Saturday, October 5, 2019

A Study of How Donations to Non-Profit Organizations Contribute to the Thesis

A Study of How Donations to Non-Profit Organizations Contribute to the Financing of Terrorism - Thesis Example Such people have scant regard for human life and property and are prepared to go to any extent including using themselves in order to achieve their purpose. ‘Terrorism’, is often attributed to modern outfits that have adopted a covert approach to attacking governments and the general public in the quest for an idealistic cause, which has often resulted them in being banned and pursued after. Over the past 2 decades, the world has witnessed the rise of religious fundamentalism, which showcased its brutality with the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. Terrorist organizations have sprung up all over the world, especially in the Islamic world. Governments all over the world have been grappling with terrorist attacks and have undertaken several initiatives across several fronts in order to contain and eliminate the menace of terrorism. One of the identified problems found to aid terrorists in their sustenance has been the issue of terror financing. Several pr ominent methods including Non-profit organizations, narcotics and stock markets have been identified as sources that have been exploited by terrorists to secure money for their activities. Among the known forms of funding, the issue of funding terrorism though charities has caused quite a storm, which generates an interest in identifying the ways in which terrorists have managed to exploit non-profit organizations for their purpose. The current paper is an attempt at highlighting the issue and explores the concept of such funding through charities from several perspectives. The world is gripped against the threat of terror and the recent years have seen a vast increase in the rise of terrorist organizations over many parts of the world. While some are based on religious faith, others have been formed as a result of armed struggle, territorial conflicts or otherwise. We live in an ear fueled by the

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