Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Film vs Book Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film vs Book - Essay Example The film versions of the books One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest and Breakfast at Tiffany’s amply testify to the fact that it is pragmatic and necessary for the film versions to be different from the actual books on which the films are based so as to bring out the appeal and context of the overall plot as per the requirements of the cinematic genre (McFarlane 164). In that context there tend to be marked differences between the book and the film version of One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. The book tends to deal with the plight of a mental institution in 1963. The movie got released in 1975, which is about 12 years after the book got published. Before delving into the differences between the movie and the book, one does need to know that the movie version of the book was utterly successful that won all the five major categories of Academy Awards. The primary thing is that the book is dominated by the point of view of Chief Bromden, a gigantic Indian, who is in the s ame ward with McMurphy. It is true that the writer Ken Kesey backed out from the film project when he came to know that the point of view of Chief Bromden had been removed from the movie and he no more stands to be the narrator in the film version of the book. It goes without saying that this alteration of the point of view in the book and the movie lead to major differences in the book and the film version of the story. When one reads the book with Chief Bromden being the chief narrator, the overall mood tends to be quiet slow and poised. The narration facilitated by Chief Bromden delves into the essential traits, characteristics and inclinations of the varied characters in the asylum in a threadbare, sophisticated and lilting manner. However, it is but natural to assume that in the film version of the One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, the producer had to adapt the storyline in consonance with the needs and requirements of the cinema. The film version of the book simply does not afford to be slow paced and languid as the book. Yet, if one reads the book before watching the movie one does miss the edgy, disturbed and cynical point of view facilitated by Chief Bromden as he says, â€Å"If my being half Indian ever helped me in any way in this dirty life, it helped me being cagey, helped me all these years (Kesey 4).† However, in the film version of the book, it is the trio of McMurphy, Nurse Ratched and Chief Bromden that bring out the story. The film version simply sets aside the pain and hurt inherent in Chief Bromden reveries, to display a larger view that incorporates an array of characters, thereby relying on the variety and the interactions between varied characters to move the story forward. Hence, if on the one side the plot in the book is poised, slow, emphatic and gripping, the storyline in the movie happens to be racy, action-oriented, emotive and multi-faceted, exactly the way it ought to be in a successful movie. The film versions do h ave their limitations and one simply could not expect a film version to stick diligently to the storyline and plot as it is given in the book (McCreadie 126).

Monday, October 28, 2019

Areas of Sociology Essay Example for Free

Areas of Sociology Essay Sociology is a very broad and diverse field. There are many different topics and scopes in the field of sociology, some of which are relatively new. The following are some of the major areas of research and application within the field of sociology. For a full list of sociology disciplines and areas of research, visit the sociology disciplines page. Family. The sociology of family examines things such as marriage, divorce, child rearing, and domestic abuse. Specifically, sociologists study how these aspects of the family are defined in different cultures and times and how they affect individuals and institutions. Deviance And Crime. These sociologists, also called criminologists, examine cultural norms, how they change over time, how they are enforced, and what happens to individuals and societies when norms are broken. Deviance and social norms vary among societies, communities, and times, and often sociologists are interested in why these differences exist and how these differences impact the individuals and groups in those areas. Demography. Demography refers to a populations composition. Some of the basic concepts explored in demography include birth rate, fertility rate, death rate, infant mortality rate, and migration. Demographers are interested in how and why these demographics vary between societies, groups, and communities. Social Inequality. The study of social inequality examines the unequal distribution of power, privilege, and prestige in society. These sociologists study differences and inequalities in social class, race, and gender. Sociologists who study health and illness focus on the social effects of, and societal attitudes towards, illnesses, diseases, disabilities, and the aging process. This is not to be confused with medical sociology, which focuses on medical institutions such as hospitals, clinics, and physician offices as well as the interactions among physicians. Work And Industry. The sociology of work concerns the implications of technological change, globalization, labor markets, work organization, managerial practices, and employment relations. These sociologists are interested in workforce trends and how they relate to the changing patterns of inequality in modern societies as well as how they affect the experiences of individuals and families. Race And Ethnicity. The sociology of race and ethnicity examines the social, political, and economic relations between races and ethnicities at all levels of society. Topics commonly studied include racism, residential segregation, and the differences in social processes between racial and ethnic groups. Military sociology looks at the military as a social group rather than an organization and examines issues related to coerced collective action, survival in vocation and combat, civilian-military relations, and interactions between other groups or government agencies. Education. The sociology of education is the study of how educational institutions determine social structures and experiences. In particular, sociologists might look at how different aspects of educational institutions (teacher attitudes, peer influence, school climate, school resources, etc. ) affect learning and other outcomes. Religion. The sociology of religion concerns the practice, history, development, and roles of religion in society. These sociologists examine religious trends over time, how various religions affect social interactions both within the religion and outside of it, and relations within religious institutions. The Internet. Sociology of the Internet includes the analysis of online communities (newsgroups, social networking sites, etc. ) and virtual worlds. Sociologists are interested in the social implications of the Internet and how virtual communities and worlds are transforming real communities and societies across the globe.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Worn Path Essay -- essays research papers

In the story "A Worn Path" the author, Eudora Welty, develops Phoenix Jackson as the main character who indirectly manipulates other people. The author almost makes the reader feel grief for this old lady who had a very rough life. At the same time, readers observe how Phoenix uses her tragic lifetime as a justification to be selfish. In reality Phoenix is an average human being who feels she must be rewarded for living. She is an old Negro woman who has seen a lot in her lifetime. Her lifetime symbolizes the title of the story by informing the reader of some obstacles she has defeated in her "worn path" of a life. One of the biggest events Phoenix has experienced is slavery. All throughout the story there are several incidents that help back up her selfish characteris...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Int Marketing

Synopsis Throughout the article we know that Pegasus Airlines is one of the best airlines in Turkey. The secret behind the success of the airlines was continuity of developing to meet passenger expectations and priorities. For example, Pegasus has put in place a yield management strategy for ticket pricing, using the strategy of Southwest Airlines of North America as an example. Pegasus has also developed a credit/loyalty card which offers customers a range of benefits including insurance rate reductions and also developed a specific customer satisfaction guarantee policy to the customers.Pegasus also offers customer service experience at the airport such as providing exclusive allotments for the first 72 hours of parking with a valet parking option. As a result, Pegasus innovative customer service won the company an award for â€Å"Best Airline Business Price† in 2006. The marketing strategy applied by Pegasus Airlines has succeeded Pegasus as one of the most searched airline in Turkey on Google. Pegasus’ employees also work as a team to provide a democratic environment in which everyone shares their ideas freely.Continuous training also ensured regular career progression and high levels of motivation through a solid performance system and regular personal feedback. Pegasus’ strong word of mouth has also been important in the airline’s success and is reflected in the words of customers on a special Web site titled â€Å"Pegasus Listens to You. † This encourage customers to generate ideas for service improvement, to debate generic questions and topics relating to the airline’s management and services, and also to encourage customers to report problems they have encountered.As a conclusion, efficient management techniques and great marketing skills has ensured Pegasus as one of the successful airlines in Turkey. 1. Give examples of needs, wants and demands that Pegasus customers demonstrate, differentiating these three c oncepts. What are the implications of each for Pegasus’ practices? Needs: In conjunction with the needs of people to take airplane, Turkish Airlines had been established in order to let passengers travel from one place to another. Wants: Wants are the form human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual personality.Customers will prefer to choose Pegasus instead of Onur Air, Fly Air, Sun Express, and Atlasjet because Pegasus delivering low prices with a high-quality service experience to them. Demands: Demands is mean by humans wants that are backed by buying power. Given their wants and resources, people demand products with benefits that add up to the most value and satisfaction. For example, Pegasus provided customer service at the airport such as exclusive allotments for the first 72 hours of parking with a valet parking option.The implications of each for Pegasus’ practices are provide convenient for the customers because they are able to do online b ooking through the internet. The passengers are also able to find hotel easily through customer service and they can get some discount as well. Other than that, these practices can also bring profits and income to the company. These practices are able to attract more customers to select Pegasus Airlines. 2. Describe in detail all the facets of Pegasus’ product. What is being exchanged in a Pegasus transaction? )An in-plane-bulletin is avalaible for customer, with a mix of offers amd features on certains destination. Althouoght the bulletin is free for customers, but this generates incomes via advertisement. ii)Pegasus has a Facebook page complete with a game entitling customer to win free tckets. Pegasus too have a Twitter page that offers special compettion. A special campaign associated with Vodafone, called the ‘Mobile Phone Fly’ whereby customer collect sms-es to gain discounts, emulating the traditional strategy of other airlines, ie, ‘Shops and milesà ¢â‚¬â„¢.This is to create a sustainable relationship with it’s customer while leveraging the possibilities of social networks and other digital technologies. iii) A special web site tittled â€Å"Pegasus Listens To You†, where it encourage customers to generate ideas for services, improvement, debate generic questions and topics, relating to the airline’s management and services, also to encourage customers to report problems they have encoutered. This helps Pegasus to consistantly obtain feedback and maintain profitable relationship. 3. Which of the five marketing management concepts best applies to Pegasus?Among the five marketing management concepts, we came out with a conclusion that the Marketing Concept best applies to Pegasus. The Marketing Concept is defined as the philosophy that holds the achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target marketing and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do. Based o n the article, Pegasus Airlines had satisfied the needs of customers by providing airplanes that bring passengers from place to another. Pegasus had also satisfied the wants of target marketing by offer affordable flight tickets, so that everyone will be able to take a flight.Under the marketing concept, the Pegasus Airlines integrates all the marketing activities that affect customers. In turn, it yields profits by creating lasting relationships with the right customers based on customer value and satisfaction. For example, the Pegasus had carried out ticket pricing strategy and the system was complemented by an electronic ticket policy whereby passengers receive their information via SMS and e-mail. This had provided convenient to the passengers because it had save a lot of their time and they can book air ticket at home by using the Internet.Besides that, Pegasus had also developed a specific customer satisfaction guarantee policy that provides customers. For example, in the case of a delay greater than 3 hours, a refund of the ticket will be given out, and if delay greater than 5 hours, a refund and a free ticket will be given out. Pegasus also offers a customer service experience at the airport by providing exclusive allotments for the first 72 hours of parking with a valet parking option, VIP and Business Class lounges, car rental and many hotel partners where customers can get some discount. . What value does Pegasus create for its customers? Pegasus create customer perceived value by keeping up with its customers even when they are not flying. Pegasus had created a Facebook page complete with a game entitling customers to win free tickets. The company also has a Twitter account which offers customers special competitions. Other than that, Pegasus had also carried out a special campaign in association with Vodafone called â€Å"mobile phone fly†, whereby consumers accumulated for each SMS an award of 5 percent toward a Pegasus ticket discount.Bes ides that, Pegasus had also created a website called â€Å"Pegasus Listens to You. † This is to encourage customers to generate ideas for service improvement, to debate generic questions and topics relating to the airline’s management and services, and to encourage customers to report problems they have encountered. In short, Pegasus hopes to create a sustainable relationship with its customers while leveraging the possibilities of social networks and other digital technologies. In general, the customers are getting more benefits than the costs that they have to pay to get the service given by pegasus.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

“He Is More Than A Hero” written by Sappho Essay

â€Å"He is a god in my eyes- the man who is allowed to sit beside you† â€Å"If I met you suddenly, I can’t speak- my tongue is broken† The following lines were taken from a poem written by Sappho entitled â€Å"He Is More Than A Hero.† For those who are not familiar with Sappho, she was a resident of a city names Lesbos. She lived from 630 B.C. – 570 B.C. In the city of Lesbos, Sappho was a highly respected poet/teacher by many but mainly the females. It is said that she was constantly surrounded by a circle of women who studied poetry with her. I am using this background information and the quotation from one of her many poems â€Å"He Is More Than A Hero† to support my theory that Sappho was a homosexual. Though the evidence is merely circumstantial, I feel that it is enough to convince one that she is a homosexual. The poem which I extracted my thesis statement is obviously being written to a woman, but it is cleverly masked by the title â€Å"He Is More Than A Hero† and a few other lines in the poem. In the beginning of the poem she is briefly describing someone’s male companion who is apparently a good lover possessing a few qualities that Sappho admires. â€Å"He who listens to the sweet murmur of your voice- the enticing laughter that makes my own heart beat fast.† Though the first few lines serve as a clever disguise, a cultured reader notices that the poem suddenly changes subjects, moving from a description of this man who is a god in Sappho’s eyes to a declaration of love for the female companion of this man-god. The 3-4th lines address an unknown you who is apparently the companion of this striking male. The you is also addressed in line 9 . The rest of the poem following that is a love ballad to this you who was first identified as being the companion of the man god. If one is not a skilled reader he/she may have missed the transition of the poem from one person to another. The first few lines serve as a disguise and a way for the author to express her jealousy of him being next to his female companion. She views him as  being a god because him being in the object of Sappho’s affection makes him that. This is based on the thought that if someone possesses something that you do not then they have a higher position of power than you. This thought accounts for her viewing him as being a God. There are also a few other pieces of evidence that suggest that the poet Sappho was a homosexual. She was a resident of an city known as â€Å"Lesbos†. The name of the city had a striking similarity to a word which is given to homosexual women of modern times â€Å"Lesbian†. It is also said that she was often surrounded by women who were her â€Å"students†. Though this evidence can be seen as being only circumstantial, I feel that the combination of her addressing a female in her poem â€Å"He Is More Than A Hero† as having certain homo-erotic effects on her such as making her feel as â€Å"a thin flame runs under my skin† and making her â€Å"drip with sweat† whenever she sees her is enough to label her as being the â€Å"Greatest Lesbian Poet of Rome†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Commonwealth of Nations - African History

The Commonwealth of Nations - African History What is the Commonwealth of Nations? The Commonwealth of Nations, or more commonly just the Commonwealth, is an association of sovereign states consisting of the United Kingdom, some of its former colonies, and a few special cases. The Commonwealth nations maintain close economic ties, sporting associations and complementary institutions. When was the Commonwealth of Nations Formed? In the early twentieth century, the government of Britain was taking a hard look at its relationship with the rest of the British Empire, and particularly with those colonies populated by Europeans – the dominions. The dominions had reached a high level of self-government, and the people there were calling for the creation of sovereign states. Even amongst the Crown Colonies, Protectorates, and Mandates, nationalism (and the call for independence) was on the rise. The British Commonwealth of Nations was first noted in the Statute of Westminster on 3 December 1931, which recognized that several of the United Kingdoms self-governing dominions (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) were autonomous communities within the British Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown, and freely associated as members of the British Commonwealth of Nations. What was new under the 1931 Statute of Westminster was that these dominions would now be free to control their own foreign affairs – they were already in control of domestic affairs – and to have their own diplomatic identity. Which African Countries are Members of the Commonwealth of Nations? There are 19 African states who are currently members of the Commonwealth of Nations. See this Chronological List of African Members of the Commonwealth of Nations, or Alphabetical List of African Members of the Commonwealth of Nations for details. Is it Only ex-British Empire Countries in Africa Who Have Joined the Commonwealth of Nations? No, Cameroon (which had only partially been in the British Empire following World War I) and Mozambique joined in 1995. Mozambique was admitted as a special case (ie could not set a precedent) following democratic elections in the country in 1994. All its neighbors were members and it was felt that Mozambiques support against white-minority rule in South Africa and Rhodesia should be compensated. On the 28th November 2009 Rwanda also joined the Commonwealth, continuing the special case conditions under which Mozambique had joined. What Kind of Membership Exists in the Commonwealth of Nations? The majority of African countries who had been part of the British Empire gained independence within the Commonwealth as Commonwealth Realms. As such, Queen Elizabeth II was automatically the head of state, represented within the country by a Governor-General. Most converted to Commonwealth Republics within a couple of years. (Mauritius took the longest to convert – 24 years from 1968 to 1992). Lesotho and Swaziland gained independence as Commonwealth Kingdoms, with their own constitutional monarchy as head of state – Queen Elizabeth II was recognized only as the symbolic head of the Commonwealth. Zambia (1964), Botswana (1966), Seychelles (1976), Zimbabwe (1980), and Namibia (1990) became independent as Commonwealth Republics. Cameroon and Mozambique were already republics when they joined the Commonwealth in 1995. Did African Countries Always Join the Commonwealth of Nations? All those African countries still part of the British Empire when the Statute of Westminster was proclaimed in 1931 joined the Commonwealth except for British Somaliland (which joined with Italian Somaliland five days after gaining independence in 1960 to form Somalia), and Anglo-British Sudan (which became a republic in 1956). Egypt, which had been part of the Empire until 1922, has never shown an interest in becoming a member. Do Countries Maintain Membership of the Commonwealth of Nations? No. In 1961 South Africa left the Commonwealth when it declared itself a republic. South Africa rejoined in 1994. Zimbabwe was suspended on 19 March 2002 and decided to leave the Commonwealth on 8 December 2003. What Does the Commonwealth of Nations do for its Members? The Commonwealth is best known for the Commonwealth games which are held once every four years (two years after Olympic games). The Commonwealth also promotes human rights, expects members to meet a set of fundamental democratic principles (curiously enough spelt out in the Harare Commonwealth declaration of 1991, given Zimbabwes subsequent departure form the association), to provide education opportunities, and maintain trade links. Despite its age, the Commonwealth of Nations has survived without needing a written constitution. It depends upon a series of declarations, made at Commonwealth Heads of Government Meetings.

Monday, October 21, 2019

police science Essay Example

police science Essay Example police science Essay police science Essay Police administration Essay 1 The list of UCR crimes includes murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny theft and vehicle theft. When statistics for murder cases are being recorded, they include those of manslaughter too. The figure of murder currently reads beyond five hundred in New York. Rape cases are beyond one thousand. However, the trend shows they have reduced as the years have passed. For instance, in 1980, statistics for rape cases were three thousand seven hundred and eleven. In 2005, the figure had reduced to one thousand four hundred and twelve. The department of homeland security has approximately 230,000employees. Community policing has three key elements that fall under organizational dimension, external elements and tactical elements. There are several more under these key elements such as inclusion of citizens. The broken window theory is based on the assumption that if a small crime is not responded to, it will result to more crime. Thus, criminal behavior could be termed as a lax in police force. The NYPD patrol bureau is concerned with planning, directing and coordinating of the police in uniform on their law enforcement patrol duties. The CIMS branch that requires having detectives for combating terrorist activities is the police department. The COPMSTAT was started in New York by Jack Maple when he was a transit police officer Yes/ No Answers 1) Did a riot occur in Los Angles in the 1992 over the beating of a black male motorist by police officers? Yes 2) Did Police Commissioner Lee Brown bring Community Police to NYPD? Yes 3) Is Police Administration a general term for police supervision and operations? No 4) Are there five (5) branches in the CIMS model? No 5) Is August Volmer considered the father of policing in America? Yes 6) Is the NYPD Fusion center called the Command and Dissemination Center? No 7) Is an example of domestic terrorism group Hamas? Yes 8) Did Chief Justice Earl Warren take away many rights from criminal suspects? Yes 9) Was SARA model first used by Sir Robert Peel in England Pendleton Reform? Yes An example of a patrol function is conducting buy and bust operations. No

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Racial Classification Under Apartheid

Racial Classification Under Apartheid In the Apartheid state of South Africa (1949-1994),  your racial classification was everything. It determined where you could live, who you could marry, the types of jobs you could get, and so many other aspects of your life. The whole legal infrastructure of Apartheid rested on racial classifications, but the determination of a persons race often fell to census takers and other bureaucrats. The arbitrary ways in which they classified race are astounding, especially when one considers that peoples whole lives hinged on the result. Defining Race The 1950 Population Registration Act declared that all South Africans be classified into one of three races: white, native (black African), or colored (neither white nor native). The legislators realized that trying to classify people scientifically or by some set biological standards would never work. So instead they defined race in terms of two measures: appearance and public perception. According to the law, a person was white if they were â€Å"obviously...[or] generally accepted as White. The definition of native was even more revealing: a person who in fact is or is generally accepted as a member of any aboriginal race or tribe of Africa. People who could prove that they were accepted as another race, could actually petition to change their racial classification. One day you could be native and the next colored. This was not about fact but perception. Perceptions of Race For many people, there was little question of how they would be classified. Their appearance aligned with preconceptions of one race or another, and they associated only with people of that race.  There were other individuals, though, who did not fit neatly into these categories, and their experiences highlighted the absurd and arbitrary nature of racial classifications.   In the initial round of racial classification in the 1950s, census takers quizzed those whose classification they were unsure about. They asked people on the language(s) they spoke, their occupation, whether they had paid native taxes in the past, who they associated with, and even what they ate and drank. All of these factors were seen as indicators of race. Race in this respect was based on economic and lifestyle differences - the very distinctions Apartheid laws set out to protect.   Testing Race Over the years, certain unofficial tests were also set up to determine the race of individuals who either appealed their classification or whose classification was challenged by others. The most infamous of these was the â€Å"pencil test†, which said that if a pencil placed in ones hair fell out, he or she was white. If it fell out with shaking, colored, and if it stayed put, he or she was black. Individuals could also be subjected to humiliating examinations of the color of their genitals, or any other body part that the determining official felt was a clear marker of race. Again, though, these tests had  to be about appearance and public perceptions, and in the racially stratified and segregated society of South Africa, appearance determined public perception. The clearest example of this is the sad case of Sandra Laing. Ms. Laing was born to white parents, but her appearance resembled that of a light-skin colored person. After her racial classification was challenged at school, she was re-classified as colored and expelled. Her father took a paternity test, and eventually, her family got her re-classified as white. She was still ostracized by the white community, however, and she ended up marrying a black man. In order to remain with her children, she petitioned to be re-classified again as colored. To this day, over twenty years after the end of Apartheid, her brothers refuse to speak to her. Sources Posel, Deborah. Race as Common Sense: Racial Classification in Twentieth-Century South Africa,  African Studies Review  44.2 (Sept 2001): 87-113. Posel, Deborah, Whats in a Name?: Racial categorisations under Apartheid and their afterlife,  Transformation  (2001).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Comparative Economic Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparative Economic Systems - Essay Example The traditional perspective as oppressed class which was ever so pervasive during the 1960s is no longer emphatic. The roadmap of economic development of the two South Asian countries, India and China, has paved the way for radical social transformations that have been unprecedented in the history of these countries. This has been reflected in recent years when several incidents in various Indian states have expressed the agitation against industry’s attempt to acquire agricultural land (Chatterjee, 2008, p.54). The economic development in South Korea since the 1960s has been unparalleled in the country’s history. During the previous decade the country was suffering from extreme poverty as destructive result of the Korean War in the early part of the decade. The GDP in 1954 was just about $1.5 billion and per capita only $70 (Heo et al., 2008, p.2). The phenomenal growth is proved by the fact that in 2012 per capita GDP was $31,822 with the country now falling within the bracket of high income countries. In 1998, GDP dropped to 6.9 percent after which South Korea took various economic initiatives like encouraging more FDIs and imports. Although the country was affected by the 2008 global economic crisis, it recovered to a large extent in subsequent years (The World Factbook). Canada is an industrially developed country, and like the US it has market-oriented economy with high level of production. Since the WWII, rapid growth of â€Å"manufacturing, mining and service sectors† (The World Factbook) have resulted in the country becoming an urban economy from earlier rural economy. Trade agreements with the US have a great positive impact on Canada’s trade and economy. Almost 75 percent of its exports go to US resulting in considerable trade surplus. The 2008 global economic crisis badly affect the country’s economy in the

Views of Three Greats Authors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Views of Three Greats Authors - Essay Example Could this law be violated if the United States officials discharging their official duties abroad pay some money in support of any religion? The author of this article feels that if such activities are carried outside the United States then the constitution has not been undermined. However, he noted that the policymakers should caution the diplomats from mixing diplomacy and the religion (Los Angeles Times, 2009). Notably, the faith initiatives based on foreign relation emerged to question the numerous USAID expenditures that were executed by Bush administration that including $325,000 was used in rehabilitating four mosques in Iraq, Fallujah, the site of major United States 2004 military operations (Los Angeles Times, 2009). Furthermore, the use of instructional materials that included bible references in anti-AIDS programs especially in Africa were they were used to encourage sexual abstinence demanded answers. Though the actions were not right according to the author of this arti cle, some United States agencies insisted that the rehabilitation of the mosque in Iraq was part of the reconstruction of war scar as per the Iraq constitution. The case of the religious references particularly the pro-abstinence materials the united states claimed to have stopped to be â€Å"religiously infused† programs after the Department of Justice had expressed legal qualms. According to the author, the responses to these concerns make the public uncertain whether the wall of separation between the state and the church had long gone (Los Angeles Times, 2009). Therefore, such practices suggest that both practical and constitutional considerations do not exist. On the contrary, according to the article, the government officials cannot be held to task over their boarder religion interactions since the United States’ Supreme Court has never ruled an amendment that established a clause baring the diplomats from indulging into religion activities outside the United Sta tes’ boarders (Los Angeles Times, 2009). In 1991, the federal court of appeal did not conclude but gave some exceptions that if the government has a compelling reason to give aid to a religious institution, it can do so. According to the author, it is a blessing to united states that it has a constitution that prohibits the establishment of religion that the supreme court has clarified as not only creating a state church but also the state subsidizing for any religion within the united states (Los Angeles Times, 2009). He further argues that the foreign policy should allow Washington to assist and provide aids to the religious institutions in foreign countries especially those that are in dire need if the same. Most of the activities that the state assists these churches are more sensible just like state relationship with some of the religious leaders (Los Angeles Times, 2009). However, it would be unwise if Washington would use such aids to source dire tensions within some I slamic countries. Subsequently, diplomacy cannot be conducted behind Jeffersion’s wall in the world that religion is inseparable from politics. â€Å"Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention† This theory is developed and forwarded by Thomas Friedman in the book The World Is Flat. The theory stipulates thatâ€Å"No two countries that are both part of a major global supply chain like Dell’s, will ever fight a war against each other as long as they are both part of the same global supply chai

Friday, October 18, 2019

Pop-Culture Media Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pop-Culture Media Critique - Essay Example make use of women as a way to attract gamers, toy and action heroes clones production that ultimately provides messages to girls from the young age that they have to dress up in the so-called Barbie manner etc. Director of the documentary has used footages of news bulletin where the subject of plastic surgery was most important and not the increasing inflation rate (Newsom, 2011). The patriarchy involved against the women has been well indicated in the film where young girls talk about intellect that is more associated with men instead of women. The documentary beholds the message that it is the era of capitalism that has highlighted and focused on the beauty and physical appearance of the girls rather than their achievements and skills. The political intervention is not the only concept on which the director has stressed in the documentary. Overall, it has successfully achieved it methods by using effective points such as talking about the plastic surgery (Newsom, 2011). The writer and director of the documentary, unlike other feminist documentaries, bestow the power of change among women instead of the circumstances and men. The documentary claims that the self-transformation method of change can bring results and it is only in the hands of women (Newsom,

Discuss the skills needed to develop into a successful university Essay

Discuss the skills needed to develop into a successful university student - Essay Example In the age of information technology a student should develop skills in web based learning for better academic performances. Academic skills like effective communication, effective perception, effective presentation and desirable writing and problem solving are essential factors in university level. Unlike school education, university education provides new instructional strategies and learning environment for students. Therefore, effective communication and perception contribute better academic results and professional success. Tom burns and Sandra Sinfields made some relevant studies in the field of skills needed for a university student. They remark; â€Å"In order to help you develop successful assessment techniques, we devote a whole long section to effective communication where we look at essays, reports, presentations and seminars and other assessment engines† (Burns, Sinfield, 2008, p.18). It is significant to mention that leadership quality and problem solving ability have close association with effective communication skills. Generally, academic skills offered a new insight and energy for a student’s academic qualities for managing new atmosphere. Self- discipline is an essential skill for a successful university student and it helps the students to manage time. Ability in critical thinking is another significant skill that needed to develop in to a successful university student. Sophia Scott and Doug Koch argue that â€Å"Government, business, vocational, and technology education leaders have increasingly called for more emphasis in the classroom on higher order thinking† (Scott, Koch, 2010). In addition, one can see that critical thinking is essential for a university student in forming a socially acceptable behaviour. One has the responsibility to act as a good citizen for that nation. So skills of critical thinking and analysis prevent one in all kinds of illegal activities. Self-discipline and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Transport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Transport - Essay Example Overall, the air travel industry provides an opportunity, which is facilitated by more than tourism. It also incorporates economic development, global trade and international investments, thus being one of the best investment opportunities (Brennan, 2009, p. 212). As a small-scale entrepreneur, the number of tourists entering France provides any investor with the opportunity of establishing a low cost international or local flight service. In Europe, the connection between the UK and France presents a lucrative venture for business. The route that I choose as an investor is between the Heathrow, London and Charles De Gaulle, Paris airports. One of the strongest reasons why this choice makes economic sense to me is that the two stations represent the hubs of business in the regions (Doganis, 2001, p. 90). The two airports are located within two of the busiest cities in Europe. These cities have an intricate transportation network in which the passengers can get to the airports in a nu mber of transportation choices. One of the most preferred choices of transport happen to be the train, closely followed by the cab. Transport between the centers and the airport has some merits as well as demerits. One of the challenges that the surface transport modes face is the case of jams. In both the UK and Paris, traffic congestion is a common occurrence, especially during the rush hours (Fleisher. and Bensoussan, 2007, p. 62). The jams are common in the railway stations as well as the motor ways. These characteristic is one that lowers the convenience of this mode of transport. This is however, it is an occurrence prominent in certain hours, but the intricate network is quite useful when there is little traffic on the road and rail networks. The car, either in a private or cab company capacity provides another choice of transport in the centers to the airports routes. As the preferred choice of transport, the car is one of the best choices in transportation, when convenience is involved, but this is dependent on the profile of the passenger. Where luggage is involved, the car might be the best operational choice, since it provides a better means of transport from the house to the terminal as opposed to public transportation. The train, though high speed faces an inconvenience in that it is public transport and is located at strategic points for a community (Frechtling, 2001, p. 31), in which the travellers have to walk or take a car to the service stations as well as from the terminals to the airports. With the train and buses being restricted to certain routes, the inconvenience lays mostly in the distance between the public terminals and the airport terminals, for they are not the same though close, in some instances. Another challenge with the public surface transport is the challenge introduced by the complexity of the transport network, especially for a nonlocal (Duncan, 2012, p. 134). Some of the competitors in the route chosen include the Eurost ar. The train is one of the modes of transport between the two centers i.e. Paris and London. There are several favorable elements associated with the train such as speed, lower costs and the interactive nature of the travel. The car is another competitor to the mode of transport between the two terminals, since the intricate transport network provides a motorway that links the

The Case of Spirit Airlines Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The of Spirit Airlines - Case Study Example The flights operate chiefly from and to South Florida, Latin America along with the Caribbean. The airline focuses on capturing the market of people traveling by air with the low fares. They believe that this market of air travelers have always been served with high costs and their strategy of low airfares grant them the prospect of continuous growth. This prospect also facilitates their sustained existence in the industry. The company employs the model of the ultra-low-cost carrier (ULCC) in their business. This model of ULCC assists the company to make available their services at low-fares which entails the fundamental service. The company also offers an assortment of elective services that can be availed with the help of extra charges. The company generally targets the people who are leisure travelers with the help of their low-cost services. Their unique services and low airfares have earned them immense popularity in the US placing them among the best airline companies in the co untry in spite of the increase in the fuel prices. The biggest strength that has placed the company among the best airlines companies is their low-cost design. The operating expenses of the company were stated to be one of the lowest amongst all the airlines' companies functioning in the US. It is believed that this advantage of cost enables them to defend their position in the airline's industry and facilitates them to make available such low fares in the market, keep up the working margins and hold up the constant development and expansion. Although, the airlines had to increase their costs of tickets from the year 2009-2010 owing to the boost in the fuel prices they still managed to keep up their revenue and be counted among the best airlines of the US.  

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Transport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Transport - Essay Example Overall, the air travel industry provides an opportunity, which is facilitated by more than tourism. It also incorporates economic development, global trade and international investments, thus being one of the best investment opportunities (Brennan, 2009, p. 212). As a small-scale entrepreneur, the number of tourists entering France provides any investor with the opportunity of establishing a low cost international or local flight service. In Europe, the connection between the UK and France presents a lucrative venture for business. The route that I choose as an investor is between the Heathrow, London and Charles De Gaulle, Paris airports. One of the strongest reasons why this choice makes economic sense to me is that the two stations represent the hubs of business in the regions (Doganis, 2001, p. 90). The two airports are located within two of the busiest cities in Europe. These cities have an intricate transportation network in which the passengers can get to the airports in a nu mber of transportation choices. One of the most preferred choices of transport happen to be the train, closely followed by the cab. Transport between the centers and the airport has some merits as well as demerits. One of the challenges that the surface transport modes face is the case of jams. In both the UK and Paris, traffic congestion is a common occurrence, especially during the rush hours (Fleisher. and Bensoussan, 2007, p. 62). The jams are common in the railway stations as well as the motor ways. These characteristic is one that lowers the convenience of this mode of transport. This is however, it is an occurrence prominent in certain hours, but the intricate network is quite useful when there is little traffic on the road and rail networks. The car, either in a private or cab company capacity provides another choice of transport in the centers to the airports routes. As the preferred choice of transport, the car is one of the best choices in transportation, when convenience is involved, but this is dependent on the profile of the passenger. Where luggage is involved, the car might be the best operational choice, since it provides a better means of transport from the house to the terminal as opposed to public transportation. The train, though high speed faces an inconvenience in that it is public transport and is located at strategic points for a community (Frechtling, 2001, p. 31), in which the travellers have to walk or take a car to the service stations as well as from the terminals to the airports. With the train and buses being restricted to certain routes, the inconvenience lays mostly in the distance between the public terminals and the airport terminals, for they are not the same though close, in some instances. Another challenge with the public surface transport is the challenge introduced by the complexity of the transport network, especially for a nonlocal (Duncan, 2012, p. 134). Some of the competitors in the route chosen include the Eurost ar. The train is one of the modes of transport between the two centers i.e. Paris and London. There are several favorable elements associated with the train such as speed, lower costs and the interactive nature of the travel. The car is another competitor to the mode of transport between the two terminals, since the intricate transport network provides a motorway that links the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Bunisness management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Bunisness management - Essay Example This change should come in different forms such as strategic, structural, cultural, process oriented and people oriented. The use of soft and hard approaches to change can be useful in this regard. As the power of the regional heads is one of the major obstacles in bringing change, Gerstner needs to define the company’s objectives and the relative course of action to meet the desired goals. On the other hand, he needs to empower the junior staff with decision making capabilities and innovation in order to create more value and discover more efficient ways of implementing the change process. A participative style of leadership would be appropriate to handle the current situation at IBM. This will allow the employees to analyze a given situation and come up with solutions regarding what to do and how to do it. Gerstner should critically understand and assess the culture and behaviours at each level of IBM. This will help in identifying the core values, attitudes, assumptions and perception of the employees that are essential for the successful change to occur. It will serve as a common baseline for developing the elements of change such as the new corporate strategy, infrastructure and programs to drive change. The implementation of the change process should be followed with the direction of business plans and tactics to meet the customer needs and competition. A continuous reassessment of the organization’s ability to move towards a new wave of transformation is necessary. Soft Approach with the employees: Coetsee (1999) states "any management's ability to achieve maximum benefits from change depends in part of how effectively they create and maintain a climate that minimizes resistant behavior and encourages acceptance and support" (p. 205). This means that Gerstner along with the management of IBM should choose the democratic leadership style as it offers a great deal of flexibility to handle a range of situations. In this way, ideas will move fr eely amongst the group and discussion will be relatively free-flowing. This will facilitate the conversation with the employees and will encourage them to share their ideas and synthesize the available information in the best possible way. It will capitalize their skills and talents by increasing their involvement in decision making activities coupled with new concepts and opinions. At present, the authoritarian atmosphere of the regional heads and other senior management uses the downward or vertical flow of communication to direct the managers and their subordinates. This is suitable in order to tackle such situations where the employees have less knowledge or have no sense of direction and close supervision is required. According to the present condition, Gerstner should restructure it as a flat organization. This will promote team spirit and better flow of communication among the employees. Change in the organizational culture: The culture of IBM is characterized with low tolera nce for change by the involvement of the higher authorities. The degree of formality is high and there are boundaries to separate the top from the ground. Thus, new activities and processes will be very difficult to implement if these characteristics don’t mesh with the culture. Gerstner must use a collective approach to define the ‘shared meaning or purpose’

Monday, October 14, 2019

Product and Service Marketing Analysis Essay Example for Free

Product and Service Marketing Analysis Essay Product and service marketing are highly related. Take the success of a company like Apple, for example. The technology giant operates nearly 400 retail stores, employs more than 42,000 people and hosts more than a million visitors each day. In 2012, Apple’s retail operations generated nearly $19 billion. Furthermore, it’s estimated that Apple’s Fifth Avenue store generates more than $35,000 per square foot, making it the highest grossing retailer in New York – ever. Those statistics reinforce the company’s product and service strategies of those of a highly successful company. Apple continues to hold a number one spot on a list of the world’s most admirable companies. However, the success of Apple hasn’t always been so great. It wasn’t until the company combined good products with good services, that profits increased exponentially. Slide 12-12: Service Differentiation Apple actually had a point in business in which it struggled. That was in the 1990s when the company was selling products through larger retailers such as CompUSA and Sears. It was then, that Apple computers were shoved to the side, out of the main view of customers, as just another computer brand available on store shelves. Apple employees didn’t pay enough attention to the installation of the product in the big box stores in which it was being sold, so there wasn’t a true selling point for buyers. Also, the product delivery took a major hit. In fact, the brand became so weakened when retailers did not market the products properly, that the inventory wasn’t fully stocked. While Apple products plummeted in sales, the Gateway company was offering direct sales to consumers in its own stores, and Apple had to reinvent its business model, and quickly learn how to operate in a different manner. Less than two years after Apple launched its retail stores, Gateway shut down all of its shops and laid off 2,500 workers. Only three years later, CompUSA closed its chain of 23-year-old stores as well. Apple went against much of the advice it had received, and clearly the company was doing something right. Apple created retail stores that offer more than just a product. The stores offer a shopping experience that consumers often give raving reviews on. That includes ordering ease, smooth delivery, clear installation, the right customer training and consulting, and simplified maintenance and repair. Slide 12-11: Product Differentiation Apple Stores are now the highest performing stores in retail history. This isn’t due to just good in-store and online service. The products typically set the bar among all other technology products offered in the industry. Many Apple products come with customizable features based on a customers wants and needs. That includes hard drive and disk space, all the way down to the detail of an optional custom engraving on a product. In addition to the features, Apple products are known to hold superior performance quality. Sure, the products aren’t cheap, but typically when a customer buys an Apple product, they know that product will pay for itself over time. Slide 13-5: Categories of Service Mix When you’re dealing with a product that Apple designs and sells, it’s typically a highly technological device. That tangible good brings on accompanying services. The more advanced the product, the greater the need for those high-quality supporting services. When a customer goes into an Apple store looking for a new computer or an iPad, there’s a chance they don’t know how to maximize its use to its full capability. Apple found a way to assist costumers, so they can learn about the devices they’re purchasing for free. Employees at each Apple retail shop hold free workshops for consumers to teach the basics. In addition to workshops, customers can sign up for one-on-one training sessions to dig even deeper into their product’s capabilities. Slide 13-6: Service Distinctions These services offered by Apple require the client’s presence; therefore employees need to be considerate of the consumer’s needs. That is why Apple is known for hiring â€Å"customer-obsessed, empathetic employees.† Apple cofounder Steve Jobs offered a unique insight about how consumers interact with technology. Jobs said often the problem was that consumers are limited to thinking in terms of only what they know, instead of what is possible. Jobs once said that one of the keys to Apple is that the company builds products that turn the employees on. That is certainly to the benefit of the customers, that it â€Å"often means products are exactly what they want because Apple employees are so deeply entrenched in and committed to the customer’s experience.† Slide 13-8: Distinctive Characteristics of Service While many consumers know the physical products Apple offers are those of high quality, the company has made it a point to â€Å"manage the evidence,† and â€Å"tangibilize the intangible.† In doing so, Apple had to create stores that have a clean layout, in which traffic flows steadily, have employees that are busy, but they can still manage the workload, have equipment that is state of the art, have a symbol that suggests quality in both product and service, and finally, has a reasonable price for service. We already know that Apple services are offered for free, the company’s logo is iconic, and that the equipment is top notch. So, Apple’s stores had the main focus of a clean layout and employees readily available, yet still busy. When a customer walks into an Apple store, the aesthetics are clean and well thought out. Each product is on display for testing use, and the floors, walls, and counter spaces are clean and tidy. In addition to that, carefully recruited and trained sales associates are encouraged to take customers on a â€Å"ride.† They give each willing customer a short, informative tour of the space to be able to have a conversation and connect with each and every visitor. Then, of course, there’s the offering of support for each customer, which is just another delight to those who shop at Apple. The end result of Apple’s mix of product and service marketing combined is certainly one of success. Apple has the highest retail sales per square foot than any other U.S. retailer. The stores average more than $6,000 per square foot, which is more than twice the former gold standard Tiffany Company. That success did not come with quality products alone, but quality product marketing coupled with quality service marketing. The company’s marketing strategy is unique, but the company figured out how to attract and retain customers, generate an extremely large amount of word-of-mouth and brand appeal to give it a huge competitive advantage. Works Cited Chazin, S. (2013). The Retail Secrets of Apple. Retrieved from apple.html on 07/23/2013. DuBois, S. (2011). World’s Most Admired Companies. Retrieved from on 07/23/2013. Kotler, P; Keller, L (2011). Marketing Management (14th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Moorman, C. (2012). Why Apple is a Great Marketer. Retrieved from on 07/23/2013.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Whats Plagiarism And Taking Someone Elses Work English Language Essay

Whats Plagiarism And Taking Someone Elses Work English Language Essay The word plagiarism comes from a Latin word for kidnapping. We know that kidnapping is stealing a person. Well, plagiarism is stealing a persons ideas or writing. Also, copying others efforts and imitation of the language and thoughts for someone else and show it as your own work. Plagiarism is also a form of cheating, but its a little complicated so might be done without understanding if there are mistakes. There is different thing people taking such as writing, conversation, song or ideas and present it as your own. This includes information from web pages, books, songs, television shows, email messages, interviews, articles or artworks. Whenever you paraphrase, summarize, or take words, phrases, or sentences from another persons work, it is necessary to indicate the source of the information within your paper using an internal citation. It is not enough to just list the source in a bibliography at the end of your paper. Failing to properly quote, cite or acknowledge someone elses words or ideas with an internal citation is plagiarism. plagiarism.gif kinds of plagiarism: Using another persons exact words without including quotation marks *and* citation. For example, If you use someone elses exact words, then you must cite the original source (either in a footnote or in a citation in the text), and you must enclose the words in quotation marks or else set them off from the rest of the text by indenting them from the other text. Using another persons words, but changing some of them, or rearranging them. This is plagiarism even if the source is cited. Summarizing or paraphrasing another persons words without citation. If you use what someone else has written, but you describe it or summarize it in your own words, then you dont need to enclose it in quotation marks, but you still must provide a citation to the original source, either in a footnote or directly in the text. la_plagiarism.gif Example of plagiarism: Plagiarized Version: In examining technology, we have to remember that computers are not the first technology people have had to deal with. The first technology was the primitive modes of communication used by prehistoric people before the development of spoken language. Correct Version: In examining technology, we have to remember that computers are not the first technology people have had to deal with. Frick (1991) believes that the first technology was the primitive modes of communication used by prehistoric people before the development of spoken language (p. 10). References: Frick, T. (1991). Restructuring education through technology. Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Explanation of plagiarized Version: This example of student written work is plagiarized. The student copied, word-for-word, text from the original source material. No credit was given to the author of the text and quotation marks were not used. Also, the student didnt provide a reference. Explanation of correct Version: Note in this example that the passage begins with the author and year of the publication. Quotation marks are used to indicate that this passage is a word-for-word citation from the original document. Why be concerned about plagiarism? If you plagiarize, you are cheating yourself: You dont learn to write out your thoughts in your own words, and you wont receive specific feedback from your instructor geared to your individual needs and skills. Plagiarism is dishonest and/or misleading: because it misrepresents the work of another as your own. Plagiarism violates the Code of Academic Conduct: and can lead to Suspension or Dismissal. Plagiarism devalues others original work. Using and submitting a professionals work as your own is taking an unfair advantage over students who do their own work. It is wrong to take or use property (an authors work) without giving the owner the credit due. Further, copyright violations can result in damages, fines, o worse. The reputation of UC Davis affects the value of your degree; student dishonesty hurts UCDs standing and can diminish the worth of your diploma. How can you avoid plagiarism? Know what plagiarism is: ignorance will not excuse a violation. Intentional plagiarism, such as elaborate copying or use of anothers work without credit, submitting a paper from the Internet as ones own, or altering or falsifying citations to hide sources is very serious, likely to result in Suspension. Unintentional plagiarism may result from not knowing how to cite sources properly, sloppy research and note-taking, or careless cutting and pasting from electronic resources it is still a violation of the Code of Academic Conduct and subject to discipline. Guidelines for Avoiding Plagiarism: * Use your own words and ideas. Practice is essential to learning. Each time you choose your words, order your thoughts, and convey your ideas, you can improve your writing. Give credit for copied, adapted, or paraphrased material. If you copy and use anothers exact words, you must use quotation marks and cite the source. If you adapt a chart or paraphrase a sentence, you must still cite your source. Paraphrasing is restating the authors ideas, information, and meaning in your own words. Avoid using others work with minor cosmetic changes. Examples: using less for fewer, reversing the order of a sentence, changing terms in a computer code, or altering a spreadsheet layout. If the work is essentially the same as your source, give credit. There are no freebies. Always cite words, information and ideas that you use if they are new to you (learned in your research). No matter where you find it even in on the Internet or in an encyclopedia you cite it! Beware of common knowledge. You may not have to cite common knowledge, but the fact must really be commonly known. When in doubt, cite. Better to be safe than not give credit when you should!plagiarism_full.jpg Recourse:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

To Create a Better World :: College Admissions Essays

To Create a Better World    When you work for peace or any other aspect of social change, there are often hardships to overcome. You must believe deeply that what you are doing is right, or else you may become discouraged and give up. I have found that there are no easy solutions to problems involving social change. When you commit yourself to creating a better world, you are most likely committing yourself to a lifetime of effort.    To succeed, you must be willing to persevere in your efforts and you must keep a positive, hopeful attitude. In this work, it is often unclear who you are reaching or whether change is occurring. Thus, you must trust that your work for a better world matters. Sometimes change is occurring under the surface as a result of many individual actions, and suddenly the results become clear as in the cases of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the break-up of the former Soviet Union and the end of apartheid in South Africa.    The most rewarding life is one in which there is a major element of serving others. Many people find a way to do this in their lives. Of course, there are many ways in which an individual can be of service to others. Some of the biggest problems at the global level, though, go largely unaddressed by most of us, and I think this is an area where young people can make important contributions.    We have many global problems, but we are lacking global institutions powerful enough to effectively address such problems as global terrorism, human rights abuses, global warming, the ozone layer, pollution of the oceans and rivers, arms trade, child soldiers, war, the weaponization of space, and nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Finding a way to participate in solving these and other global problems is one of the great challenges of our time.    Global problems require global solutions. They also require World Citizens who identify with and give their loyalty to humanity and the web of life. Patriotism takes on new dimensions and becomes Humatriotism, loyalty to humankind. To change the world requires a new kind of thinking and new loyalties that transcend the nation-state. These viewpoints may put one at odds with some segments of society, but if some individuals do not have the vision and the courage to venture beyond the borders of conformity then change will never occur.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Popular Kids vs Unpopular Kids Essay

Everyone wants to be the popular kid in high school right? Not always true because popularity isn’t always as great as it looks. Belonging in the popular social group in high school can be a rough place for some individuals. In other words, the grass isn’t always greener on the other side. While unpopular teens wish to join the other side, they should consider a few things before making a rash decision. While pondering through the negative effects of being popular, one that stands out is the type of people one would become involved with. We all desire to have truthful and caring friends. However, not every person in the popular click is truthful and caring. Before choosing a click, one should think about the typical characteristics that are associated with that click. Their intention might not be to bring out the best in a friend but the worst. One moment a teenager will be talking to another as friends, and then the next moment they’ve already started talking behind their backs about one another. Aren’t true friends supposed stand up for each other and stand by their side? Of course they are, however, it seems that the unpopular click gets along better because they treat their friends in the same way that they would want to be treated. Another aspect to be aware of when considering the popular click is peer pressure. Being popular has a tendency to come with standards. When one does not meet up to the expectations of the group, he or she is often subjected to peer pressure or humiliation. Many give into peer pressure to avoid being humiliated. Peer pressure typically results in someone acting irresponsible and foolish to prove some kind of loyalty like a gang. Consequences of such actions can involve disappointment from parents or even the police! Now why would a true friend try to jeopardize his or her friend’s future? In the end, we’re better off with just a couple of best friends rather than a group of two-faced popular friends who only care about themselves. Drama is another reason to consider before joining a popular click. Just imagine the sound of a thousand flies buzzing down the hallway with the latest gossip. In a matter of one day, one comment could be transformed into a rumor and spread through the whole school like wild fire. Drama inevitably corrupts most teens but popular teens thrive on it like an addiction, and sometimes create lies just to ruin one’s reputation. True friends, who might not be the most popular kids in school, but they would also never talk about a friend behind his or her back just to gain a higher reputation with the popular click (Article one). Staying out of drama can help one feel less stressed. Avoiding it can also stop individuals from getting involved in something they might regret. Gossip is difficult to find roaming among the unpopular group because they rarely feel the need to seek attention or hurt someone’s feelings by spreading rumors. They are already content and aware of how to treat individuals as they would like to be treated. When the weekend hits it is common for the popular click to go out and party. Everyone hears the stories of how drunk someone got or how the cops busted a few unfortunate teenagers. Even the best of teens get peer pressured into going to the weekend party and drinking. All of this obnoxious partying is not appropriate for a 15 to 18 year old teenager. Those â€Å"cool parties† consist of high school kids that don’t know other ways to have fun or just get drunk to escape their problems. Teens have to step up and realize that they are capable of having a good time and overcoming problems with better solutions. Overall, it will exponentially impact adulthood by being able to handle problems positively. In conclusion, before making an impulsive decision to conform to the popular click, teens should consider the reasons that were previously illustrated. The treatment of two-faced friends, spreading drama, and obnoxious parties are all valid reasons to just ignore the desire to be on the wrongfully admired click. It’s better to be happy with a few true friends who treat others in the manner of respect. Perhaps, we are also better off living in harmony with our beliefs instead of trying to compromise and conform. Being the same is boring! The popular group thrives on people who will conform. So let’s celebrate our unique skills to experience some variety and express our true individuality.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Reflection Paper on New Testament’s Fulfillment of Some Promises

In fulfillment of prophesies in the Old Testament, Jesus demonstrated the divine execution of some physically expected events. One would need to understand that prophesies were actually not perfectly fulfilled only if a cross examination is done with a normal human scope of reasoning. These things are basically for those who have an in-depth insight into the divinity of supernatural. For example, the search for a home is a placement for dominance of Jesus messages in the heart and thoughts of men to always act and conduct themselves according to the principles of the father.This is further exemplified in the disciples’ behavior in Antioch when their characters were termed Christ-like. In the fulfillment of a search for a physical home, it is expected that the chasing away of the marketers from the temple would precede the establishment of a home. I think the scripture equally emphasized that the son of man has no place to lay his head even while birds do. It is the preparation for a temple devoid of corrupt market practices, theft and other unholy events. The temple is meant for believers to come around and observe the Sabbath routine, to read the books of the law in order to bring men to God the more.Truly Jesus had no home, preaching of gospel from place to place, wandering from town to town, preaching the kingdom of God and the readiness of men for his second coming after crucification and resurrection. Jesus is not of this world, he came on assignment. I think he clamors to recruit men to believe in the Kingdom of God. He finds rest or fulfillment in seeing teaming number of people believe through the demonstration of great miracles and healings of diseases. He stressed that believers are those who keep his words, these ones he called his people. Since one finds home among his people, it means irrespective of physical homelessness, one is secured within a virtual home among his followers.When Jesus said he would reconstruct the works of years in thre e days this raised a lot of troubles in their mind and courageously they asked how this would be possible. Though Jesus believed that only sign and wonder could make them believe, he placed more emphasis on the divine by further preaching the summary resurrection after three days of death from the sinful nature of man. The death signified the purification of believers and the reconciliation to God. I think he eschewed the physical explanation since that was not his focus and also to further enrich them with wonders that initiated deep thirst for more conviction on him being the Son of man. Thus, after his resurrection, the disciples remembered the statement of building the temple within three days.This does not only led to strengthening of their faith, they also go all out preaching the good news of what the strongly believe in, even to the point of death. Concerning the relationship between humanity and God, humans are expected to reason in the divine as only this can make man comp rehend the scripture. There is a need for reconciliation of human’s blemish flesh to God to ease communication flow at every junction of our life when we need God. His death body on the cross has done this but only for the believers that have permitted Jesus to have a place in their hearts.Jesus changed the destiny of the worlds through his rising (resurrection) from death in addition to signs and wonders performed. When the believers confirmed the prophesies that had gone ahead of the event with the actual event taking place at ages interval, believing is no more an insecurity issue for deep thinking ones. The persuasive gospel of eye witnesses who were his disciples and later became the Apostles is sufficient to re-oriented the destiny of the world in preparation for the coming end – the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Imaginary Lines Essay

1. Longitude (Longhitud) Longitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth’s surface. It is an angular measurement, usually expressed in degrees and denoted by the Greek letter lambda (ÃŽ »). Points with the same longitude lie in lines running from the North Pole to the South Pole. By convention, one of these, the Prime Meridian, which passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, England, was intended to establish the position of zero degrees longitude. The longitude of other places was to be measured as the angle east or west from the Prime Meridian, ranging from 0 ° at the Prime Meridian to +180 ° eastward and −180 ° westward. Specifically, it is the angle between a plane containing the Prime Meridian and a plane containing the North Pole, South Pole and the location in question. (This forms a right-handed coordinate system with the z axis (right hand thumb) pointing from the Earth’s center toward the North Pole and the x axis ( right hand index finger) extending from Earth’s center through the equator at the Prime Meridian.) A location’s north-south position along a meridian is given by its latitude, which is (not quite exactly) the angle between the local vertical and the plane of the Equator. Ito ay guhit na patayo na nagmumula sa Polong Hilaga hanggang sa Polong Timog. Ang Longhitud at ang Meridian ay hindi magkapareho dahil ang longhitud ay isang guhit samantalang ang Meridian ay tumutukoy sa distansya ng mga guhit longhitud mula sa Prime  Meridian. Ang Prime Meridian ay nasa 0 °. PRIME MERIDIAN – Ang pinakagitnang guhit na humahati sag lobo sa silangan at kanluran. INTERNATIONAL DATE LINE- Ito ay tumutukoy sa araw o oras. 2. Latitude Latitude is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point on the Earth’s surface. Latitude is an angle (defined below) which ranges from 0 ° at the Equator to 90 ° (North or South) at the poles. Lines of constant latitude, or parallels, run east–west as circles parallel to the equator. Latitude is used together withlongitude to specify the precise location of features on the surface of the Earth. Two levels of abstraction are employed in the definition of these coordinates. In the first step the physical surface is modelled by the geoid, a surface which approximates the mean sea level over the oceans and its continuation under the land masses. The second step is to approximate the geoid by a mathematically simpler reference surface. The simplest choice for the reference surface is a sphere, but the geoid is more accurately modelled by anellipsoid. The definitions of latitude and longitude on such reference surfaces are detailed in the following sections. Lines of constant latitude and longitude together constitute agraticule on the reference surface. The latitude of a point on the actual surface is that of the corresponding point on the reference surface, the correspondence being along thenormal to the reference surface which passes through the point on the physical surface. Latitude and longitude together with some specification of height constitute a geographic coordinate system as defined in the specification of the ISO 19111 standard. Ito ay guhit na pahalang na parallel na umiikot mula sa silangan patungong kanluran mula sa digring 0 hanggang 90 pataas o pababa sa ekwador. MGA ESPESYAL NA GUHIT LATITUDE Tropiko Ng Cancer (Tropic of Cancer)- Nasa 23.27 degree hilagang latitude. Tropiko ng Capricorn (Tropic of Capricorn)- Ito ay guhit parallel na guhit na  nasa 23.27 degree timog latitude. Kabilugang Arctic (Arctic Circle) – Ito ay guhit parallel na guhit na nasa 66.27 degree Hilagang latitude. Kabilugang Antarctic (Antarctic Circle) – Ito ay nasa 66.27 timog latitude. 3. Ekwador An equator is the intersection of a sphere’s surface with the plane perpendicular to the sphere’s axis of rotation and midway between the poles. The Equatorusually refers to the Earth’s equator: an imaginary line on the Earth’s surface equidistant from the North Pole and South Pole, dividing the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere Ito ay guhit pahalang na humahati sa gitna ng globo. Ito ay 0 degree. 4. Grid Ito ay pinagsama-samang guhit. Ang Sukat ng Earth 1 M⊕ = 5.97219 Ãâ€" 1024 kg. LIMANG TEMA NG HEOGRAPIYA LOKASYON Ang lokasyon ay isang posisyon o punto sa pisikal na espasyo na sumasakop sa ibabaw ng Daigdig. Maaaring kadalasang tinalaga ang tiyak na lokasyon sa paggamit ng partikular na latitud atlonghitud, isang parilya ng koordinadang Kartesyano (Cartesian coordinate grid), pabilog na sistemang koordinada, o isang sistemang nakabatay sa tambilugan (halimbawa, World Geodetic System o Pandaigdigang Sistemang Heodetiko). Maaaring ilarawan ang isang lokasyon bilang tiyak na lokasyon na siyang tumpak na kinaroroonan ng isang bagay, o ang lokasyong bisinal na ang lokasyon ng isang bagay na kaugnay sa isa pang lugar o sa isang pangkalahatang bagay. LUGAR Ito ay tumutukoy sa mga katangiang pisikal ng mga lugar katulad ng mga anyong lupa at bahaging tubig,klima,lupa pananim at hayop. INTERAKSYON NG TAO AT KAPALIGIRAN Ito ay tumutukoy sa mga pagbabagong ginawa ng tao sa kanyang kapaligiran at mga pagbabago na patuloy pang isinasagawa. REHIYON Pinag-aaralan ng heograper ang hitsura at mga pagkakaiba sa katangiang pisikal ng lugar. GALAW NG TAO / PAGKILOS Ipinapaliwanag kung bakit mahalaga ang mga galaw na ito at pinag-aaralan ang epekto sa mga lugar na tinitirhan at nililipatan. Ano ang Lokasyon ng Mundo sa Solar System? Ang Earth ay pangatlong planeta sa solar system. Ito ay kulay asul para sa Katubigan, Tsokolate at berde sa kalupaan, at puti para sa langit. Ang Earth ay kailangan ng 365.25 araw para makumpleto ang pag-ikot nito sa araw at 23.5 sa kanyang orbit o axis. Ang planetang Earth ay daan ang layo sa Venus. Ang planetang Earth ay 149 600 000 km. ang layo sa araw.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Brora Scottish Cashmere Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Brora Scottish Cashmere - Article Example It is a privilege to be writing an article on this personally beloved, globally renowned Cashmere brand. Victoria Stapleton who is the founder, owner and creative director at Brora, was brought up in the North of England, which is home to the Scottish cashmere industry. Having lived so close to the hub of the cashmere industry Victoria often found herself in the mills, as she â€Å"spent many childhood hours browsing mill shops and feeling the delicious quality of their cashmere†. In 1990 when her family got involved with ‘Hunters of Brora’, a 100 year old tweed mill, Victoria jumped at the opportunity to get involved and was soon managing the mills retail venture. Having been brought up in an entrepreneurial family she knew that she wanted to have her own business one day. The experience of working in a mill and gaining knowledge of how a business is run â€Å"†¦sowed the seeds for the founding of Brora†. Victoria began her entrepreneurial career by o pening a retail outlet in London and now, Brora has expanded its outlets all over the UK, the most recent being opened in Cambridge, Covent Garden and Westbourne Grove in London. Brora is a retail company that strongly follows the philosophy of ‘Buy British’. ... e clothing manufactured by the company is produced in mills which are situated in the UK, using only the finest raw materials and carefully selected yarn from selected herds. Being a private and democratically run company not only builds a strong relationship with the customers that Brora caters to but also with the suppliers and employees that are associated with the company. Brora has a strong culture of workmanship & camaraderie within the company. People who work there don’t often leave, primarily because the company is socially responsible towards its workers. There is a true-to-the-word democratic process involved in all core decision making efforts and this practice of mutual consultation is not only confined to the insides of the organization, in fact every customer is treated as part of the family. Brora claims that every customer is a friend & thus, should be treated like one, â€Å"The Company is run personally and democratically and this ethos extends to our custo mer, who becomes a good friend with whom Brora has a relationship, built on honesty & trust.† The clothing collection at Brora offers a variety of beautiful and luxurious products for women, men, children and babies, all available in a various materials for everyone in the family. The company is dedicated to producing affordable clothing for every age group, where each collection is dynamic with a wide variety of colors and designs to choose from. No matter what piece of clothing or accessories you choose, it will give you a luxurious and stylish aura. It is vividly evident that each clothing collection is a result of Victoria’s love for the arts and the natural beauty of the Scottish landscape, which offers her a vivid palette to work with; â€Å"When I want a focused day of inspiration, I do love

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Review how to provide opportunities for learners to practice their Essay

Review how to provide opportunities for learners to practice their literacy, language, numeracy and ICT skills - Essay Example Tutor led group discussion and student led discussions can be used to encourage learners to practice their language skills. Every student should participate and have set questions for answering and asking each other. Learners are encouraged to improve their language skills in ice breaker sessions by instructing them to work together by holding conversations and asking each other questions (Reid and Johnson 2012, 89). To improve numerical skills, students should be encouraged to practice numerical skills through charts, tables and graphs with relevant information. Students must read and solve math problems during English lessons. A tutor can also create opportunities in learners’ lessons to use numerical skills when using percentages to workout statistics. This will help them work out percentages and display them by drawing tables and pie charts. The use of ICT can also be embedded in math lessons through asking students to use graphs and spreadsheet to feed the computer with information. The tutor can also use ICT to instruct learners on creating PowerPoint presentations to the groups when on vocational studies. ICT can be utilised in lessons through creation of podcasts or videos needed by students to find and view the information. ICT can still be a method of learning during job search lessons that is when looking for employment through online websites and when taking online career

Monday, October 7, 2019

Analysis of Biblical Perspective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analysis of Biblical Perspective - Essay Example When we try to help others for our own emotional fulfillment, the meaning of love is lost. On the other hand, we have to help others without the significant power over them and make sure that our help is done the way they need it, on their own terms. Quite naturally, such acts of love are apt to result in personal losses to the caregiver but one can be assured that they are worth the trouble as long as they are done as an expression of love to God. The perfect example for true love to God is set by saintly figures like Mother Teresa, who sacrificed their personal comforts and joy for the sake of providing a decent life for many extremely poor and sick people who had no one to look after them. When I think of being a caregiver, I hope to strive towards such a level of selfless love for others, even if I start it from simple acts of kindness in daily life. Apart from being vigilant to the needs of individuals and society in general, I would also like to make a pact with God through a n umber of such meaningful little acts of love that would fall into a specific pattern. However, I would also like to keep my work towards that as an issue between me and God, which needs constant self-reflection and prayerful communication with God. 2. The passage from Matthew 8:28-32 deals with the healing of two demon-possessed men. It describes how Jesus arrived with his disciples at Gadarenes where the two possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They are described as so violent that no one could pass through that way. They encountered Jesus violently, addressing him as â€Å"son of God† and asking him: â€Å"Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?† The spirits requested him to send them to a herd of pigs rearing nearby, and Jesus does exactly the same. The pigs rushed down the steep bank down the lake and they perish, whereof those who were tending them rushed to the town to inform others of this.  Ã‚  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Study of How Donations to Non-Profit Organizations Contribute to the Thesis

A Study of How Donations to Non-Profit Organizations Contribute to the Financing of Terrorism - Thesis Example Such people have scant regard for human life and property and are prepared to go to any extent including using themselves in order to achieve their purpose. ‘Terrorism’, is often attributed to modern outfits that have adopted a covert approach to attacking governments and the general public in the quest for an idealistic cause, which has often resulted them in being banned and pursued after. Over the past 2 decades, the world has witnessed the rise of religious fundamentalism, which showcased its brutality with the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. Terrorist organizations have sprung up all over the world, especially in the Islamic world. Governments all over the world have been grappling with terrorist attacks and have undertaken several initiatives across several fronts in order to contain and eliminate the menace of terrorism. One of the identified problems found to aid terrorists in their sustenance has been the issue of terror financing. Several pr ominent methods including Non-profit organizations, narcotics and stock markets have been identified as sources that have been exploited by terrorists to secure money for their activities. Among the known forms of funding, the issue of funding terrorism though charities has caused quite a storm, which generates an interest in identifying the ways in which terrorists have managed to exploit non-profit organizations for their purpose. The current paper is an attempt at highlighting the issue and explores the concept of such funding through charities from several perspectives. The world is gripped against the threat of terror and the recent years have seen a vast increase in the rise of terrorist organizations over many parts of the world. While some are based on religious faith, others have been formed as a result of armed struggle, territorial conflicts or otherwise. We live in an ear fueled by the

Friday, October 4, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 19

Human Resource Management - Essay Example ue added activities that the HRM performs such as training; Learning and development; planning, performance appraisal; compensation and rewards & recognition. (Abu & Kamrul, 2000) For many organizations, the selection process consists of short listing the candidates and selecting the best. Different positions in the organization would require different kinds of selection criteria or technique. It is the duty of the HR to decide which technique needs to be used to recruit the best person and the selection technique will depend on number of criteria’s such as skills, characteristics, domain familiarity required for the position to be filled. (Choosing selection techniques, n.d) Selection of a candidate should not be just based on the selection method but should also involve 2 or more techniques to assess the skill set, communication, analytical knowledge and domain knowledge. Interviews can be done in different ways and this depends on the how the interviewer would want to acquire information. There are different selection techniques and the organization can use more than one selection technique to recruit the employees. This is the most relaxed form of recruiting an employee, by having a friendly chat. This method can be exercised to observe candidates’ manners and activities in a less formal environment. This method is usually used as one part of the selection process and this helps the interviewer in assessing the ability and the suitability of the job and also to evaluate if the candidate would be adding value to the organization. (Types of Interview, n.d) Some companies take a structured approach to interviews. The same sets of questions are asked to the candidates to assess how good they are against the other candidates .This method is very useful in case the interviewer wants to assess the presentation and communication skills of the candidate. This method involves assessing skills, attributes, behavioral patterns by giving the candidates some

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Life Resource Center Scavenger Hunt Essay Example for Free

Life Resource Center Scavenger Hunt Essay Questions 1. What are the three ways that students may receive counseling services through the LRC? 2. What heading are the Health Tools and Health Challenges found under? 3. Where is the Assess Your Health tool located? 4. What are the five categories on the Live Healthy Page? 5. Where can resources and articles about good nutrition be found on the LRC? 6. What are three of the health topics that can be found on the LRC? 7. What are two categories found under the Medical Care heading? 8. Where on the LRC would a person find information on addiction and recovery? 9. Where on the LRC would a person find information about health issues related to aging? 10. What are three psychosocial health topics that are available on the LRC? Answers 1. Three ways that students can receive counseling services through the LRC is free and confidential resources of your Life Resource Center. If someone would like to speak to a Counselor over the phone or meet with a local counselor in-person, please call 866-320-2817 or use the online Request Appointment section located on the right side of this page. 2. The heading that the health tools and health challenges is found under the thriving heading 3. The asses your health tool is located under the thriving health tools category 4. The five categories that are listed on the live healthy page is How Healthy Are You, Lifestyle Change, Physical Fitness, Prevention and Screening, and Tips for Healthy Living. 5. The resources and articles about good nutrition can be found under the thriving tab under the good nutrition guidelines. 6. Three of the health topics that can be found on the LRC are Aging, Balancing, and Thriving. 7. Two categories that are found under the Medical Care heading are Dental care and Recuperation. 8. A person would find information on addiction and recovery under the Balancing Tab. 9. A person would find information about health issues related to aging under the Balancing tab/ Personal Growth 10. Three psychosocial health topics that are available on the LRC is Mental Health, Grief and Loss, and Addiction and Recovery.

Tyre Manufacturing Company Analysis

Tyre Manufacturing Company Analysis INTRODUCTION: MADRAS RUBBER FACTORY is major tyre manufacturing company located in Chennai, southern part of India. It is successful and Indias biggesttyre manufacturing company and one of the best competitor in production of tyres worldwide. The MRF products are renowned for its quality andinnovation. It exports its products to more than 65 countries in America, Europe, Japan, Middle East, Japan and Pacific. HISTORY: In 1946, K.M. Mammen Mappillai started this company as a small toy balloon manufacturing unit in a shed. In 1949, the business started producing a variety of products like balloons, toys to industrial gloves and contraceptives. MRF was also established as first office at Thambu Chetty Street, Chennai, India. In 1952, manufacturing of tread-rubber started in that unit by installation of first machine and a rubber mill at that factory. In 1961, MRF established with Mansfield tire Rubber Company of USA and started manufacture of tyres with a huge success gained in tread-rubber. In 1964, the export business of tyres made in progress. At Beirut (Lebanon) an overseas office was established for the development export market. MRF muscleman is popularly known now but this year was his birth. In 1967, MRF has become the first Indian company to export tyres to USA. In the next 3 years MRF inaugurates Kottayam unit, a factory in Goa and Arakkonam plant. This was first company to produce Nylon tyres and gained huge commercial success. And later MRF Superlug-78 was introduced for heavy duty trucks, this largest selling truck tyre in the country. In 1980, MRF technically collaborated with B.F Goodrich Company of USA which was involved in development with NASA space-shuttle. In the year 1984, the turnover of company crossed 2 billion INR and the first India tyres produced by MRF for the fitment of MARUTI SUZUKI 800, which is first Indias small car. Nylogrip tyres were launched for two wheelers in next year. In 1986, National Institution of Quality Assurance recognised MRF against 20 tyre manufacturing companies worldwide. B.F. Goodrich Tyre Company has instituted 6 quality improvement awards to MRF. Due to the companys effectiveness in the market again the turnover has reached to 3 billion INR. Premium Nylon tyre was also launched in the year 1987. In 1989, once again MRF was awardedthe Visvesvaraya award for the bestbusiness company in South India. It is recognised for its quality and excellence in the market. Hasbro International (USA) and MRF collaborated with each other and Funskool India has launched in the year 1989. From 1993 to 1995, the turnover of company reached 10 billion INR to 15 billion INR. And MRF tyres were chosenfor fitment on Daewoo Cielo. Mr and Mrs Mammen Mapillai received gold medal for being first 2 employees of the company, in the golden jubilee year The first ever F3 car and Super Lug tyres for trucks,ZVTS tyres for passenger cars, Nylogrip Zapper for two-wheelers were launched. The rally team of MRF wins APRC rally for first time in the 2001, second time in the year 2003 and third time win in the year 2005. MRFs turnover crossed 30 billion INR in the year 2004 and 50 billion INR in the year 2006. In the year 2007, MRF won JD Power Award. A new type of tyres Super Lug 505 for the trucks was launched. Super Lug FS tyres were also launched because the customers had claimed to be provided them saving fuel. ZLSK tyres were launched. JD Power award was again won by MRF in the year 2008. AWARDS AND ACHIEVEMENTS: MRF achieved to be voted as Most Trusted Tyre Company in India by TNS 2006 global CSR study. JD POWER ASIA PACIFIC award was won by MRF for the customer satisfaction 6 times in last 7 years. CAPEXIL award was won by MRF for exports. MRF PRODUCT DESINGING PROCESS: The process in designing of the product starts directly from the regular customers. From each individual customer, the inputs are compiled Product Development Division or Vehicle specific requirement are received from the OE customers. A special team of 300 scientists and engineers work for MRF and gives its enormous strength in designing the product. First the customers inputs are collected and according to them the team works on to convert them into Design concept. The Cutting-Edge technologies are used in design validation and predictive testing is done before it leaves the drawing board. For new designs, this type of advancement had significantly brought down the time to market. Usage of advanced raw materials are tested and approved in NABL accredited laboratories of the company. MRF works for global suppliers very closely in using latest developments. At the time of approval and after the product is released in the market, the quality of materials used in manufacturing the tyres are closely monitored in the laboratories by the latest testing equipment. All MRFs factories are TS16949/ISO9001 certified in which validation testing and verification of prototypes is manufactured. Then indoor testing of tyres ensures toconform the testing of architecture tomeet MRFs standards and the national standards like BIS/JIS/ETRTO/TRA. Now the tyres are handed over to Vehicle Dynamics Group who makes the design and validates on the vehicle. Tests of tyres are done on testing tracks in a series at several speeds by pushing the limits of its capabilities. MRF ensuresthe tyres are tested successfully on all types of roads, race tracks, and companys laboratories. Only after completing these all various types of testing, the tyres are released to customers. MRF tyres are very much demanded by the customers for its quality and standards. There are 6 manufacturing units in India (GOA, MEDAK, TIRUVOTTIYUR, ARKONAM, PUDUCHERRY and KOTTAYAM.) PRODUCTS AND SERVICES: MRF is the leading manufacturing company of the tyres in various segments. Including tyres, Pretreads, Paints, Coats and Toys are diversified business interests of MRF. By innovation ofthe product and technology, each and every tyre that comes out is tested to weather the toughest conditions and the highest standards that take on any road. Customers are offered by a host of services of the MRF, they are helped from selecting the tyre of their choice to maintaining their vehicle. FUTURE PROJECTS: Radialisation in the tyre industry has become the most important factor in trucks and buses category. The future projects of MRF tyres are to produce radialisation in India. Radialisation can be explained as the most important innovation in the tyre technology. As radialisation was introduced in India since 1978, MRF had not reached to catch its pace according to its expectations in spite of several advantages like additional mileage, saving of fuel, improved driving. In India older vehicles had not suitable geometric fitment of radial tyres on Indian roads. But now the situation is completely different, for the passenger car type segment radialisation has reached to 98%. And for medium and heavy vehicles segment radialisation is 8%, LCV segment radialisation is estimated at 18%. The radialisation of trucks, buses and LCV tyres had started obtaining the momentum. MRF have kept its pace with the improvements of technology that radialisation signifies the art of tyres compared to be th e best in market. A special factory was started in Puducherry for manufacturing of radials. MRF tyres were chosen to use on FIAT UNO, OPEL ASTRA and FORD ESCORT because of its good quality in the market. MRF in India has collaborated with companies like Maruti, Mahindra Mahindra, Tata motors, and Gneral motors. PESTLE ANALYSIS OF MRF: This analysis is used in every type of business organisations. Let us consider on MRF company. There are 6 type of views considers in PESTLE analysis of this organisation, they are: POLITICAL FACTORS OF MRF: The company is politically strong for its high standards and quality assurance in this industry. As the company was started in 1946 before the independence of the country and it is first company which has got success in rubber industry. In 1956, MRF had become leader of market with 50% share of the tread-rubber in India with its good quality and high standards. Many multinational companies had to withdraw from tread-rubber business in India because of an MRFs effective hold on the market. In 1990, the 6th World Cup Boxing Championship was brought to Mumbai, India by MRF where 39 countries had participated. MRF Pace Foundation was setup in the year 1988. Dennis Lille is the director for that academy. Many pace bowlers trained at that foundation were selected to Indian cricket team. The company has all legally approved certifications and it maintains all the national standards. Company is succesfull in satisfying every one specially to the customers and rules and regulations of Indian Government. ECONOMICAL FACTORS OF MRF: By unressolving tax issues, the import duty on natural rubber is more as 20% and 10% as less as on finished tyres is unaddressed because of the issue of tax structure. Due to the increasing cost of raw materials tyre manufacturing companies profit is changing. As the materials based on natural rubber, crude and steel are historically volatility in prices. Domestic natural rubber has increased to 40%. The fact is known that 70% production of price is combines with the manufacturers. As there is a huge demand for tyres of TB category MRF has builded up expoting business with neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka and China. Globally this TB tyre segment has more demand for radial tyres. MRF is developing radialisation globally to protect share in international market, and also make complelete grip in Indian market. MRF has set up a factory at Puducherry for radial tyres. SOCIAL FACTORS OF MRF: Presently, small families are demanding for 2/4 wheelers for individuals. The sales of tyres has gained more in past decade. From upper class families with more than 1 car per family observed to be increasing demand of tyres exponentially, mainly in cities where woking couples find difficult to maintain them without more than 1 car. As we know that Indian middle class families are known for its savings frenzy has now been slowly warming up to an idea of EMI and buying on credit. Due to this factors, there is a enormous demand in passenger cars. MRF had gained high profits in providing customer needs in passenger car category.