Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Levels of AnalysisCh. 3 & Arab-Israeli Conflict book & homework. My Assignment

Levels of AnalysisCh. 3 & Arab-Israeli Conflict book & homework. My assigned Country for this research is NIGERIA - Assignment Example Another important event is the publishing of the works of Leo Pinsker (Auto-emancipation) and Theodor Herzl (Der Judenstaat) which called for the establishment of a Jewish homeland or state (Schulze 7). Both of these articles actually called for the need to establish a homeland for the Jewish people, given that they have been experiencing discrimination in the different countries where they are scattered (Schulze 7). In addition, both of these papers also emphasized that the establishment of such homeland for the Jewish people would make them preserve their cultural traditions and solidify their national identity as Jews. The establishment of the World Zionist Organization is important, for it spearheaded the creation of a Jewish homeland in Israel, which was the same territory of the Ottoman Empire controlled Islamic Palestine (Schulze 8). It is said that Palestine was chosen as the land where the Jewish homeland would be established because it is here where the ancient kingdom of I srael and Judah where located. These kingdoms are the only Jewish states which have existed in history. Seen as the origin of the Jewish people, the Zionist movement saw the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine as essential in the nation-building process of the Jews who were historically scattered and in Diaspora.

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