Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Relation Between Health and Human Right - myassignmenthelp.com

Question: Is there a relationship between health and human rights? Answer: The human right for the healthcare means each and every people having the right to avail the best quality of physical and mental health. It includes access to all health care services such as medicines, proper sanitation, sufficient food, housing and a good environment. Medicare, a government health scheme provides the public health care to the Australian citizen and the permanent residents. Medicare covers a range of service for a very little cost or no cost (Nicholson et al., 2012). The human right to health promises a sound and perfect healthcare protection for each individual. Every person has the right to get the care for health they need and proper living conditions which enables the people to stay healthy. The health care must be given to the people for the benefit of the public. Health care professionals take care of the human rights and the heat issues which help them in promoting the health conditions of the common people (Britt et al., 2013. The health policies and programs are used for promoting the human rights. These policies can also be misused or violated in their design and implementation in the healthcare system. There are many different types of connections between health care and human rights. The discriminatory practices in the healthcare system are a threat to the physical and mental healthcare. The violation of the human rights is the biggest issue in the designing the policies and during implementing the health policies (Hunt, 2006). Throughout the world most of the people dont have access to the basic mental and physical health care. Some of the people dont have any access to the healthcare due to lack of economy. Violation of human rights is one of the causes of poor health care conditions (Ivanov, Oden, 2013). The responsibilities of patients include the actions which are needed for the patients that the healthcare providers can provides. They can make proper care, address accurate needs of the patients and maintain a good healthcare facility. The relationship between the human rights and the healthcare practices is vey affective. The health policies cause the strong positive and negative impacts on the healthcare. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the promotion and protection of health requires a strong efforts for the protection of human rights and dignity. In addition to this a proper care of the health can be done by the fulfillment of the human rights and its social determinants. It can also be said that a proper human right is necessary for the proper healthcare treatment and vice versa. References: Britt, H., Miller, G. C., Henderson, J., Bayram, C., Valenti, L., Harrison, C., ... O'Halloran, J. (2013).General Practice Activity in Australia 2012-13: BEACH: Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health(No. 33). Sydney University Press. Health Nursing, vol.30 issue(3), p.231-238. Hunt, P. (2006). The human right to the highest attainable standard of health: new opportunities and challenges.Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,vol100 issue(7), p.603-607. Ivanov, L. L., amp; Oden, T. L. (2013). Public health nursing, ethics and human rights.Public Nicholson, C., Jackson, C. L., Marley, J. E., Wells, R. (2012). The Australian experiment: how primary health care organizations supported the evolution of a primary health care system.The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine,25(Suppl 1), S18-S26.

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