Friday, April 26, 2019

Literature review on profession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10000 words

Literature review on profession - canvass ExampleTorgersen (1972) and Abbott (1988) further emphasize on the need to monopolize duties for the achievement of sea captainism. Andrews & Waerness (2011) suggest that de-professionalization may chance if there is a reduction on the area of responsibility or certain occupations jurisdiction. In general this involves where there is less specialization of occupational duties. Professions in the society are participations groups consequently there positions are determined by the structural elements. Ascribing to the characteristics of interest groups they safeguard their advantages by means of social closure (Philip Oregan 2008). Therefore professionalism aims to regulate entry into an occupation so as to maintain its securities industry value (Parkin, 1979). According to interactions perspective professions grants services to the society and defend the interests of their members as well as the interest group at large. Critical persp ectives have been taken attributed to studies on professionalization in the context of state-profession kinetics and collective social mobility within a set of power relations. In regard to this professions create professional monopoly by closure and exclusion to defend the interests of their members practice (Sian, 2006 Uche, 2002 Walker, 2004 Willmott, 1986 Yapa, 1999). . 3. Accountancy and Professionalism 4. ... et al., 2012). According to AICPA, 2006 Gammie, Herbohn, & Whiting, 2010 Hopman & Lord, 2009 ICPAS, 2009 they provide that public explanation firms have under- original of women in the partnership ranks despite them constituting at least half of all entry-level employees. Women have a higher turnover than men thus failing to progress in ranks. It is not clear if the rudimentary turn over factor having resulted into gender parity in the context of partnership promotions (Almera,E. et al., 2012). In the States statistics shows that post-senior manager positions have bee n established in most firms. Women are disproportionately represented unlike rightfulness partner promotions (AICPA, 2005 Dambrin& Lambert, 2008 ICPAS, 2009). The rise in the post-senior manager positions is the need for terminal destination provision focussed on experienced senior managers who practice in the traditional accounting and tax areas but dont have the skills or desire for equity ownership (IPA, 2005). Partnership career paths within the firms are prefer those senior employees who may not be willing or able to do whatever is necessary to receive a partner (Alter, 1991, p. 55), and they posses talents and knowledge important for the firm (Coolidge and DAngelo, 1994 Hooks &Cheramy, 1994). With the need and pressure for women representation in higher professional positions categorically women careers, the accounting research literature do not provide any evidence that women with greater choice and flexibility in career progression as maintain by Hooks et al. (1997). The creation of these positions does not specifically focus in the fulfilment of employee of firms needs. There are no considerations on the implications of these positions incorporating gender

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