, the trucks must be used for transportation. However, these huge trucksRead MoreHydraulic Fracturing And Its Effects On The Environment1737 Words   |  7 PagesHydraulic Fracturing has led to less cases of contamination than any other method of oil extraction, which is contrary to popular belief. There have been many useful regulations that turned a once feared industry to an environmentally safe, highly profitable industry. Hydraulic Fracturing is worth the risks it poses on the environment, because it will bolster the U.S. economy and foreign policy, provide billions of Petro leum barrels and trillions of square feet of natural gas, and it is not as harmfulRead MoreThe Effects Of Hydraulic Fracturing On The American Economy1398 Words   |  6 Pages Hydraulic fracturing can be very beneficial to the American economy. While beneficial, it has proven to be very harmful. As studies show, fracturing is using an absurd amount of water to complete these wells. Not only is the amount of water usage detrimental to our water supply, but oil companies are showing no signs of slowing down. On top of the high water usage, fracturing is physically crippling our environment with the injected fluids. With over 600 different types of chemicals added intoRead MoreThe Effects Of Hydraulic Fracturing On The United States1518 Words   |  7 Pagesissues on the political standpoint of the situation. This is where hydraulic fracturing comes in to play. Hydraulic Fracturing is a horizontal drilling process by the energy industry that has presented the means to solve both problems. This technology has provided the U.S. access to 100 years’ worth of energy. Natural gas has been located within the country’s borders and thousands of feet below the surface. Hydraulic Fracturing, also known as â€Å"fracking†, is used to access or enlarge productivityRead MoreThe Possible Effects of Hydraulic Fracturing in Newfoundland1278 Words   |  5 Pagesessay will examine the possible effects of hydraulic fracturing in Newfoundland. Hydraulic fracturing is the process of retrieving natural gas from the earth by injecting fluid into a borehole and pressurizing it, creating cracks in the rock. hydraulic fracturing fluid is made up of small beads of sand or ceramic, which prop open the cracks in the rock, as well as water and chemicals, which help suspend the proppants (sand or ceramic). The hydraulic fracturing fluid is pressurized, allowing theRead MoreHydraulic Fracturing And Its Effects On Water Quality2751 Words   |  12 Pagesunderground at high pressures to crack open shale rock and release natural gas or oil trapped which may be trapped in the rock. This then allows the natural gas or oil to flow to the surface where it can then be collected (Prud homme 2013). Hydraulic fracturing is commonly associated with only natural gas. However, this process has many other purposes. This process is also used for extracting liquids like oil and liquid natural gasses (LNGs) such as propane, butane, and hexane. This process is alsoRead MoreThe Effects Of Hydraulic Fracturing. Are Natural Gas And1896 Words   |  8 PagesThe Effects of Hydraulic Fracturing Are natural gas and oil worth fracking for? What long-term effects will fracking have on the environment? Fracking is the process of drilling a mixture of water and other chemicals into the ground at very high pressures in order to extract natural gas and oil. Fracking has caused various changes to its surrounding environment, these changes include: water contamination, the quality of the air that contributes to climate change, fracking-induced earthquakes, andRead MoreHydraulic Fracturing And Its Effects On The United States2334 Words   |  10 PagesIntroduction Hydraulic fracturing is an increasingly common practice used to access otherwise unobtainable oil or natural gas reserves. While it shows promise as both a valuable economic resource as well as a source of energy independence, many oppose the practice due to alleged environmental dangers. In order to foster a greater understanding of the issues at hand, the following topics are discussed: what hydraulic fracturing is, how it is performed, and where it is located in the United States

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Strategic Marketing management and hospitality sample

Question: Describe about the Strategic Marketing Management of Hospitality? Answer: Introduction This paper focuses on analyzing the current position of Starbucks by conducting market analysis. PESTEL analysis has helped in getting an insight regarding the macroeconomic condition. Additionally, SWOT analysis has contributed in identification of the strength, weakness, threat and opportunities of the organization. Marketing plan has been developed for launching new product the marketing plan includes identification of the target market, market segmentation and marketing mix strategies. Effective strategy is essential for maintain the position in the intensely competitive market and ensuring future growth in the international market. Financial forecast has been presented at the end of the paper. Company Overview Starbucks is one of the leading coffee shops which started its journey in 1971 with a single store in Seattle. Presently the company has 21,878 outlets across more than 65 countries. Starbucks offer the finest coffee of the globe that is grown, prepared and served by the experts. Mission of the organization is to inspire as well as nurture the human spirit one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time. The company has been focusing on serving the best coffee to its customers. The major aim of the company is to use coffee that is grown under the best standards in terms of quality by adopting ethical practice. The organization sends its representative to the coffee farms of Africa, Latin America and Asia in order to ensure superior quality coffee beans that are grown ethically are used by the company. Starbucks believe that its employees are at the heart of the Starbucks experience (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2015). Products: Starbucks offer wide range of exclusive products which can be enjoyed by the consumers in the Starbucks stores, at their home or on the go. The company has been offering more than 30 blends and single origin premium coffees. The product range includes fresh brewed coffee, smoothies, espresso beverages, refreshers, teas and frappuccino etc. Moreover, Starbucks offer fresh salads, baked pastries, oatmeal, fruit cups, sandwiches etc. The consumer products of Starbucks include coffee beans, ready brew, ground coffee, ready to drink tea and coffee beverages etc (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2015). Financial Position: In 2013, net revenue of Starbucks has been estimated to be $ 14.9 billion and it has enhanced by 12% in comparison to 2012. Cash flow from operation has increased by $ 1.1 billion from the previous year. The financial statements of the company clearly indicate that the company has been encountering significant growth. The company has achieved highest sales growth in China and Asia Pacific region (, 2015). Sustainable Business Practice: Starbucks have always focused on maintaining a balance between profitability and social conscience. The company has adopted a holistic approach in order to source best quality coffee ethically. Starbucks have been supporting farmer loans as well as forest conservation programs for fostering a better future for the farmers and better place to leave. The company is committed to the environment and it cares for its planet through water and energy conservation along with recycling. Market Analysis International coffee market has experienced significant transformation over the last fifty years. According to International Coffee Organization, global consumption of coffee has been increasing at the growth rate of 1.9% per year over the last fifty years. The growth rate has increased to 2.4% since 2000. United States of America European Union and Japan account for the principal share of the global demand of coffee. Domestic consumption in the coffee exporting nations has significantly increased over the last few decades. In the traditional importing market of coffee has encountered slight decline in the annual growth rate of consumption. Despite the population growth, increase in coffee consumption in the traditional markets has been estimated to be weak. On the other hand, in the emerging markets, the demand for coffee has been increasing significantly. It has been expected that the emerging markets will be important source of growth in the global consumption in near future (Inte rnational Coffee Organization, 2014). According to the market research conducted by the National Coffee Association of USA, it has been observed that Americans are shifting to the gourmet coffee and 34% consumers in USA prefer gourmet coffee beverages (National Coffee Association, USA, 2014). Espresso based beverage and regular coffee prepared with gourmet coffee beans are receiving growing popularity in US and it has grown by 3% from the previous year (Brown, 2014). On the other hand, trend has reported that consumption of non-gourmet beverages has declined by 4%. According to the report published on the trend of coffee consumption, it can be clearly identified that the consumption is declining. Additionally, it has been recognized that popularity of tea is rising and the rising price of coffee is one of the major reasons behind it (Mitchell, 2015). Additionally, tea has lot of health benefits and growing concerns about health can be considered as a major reason for preferring tea. Presently 59% American drink coffee re gularly and it has been found that younger people in US drink fewer cups coffee daily (Fortune, 2015). On the other hand, coffee industry of Australia has been expecting significant growth in near future (Bowling, 2015). Porter's Five Forces Analysis: Competitive Rivalry Starbucks have been operating in the monopolistically competitive market. It has been observed that Starbucks have been able to achieve significant brand loyalty despite of the inflated price. From the market analysis it has been observed that the company has been maintaining good control over its high price. The high quality coffee has helped the company in differentiating form its competitors. The major competitors of Starbucks are the specialty coffee shops and the quick service restaurants. However, the present trend has clearly indicated that consumers are looking for lower priced beverages. Hence, Starbucks will encounter decline in sales as consumes will shift to the shops offering good quality at lower price (Jeffs, 2008). Bargaining Power of the Suppliers Starbucks believes in ethical sourcing and it focuses on integrating sustainability into their supply chain. High quality and ethically grown coffee beans are sourced from the different regions of Africa, Latin America and Asia. Starbucks capitalizes the advantage large market share and size of the organization. The bargaining power of suppliers is low as Starbucks maintain fair trade and its brand name attracts the suppliers to get associated with the organization. Bargaining Power of the Customers Bargaining power of the customers is one of the important factors that influence the strategy of the organization. Starbucks offers wide range of high quality products and its brand value easily attracts as well as retains customers. However, as the customers are getting various alternatives, they can easily switch to other brands offering lower price without making compromise on quality. Hence, the bargaining power of the customer is moderate in case of Starbucks. Threat of New Entrants Entrance of new market players is significantly reliant upon the level of barriers to enter into the market. In case of beverage industry, the barrier to entry is quite low and the initial investment is not very high. Hence, it is very easy to penetrate the market. However, for the new market players, it will be very difficult to compete with the market leader like Starbucks. Therefore, it can be concluded that in case of Starbucks, threat of new entrants is moderate. Threat of Substitutes Threat of other substitutes also plays a major role in reshaping the strategy of an organization. In case of Starbucks, the threat of substitutes is high. For instance, fresh fruit juice, packaged fruit juice, energy drinks and tea are the substitutes of coffee. Especially, tea has been receiving growing popularity across the globe. Health consciousness is rising and consumers have identified the health benefits of tea. Hence, it can be stated that the threat of substitute is high for Starbucks (Grigg, 2002). PESTEL Analysis PESTEL analysis is a strategic management tool which provides significant insight to the macroeconomic environment. In the following table six external factors have been briefly discussed in order to provide an overview of the macroeconomic environment of Starbucks. Factors Political Starbucks have been encountering major concern related to the sourcing of raw materials which has attracted the political attention. Hence, it is important adhere to the norms of that nation for conforming to the fair trade practice (Sadler, 2003). Starbucks has been operating in different nations across the globe and it has been encountering regulatory pressure from different nations. Economic Global economic slowdown especially in the European market has been a major concern for Starbucks. It has been affecting the profitability of various organizations. Recent trend has indicated that people are shifting to other beverages form the high priced coffee. In different nations, labor cost and other operational cost vary and the company needs to develop its strategy according to the market situation. Social The company may focus on targeting broad market in different economy which will require lowering the price of the products. Consequently, the quality of the product will be compromised in this case. The social factor of different economy has clearly indicated consumers preference for low priced products which must be considered by the firm (Parasuraman, 1987). Technological Advancement of technology has been shaping the demand of the consumers. Starbucks has been offering Wi-Fi in the outlet for attracting the young generation. Mobile app has been receiving rapid popularity and Starbucks has adopted it to provide convenience to its consumers. Additionally discount coupons have been generated in association with Apple (Vrontis and Kogetsidis, 2008). Environmental Environmental impact of the business activities must be reduced. Hence, it is important for the business firm to be well aware of the business activities and ethical practice. Legal In each territory, Starbucks need to ensure that its activities comply with the legal framework. Competitor Analysis Coffee market is highly competitive and the competition analysis provides a clear scenario of the position of Starbucks in the market. Starbucks have been operating in the monopolistically competitive market. It has created a standard for its product and it has been controlling the inflated price. High brand image of Starbucks differentiates its products from its competitors. High quality and ethically sourced coffee are the major reason behind the success of Starbucks. There are various coffee shops in the market and those are the principal competitors of Starbucks. Costa Coffee, Dunkin Brands, Petes Coffee and McDonalds are creating pressure on Starbucks. In terms of location, Starbucks encounter major challenges from the restaurants and ready to drink coffee shops located in the prime locations (Kotler, 2000). The intensity of the rivalry has been increasing and Starbucks will encounter major issues in gaining new customers as well as retaining them. Competitors of Starbucks have participated in a price war which can significantly affect the profitability of the firm. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis helps in identification of the internal strength and weakness of the organization along with the external threat and opportunities. An organization must focus on improving the weakness and capitalizing strength as well as opportunities for enhancing the overall business performance. Strength One of the major strength of Starbucks is its wide range of products offered to its customers. Starbucks strongly believe in sustainable business practice and it focuses on the ethical sourcing of raw materials (Loureiro and Lotade, 2005). The company values it employees and considers them as partners. Starbucks have focused on mass advertising which assisted in establishment of the brand name. The research and development team of Starbucks has been working on strengthening its product portfolio which satisfies customers having different needs. Strong brand name, value and brand loyalty has provided significant advantage to the organization (Grant, 2011). Effective customer relationship management and branding strategy of the company has contributed in the success of the organization. Weakness Starbucks has been majorly focusing on coffee and retail. However, it is very important to diversify for achieving greater market share as well as expansion of the business. Starbucks have focused on differentiating its product by offering best quality coffee. However the price is too high that the consumers may forego the premium experience by switching to other products with lower price. Starbucks is significantly reliant on the domestic market, i.e. US market. Opportunities Starbucks have ample opportunity to expand in the emerging market as the trend has demonstrated the growth rate of coffee consumption has increased in the developing economies. Starbucks have an opportunity to expand its product mix and achieving large market share by adoption of effective marketing strategy (Harrison, 2005). Use of mobile app can help in enhancing the business as it offers greater convenience to the customers. As Starbucks already have a powerful brand image, it can focus on leveraging it for venturing product diversification and brand extension. Threat Starbucks have been encountering significant threat due to increased competition. For instance, Costa Coffee, Dunkin Brands, Petes Coffee and McDonalds have been creating significant pressure on the brand. Price volatility in the international coffee market can be considered to be a major threat for the organization. Starbucks do not have a control over it, but it can affect the profitability of the organization. Starbucks is significantly reliant on the developed economies and the market is becoming saturated. Lifestyle and the taste of the consumers are changing and the customers prefer healthy products. Demand for coffee has been declining in the developed nations (Mohr, 2013). Idea of New Product and Service SWOT analysis of Starbucks have clearly indicated that the company ample opportunity to expand its product line. Analysis of the market has indicated that the consumers are becoming increasingly health concerns. Negative impact of drinking coffee has been identified by the consumers. Moreover, it has been found that tea has been receiving significant popularity in the developed nations. Though Starbucks have some other beverages such as tea and fruit juice, the major product is coffee. As the consumption of coffee is declining, Starbucks must focus on launching new products. As tea and fruit juice are the principal substitutes of coffee, Starbucks can plan launching wide variants of tea and fruit juice. Presently, Starbucks has been offering brewed tea, latte and iced tea. New variants of tea and nutritious fruit juice must be offered by Starbucks. It will focus on highlighting the nutrition value and health benefits of these products (Hawkins, Best and Coney, 2004). Future Marketing Strategy Target Market Target market for the new products will be the health conscious consumers. The company must target thee people who will be loyal and thus brand loyalty can be achieved. Moreover, it will also include existing customers of Starbucks. It will include the younger generation who drinks fewer cups of coffees and the adults. Starbucks will target the office goers who consume soft beverages and they can afford expensive products (Winer, 2004). Market Segmentation Loyal Customers Starbucks will target the regular customers or the loyal customers. Starbucks can promote the health benefits of the newly launched products and capture the exiting market. Young Adults of Age Group 18 -24 Young adults do not prefer coffee as they have identified the negative impact of drinking too much coffee. Moreover, they cannot afford the high price of coffee. Hence tea and fruit juice will be a preferred option for the young adults belonging to the age group of 18 24. Adults of Age Group 30 55 Adults are also the principal target of Starbucks. People belonging to the age group of 30 -55 are switching from coffee to other beverages. Hence, targeting this wide market would significantly help in boosting the market share of Starbucks. Additionally, the office goers can easily afford the expensive products of Starbucks and the health benefits of tea and fruit juice will attract and retain these people easily (Sheehan, 2011). Marketing Mix Marketing mix has major four elements that help in determining the marketing strategy of the organization. In the following table, the marketing mix elements for launching new products have been presented. Marketing Mix Elements Strategies Product Starbucks will expand the product mi for offering healthy beverages to the target market. It has been observed that the lifestyle and preference of the consumers are changing and consumption of coffee is declining in the developed economies while tea has been receiving increasing popularity. Consumers are becoming more health concern. Hence, Starbucks will launch tea and fruit juice. Wide range of tea such as different variants of iced tea, latte, herbal tea, black tea etc can be offered (Chernev, 2012). Moreover, fresh fruit juices of all popular fruits must be offered to the customers. In the packaged tea and fruit juice, the nutritional value must be written. The research team of Starbucks must focus on developing new products continuously according to the preference of the customers. Price Starbucks have adopted premium pricing strategy for its other products. In this case, it can adopt premium pricing strategy as it is considered to be significant part of the brand. Starbucks seems to define the status of the consumers. Hence, premium pricing strategy will be appropriate for Starbucks. However, price of tea will be lower than coffee as consumers are looking for low priced beverages (Winer, 2004). Place These products must be made available to all the stores, especially in the developed nations. Moreover, loose leaf teas can be made available online which will be convenient for the customers (Anderson and Vincze, 2004). Promotion Promotional strategy must focus on highlighting the major advantages of tea and fruit juice. The advertisement campaigns must communicate the nutrition value and health benefits of these products. Newsletter must be send to the registered customers. Additionally, advertisement must be published on social media for attracting the target market. Marketing campaign must be conducted for promoting healthy lifestyle (Cravens, Lamb and Crittenden, 2002). Financial Forecast Particulars 2014 (Base Year) 2015 2016 2017 Total Net Revenue $ 16,447.80 $ 18,750.49 $ 21,375.56 $ 24,581.90 Revenue Growth 14.00% 14.00% 15.00% Total cost of Operations $ 13,635.00 $ 15,680.25 $ 17,953.89 $ 20,557.20 Operating Profit $ 2,812.80 $ 3,070.24 $ 3,421.67 $ 4,024.70 Increase in Operating Profit 9.15% 11.45% 17.62% Conclusion Starbucks has been operating in the monopolistically competitive market and extensively focused on the domestic market. The trend of coffee consumption has indicated that consumption of coffee is declining. Hence, Starbucks must launch wide range of healthy beverages which will include tea and fruit juices. An effective marketing strategy has been designed and it indicates that the company will encounter revenue growth of 14% in the first year and the operating profit will be enhanced by 9.15% in 2015. References Anderson, C. and Vincze, J. (2004).Strategic marketing management. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Bowling, D. (2015).Grind it up: competing in the crowded cafe sector. [online] Hospitality. Available at: [Accessed 19 Mar. 2015]. Brown, N. (2014).2014 Coffee Consumer Trends Report: More Gourmet, Single Cups. [online] Daily Coffee News by Roast Magazine. Available at: [Accessed 19 Mar. 2015]. Chernev, A. (2012).Strategic marketing management. [Chicago, Ill.]: Cerebellum Press. Cravens, D., Lamb, C. and Crittenden, V. (2002).Strategic marketing management cases. Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill. Fortune, (2015).U.S. coffee drinking grindslower. [online] Fortune. Available at: [Accessed 19 Mar. 2015]. Grant, R. (2011).Contemporary strategy analysis. Chichester: Wiley. Grigg, D. (2002). The worlds of tea and coffee: Patterns of consumption.GeoJournal, 57(4), pp.283-294. Harrison, J. (2005). Exporting a North American Concept to Asia: Starbucks in China.Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 46(2), pp.275-283. Hawkins, D., Best, R. and Coney, K. (2004).Consumer behavior. Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. International Coffee Organization, (2014).World coffee trade (1963 2013): A review of the markets, challenges and opportunities facing the sector. London, United Kingdom: International Coffee Council, pp.1-13., (2015).Annual Reports | Investor Relations | Starbucks Coffee Company. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Mar. 2015]. Jeffs, C. (2008).Strategic management. Los Angeles: SAGE. Kotler, P. (2000).Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Loureiro, M. and Lotade, J. (2005). Do fair trade and eco-labels in coffee wake up the consumer conscience?.Ecological Economics, 53(1), pp.129-138. Mitchell, D. (2015).This Is the Drink People Are Getting Instead of Coffee. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Mar. 2015]. Mohr, P. (2013). Changing Consumer Behavior and Influencing the Food Environment.CFW Plexus. National Coffee Association, USA, (2014).2014 National Coffee Drinking Trends - National Coffee Association. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Mar. 2015]. Parasuraman, A. (1987). CUSTOMER ORIENTED CORPORATE CULTURES ARE CRUCIAL TO SERVICES MARKETING SUCCESS.Journal of Services Marketing, 1(1), pp.39-46. Sadler, P. (2003).Strategic management. Sterling, VA: Kogan Page. Sheehan, B. (2011).Marketing management. Lausanne, Switzerland: AVA Pub. Starbucks Coffee Company, (2015).Mission Statement. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Mar. 2015]. Vrontis, D. and Kogetsidis, H. (2008). Environmental analysis as a means to customer satisfaction: the case of Starbucks in Cyprus.JIBED, 3(3/4), p.188. Winer, R. (2004).Marketing management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Psychology- Prejudice free essay sample

Tajfel’s procedure of the experiment involved two laboratory experiments. The subjects of the first experiment contained 64 boys, 14 and 15 year-old from a school in Bristol. The boys from each group knew each other well, since they were actually in the same houses at the school. The second experiment was similar to the first one, since 48 students also already knew each other. In terms of stereotypes and his study, Tajfel proposed that Stereotyping or putting people into groups is based on a normal cognitive; we tend to group or categories things. By the statement, he meant that we see the people in our group are just the ‘same’ with us because there are certain similarities that makes us parallel with them and there’ll be a tendency of us calling the ‘same’ people â€Å"us† and those who are different or out-group â€Å"them†. This study also has its weaknesses and strengths. One of the strengths; Laboratory experiment method, which makes him to able controlling the environment in terms of what the subjects had experienced during the test, therefore he can ensure that there are no influences that would change their behaviour later on. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychology- Prejudice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Manipulation of the environment also makes him able to obtain replication due to its standardness in procedures. However, since all of the participants were all male, similar age and came from the same country. In terms of experiment, this study has become biased. It is difficult to decide whether it is good enough to be generalised, due to its gender, age and geographical limitations. The ecological validity is doubtful, considering the experiments were lab studies, where we can jump to an argument that this involved unusual task is held in artificial environment. In other words, the participants acted in the way they thought was demanded of them; Demand Characteristic. This experiment deals with a disruptive and anti-social, very general commons of society in explaining and understanding the causes of prejudice and discrimination. Moreover, this piece of research could be beneficial or helpful to our daily life. Nevertheless, the applications are still limited, regard to ecological validity and the gender, race and cultures.