Thursday, October 24, 2019

Int Marketing

Synopsis Throughout the article we know that Pegasus Airlines is one of the best airlines in Turkey. The secret behind the success of the airlines was continuity of developing to meet passenger expectations and priorities. For example, Pegasus has put in place a yield management strategy for ticket pricing, using the strategy of Southwest Airlines of North America as an example. Pegasus has also developed a credit/loyalty card which offers customers a range of benefits including insurance rate reductions and also developed a specific customer satisfaction guarantee policy to the customers.Pegasus also offers customer service experience at the airport such as providing exclusive allotments for the first 72 hours of parking with a valet parking option. As a result, Pegasus innovative customer service won the company an award for â€Å"Best Airline Business Price† in 2006. The marketing strategy applied by Pegasus Airlines has succeeded Pegasus as one of the most searched airline in Turkey on Google. Pegasus’ employees also work as a team to provide a democratic environment in which everyone shares their ideas freely.Continuous training also ensured regular career progression and high levels of motivation through a solid performance system and regular personal feedback. Pegasus’ strong word of mouth has also been important in the airline’s success and is reflected in the words of customers on a special Web site titled â€Å"Pegasus Listens to You. † This encourage customers to generate ideas for service improvement, to debate generic questions and topics relating to the airline’s management and services, and also to encourage customers to report problems they have encountered.As a conclusion, efficient management techniques and great marketing skills has ensured Pegasus as one of the successful airlines in Turkey. 1. Give examples of needs, wants and demands that Pegasus customers demonstrate, differentiating these three c oncepts. What are the implications of each for Pegasus’ practices? Needs: In conjunction with the needs of people to take airplane, Turkish Airlines had been established in order to let passengers travel from one place to another. Wants: Wants are the form human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual personality.Customers will prefer to choose Pegasus instead of Onur Air, Fly Air, Sun Express, and Atlasjet because Pegasus delivering low prices with a high-quality service experience to them. Demands: Demands is mean by humans wants that are backed by buying power. Given their wants and resources, people demand products with benefits that add up to the most value and satisfaction. For example, Pegasus provided customer service at the airport such as exclusive allotments for the first 72 hours of parking with a valet parking option.The implications of each for Pegasus’ practices are provide convenient for the customers because they are able to do online b ooking through the internet. The passengers are also able to find hotel easily through customer service and they can get some discount as well. Other than that, these practices can also bring profits and income to the company. These practices are able to attract more customers to select Pegasus Airlines. 2. Describe in detail all the facets of Pegasus’ product. What is being exchanged in a Pegasus transaction? )An in-plane-bulletin is avalaible for customer, with a mix of offers amd features on certains destination. Althouoght the bulletin is free for customers, but this generates incomes via advertisement. ii)Pegasus has a Facebook page complete with a game entitling customer to win free tckets. Pegasus too have a Twitter page that offers special compettion. A special campaign associated with Vodafone, called the ‘Mobile Phone Fly’ whereby customer collect sms-es to gain discounts, emulating the traditional strategy of other airlines, ie, ‘Shops and milesà ¢â‚¬â„¢.This is to create a sustainable relationship with it’s customer while leveraging the possibilities of social networks and other digital technologies. iii) A special web site tittled â€Å"Pegasus Listens To You†, where it encourage customers to generate ideas for services, improvement, debate generic questions and topics, relating to the airline’s management and services, also to encourage customers to report problems they have encoutered. This helps Pegasus to consistantly obtain feedback and maintain profitable relationship. 3. Which of the five marketing management concepts best applies to Pegasus?Among the five marketing management concepts, we came out with a conclusion that the Marketing Concept best applies to Pegasus. The Marketing Concept is defined as the philosophy that holds the achieving organizational goals depends on knowing the needs and wants of target marketing and delivering the desired satisfactions better than competitors do. Based o n the article, Pegasus Airlines had satisfied the needs of customers by providing airplanes that bring passengers from place to another. Pegasus had also satisfied the wants of target marketing by offer affordable flight tickets, so that everyone will be able to take a flight.Under the marketing concept, the Pegasus Airlines integrates all the marketing activities that affect customers. In turn, it yields profits by creating lasting relationships with the right customers based on customer value and satisfaction. For example, the Pegasus had carried out ticket pricing strategy and the system was complemented by an electronic ticket policy whereby passengers receive their information via SMS and e-mail. This had provided convenient to the passengers because it had save a lot of their time and they can book air ticket at home by using the Internet.Besides that, Pegasus had also developed a specific customer satisfaction guarantee policy that provides customers. For example, in the case of a delay greater than 3 hours, a refund of the ticket will be given out, and if delay greater than 5 hours, a refund and a free ticket will be given out. Pegasus also offers a customer service experience at the airport by providing exclusive allotments for the first 72 hours of parking with a valet parking option, VIP and Business Class lounges, car rental and many hotel partners where customers can get some discount. . What value does Pegasus create for its customers? Pegasus create customer perceived value by keeping up with its customers even when they are not flying. Pegasus had created a Facebook page complete with a game entitling customers to win free tickets. The company also has a Twitter account which offers customers special competitions. Other than that, Pegasus had also carried out a special campaign in association with Vodafone called â€Å"mobile phone fly†, whereby consumers accumulated for each SMS an award of 5 percent toward a Pegasus ticket discount.Bes ides that, Pegasus had also created a website called â€Å"Pegasus Listens to You. † This is to encourage customers to generate ideas for service improvement, to debate generic questions and topics relating to the airline’s management and services, and to encourage customers to report problems they have encountered. In short, Pegasus hopes to create a sustainable relationship with its customers while leveraging the possibilities of social networks and other digital technologies. In general, the customers are getting more benefits than the costs that they have to pay to get the service given by pegasus.

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