Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Estefania Oliveros Essays (725 words) - Crime Scene,

Estefania Oliveros Crime Investigation CJ 210 - 51 There are many different types of investigations that can occur on duty. Whether you are a police officer, fire fighter or detective, investigations help us understand the events or actions that caused an incident. An example of an investigation is the preliminary investigation. A preliminary investigation is when law enforcement gathers more information about the incident. The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether or not a crime has been committed. It is also designed to identify a suspect's identity. After this is done, a decision is later made to whether or not conduct a full investigation or go to trial. The first step to a preliminary investigation is the initial response. This is an important part to a successful investigation. This is because "most cases actually are lost during the first hour of an investigation, the initial period ." The officer that gets there first is known as the primary officer. This officer is in charge until they are relieved by another officer. "A survey conducted by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) revealed that a response time of one minute or less is necessary to increase the probability of arrest at the scene." Even though this is what the survey proved there is not enough money to provide this response time. The first officer that arrives to the scene has to know what to do regarding the situation occurring. They must be able to take charge immediately and be able to control the situation. By this I mean people maybe excited or shaken up at the scene. The first officer must be able to get people to cooperate. After that has been taken care of, the setting is what comes next. The setting allows people to know what happened first. The priorities of the setting are handling emergencies first. Securing the scene and investigation what took place. During emergencies officers have to act according to the procedure they were given. Officers should also be aware that there could always be more than one suspect. If the officer is able to respond to the call quickly, they might be able to detain the suspect. "Any suspect at the scene should be detained, questioned and then released depending on circumstances." If the suspect has left the scene then immediate action is required if information is provided early enough. An arrest can be made sooner. If a person is seriously injured it is important to aid the victims first. Their safety is the top priority of the arriving officers. They should observe and record the injured person's condition. If the person is severely injured the important thing to do at that moment, is to remove them from the scene and provide them medical attention. If there is a dead body at the scene it may be the center of attention. The body is to be left at it was found. The main concern at this point is to be bid to identify the victim's body. Protecting the crime scene is simple. Most officers carry a caution tape or sign that reads, " Crime scene-do not cross." When this happens sometimes officers arriving at the scene can cause problems by ignoring the signs. "A Locard's principle of exchange is based forensic theory that objects that come in contract with each other always transfer material, however minute, to each other." After all has been taken care of the actual preliminary investigation can begin. Responsibilities during the preliminary investigation include questioning victims, witnesses and suspects. Conduct a neighborhood canvas, measure, photograph, videotape and sketch the scene. Searching for evidence, identify, collect, examine and process physical evidence. Information may be volunteered. "Res gestae statements are spontaneous statements made at the time of a crime concerning and closely related to actions involved in the crime. They are often considered more truthful than later, planned responses." At the end of investigation the most important priority is the safety of everyone. Along with that is to maintain the peace and control the situation. Being able to take control or take charge and catch the suspect of the crimes.

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