Friday, August 9, 2019

The 2008 Presidential Campaign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The 2008 Presidential Campaign - Essay Example 3. The voting public became re-engaged with politics and voter turnout soared after decades of apathy. Voting is the ultimate protection that the citizens have for their liberty and freedom. The increase in voter turnout affirmed that Americans care about these basic human rights and dignities. 4. The large voter turnout of youth aged 18-29 was a significant milestone because it shows an interest in civic participation by the people that will be tomorrow's leaders. It was the second largest turnout of this age group in history, only outdone in 1972 when 18 year olds were first granted the right to vote. 6. Barak Obama's campaign financing broke new ground as it relied on millions of small donations, rather than a few highly concentrated and wealthy contributors. This spread the responsibility evenly and made the funding of the campaign more democratic. 7. Barak Obama's use of technology was a milestone of campaign management that will need to be either copied or improved upon for all future candidates. Obama was able to instantly communicate with his supporters and get instant feedback on the issues. 8. Health care finally entered the public discussion during the 2008 campaign, with almost all the candidates offering a program.

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