Sunday, November 17, 2019

French Revolution and Napoleon Era Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

French Revolution and Napoleon Era - Essay Example Largely, the French revolution was considered successful premised on the ideologies of liberty, equality, brotherhood, democracy, hubris, fiscal responsibility and technology. The revolutionary’s slogan of â€Å"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity or death† captures their vision and aspiration for a new order and willingness to die for that cause (Kaiser & Kley, 2010). Their commitment to attain liberty and equality resulted to national liberation and legal equity. The liberals championed their ideologies on advocating for individual liberty and legal equality. Liberty created freedom for people to make choices for themselves, equality where no person being superior to the other, rationalism in which every individual would have the capacity of logical thinking, progress of society, science, and the economy and free market liberalism. These consequential liberal ideas advocated for a limited government that favored democracy. While chanting the spirit of brotherhood, the irate French citizens of Paris conducted the Bastille storm as a unit to express the people’s takeover of power. At the same time, Fiscal responsibility and Hubris were influential to the revolution owing to the crisis of King Louis XV, resulting from higher debts accruals; the tax increased on the citizens in order to pay up these debts to end the cycle of financial trap. The dawn of democracy also helped create a people’s elected government by adopting new political ideologies, equality for all persons and encouraging a limited form of government that championed the people’s interests. Moreover, the technology that was used during the French revolution including guillotine made people fear, being a new style of execution, and becoming the nerve of revolutionary justice. (Censer & Hunt, 2001) Thus, the French revolution was premised on enlightenment, citizenship, nationalism and inalienable rights, some of which would spill over to the American Revolution. Napoleoni c Era Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 in the town of Ajaccio, Corsica; the Republic of Genoa which was transferred one year after the small island to France. On July 4, 1176, the American constitution and declaration of independence was signed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, then years following to July14, 1789 saw the final fall of Bastille, Paris because of brotherhood efforts of the French revolutionary, opening doors for the beginning of the revolutionary war challenging the old with the ideals of a new and better society. Culminating from the endless efforts of the revolutionaries, the Monarchy was abolished in France on September 21, 1792 in France establishing the first French Republic. Just a day after being convicted of conspiracy, King Louis XVI was executed by the French National convention using a guillotine in Paris on January 21, 1793. (Rose, 1935) On August 22, 1795, the French constitution was ratified by the French National convention during the times of the French revolution in France. A year later, the battle of Arcola took place, marking a decisive battle during Napoleon’s defeat of the third Austrian trail to raise the Siege of Mantua, making Napoleon disentangle himself from a very precarious position on 15-16 November 1796. In 1798 marked the French campaign in Egypt and Syria to protect French trading interests, diminish Britain’s presence in India and anchor scientific establishments in the region. On November 9,

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