Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay --

And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, that sucked the honey of his music vows, now keep an eye on that noble and most sovereign reason out of tune and harsh (3.1.13). Ophelia is a very interesting character in the book small town written by William Shakespeare. She displays several qualities that make her interesting. Ophelia is ordered around and never speak up for herself until she finally cracks. The evidence is when her father orders Ophelia to talk to Hamlet for the first prison term in weeks after he told her to stop seeing Hamlet. Ophelia is also a sweet and innocent young girl. We attestator this when the narrator tells the readers she follows all her fathers request without asking any questions. This shows she is innocent for non having a reason to not trust her father. Lastly, she seems depressed in some scenes. The author shows this when the narrator mentions she was impression pressured for sex with Hamlet. It was oblivious too much for her to handle at the cadence. This essay will show that Ophelia possesses the three qualities fair(a) mentioned. This essay will show how the events and examples just mentioned show Ophelia unique qualities.Things are becoming unbalanced in the kingdom of Elsinore. The old Kings brother Claudius married the Kings widowed wife Gertrude. The Kings son Hamlet thinks his mother is moving on too fast. She didnt even grieve for over enough time she only grieved for two months and for her son Hamlet that wasnt enough time. Meanwhile two guards outside the castle notice a ghost that looks oddly familiar. They by and by discover its old King Hamlet hunting the castle. One of the two guards goes seek to find Hamlet and tell him about his father being a ghost. When Hamlet meets the ghost he realizes its actually... ...ent on men and sweet and innocent. When Ophelia follows her father demands for her to stop seeing Hamlet, she agrees immediately. Although she is in love with Hamlet and it breaks her heart to not be with him anymore she still obeys her father. When Polonius wants use her as bait to spy on Hamlet for King Claudius, she does exactly what shes told and still doesnt question her family motives. We witness Ophelia dependent on men quality since she is not married she has to live by her fathers rules. Even if she were married she would have to follow her husbands rules. Lastly, when Hamlet is verbally insulting her in the theater, she doesnt reply back. Given the fact she is sweet and chooses to ignore him. Ophelia is a dynamic and interesting character who hasnt intentional to stand up for her. Later on she falls into depression for not stopping this from happening.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Awakening :: essays research papers fc

The Process of Edna Pontelliers AwakeningThe society of Grand Isle places many expectations on its wo workforce to belong to men and be subordinate to their children. Edna Pontelliers society, therefore, abounds with "mother-women," who "idolized their children, worshipped their husbands, and esteemed it to a holy privilege to efface themselves as individuals" (689). The characters of Adele Ratignolle and Mademoiselle Reisz represent what society views as the qualified and unsuitable women figures. Mademoiselle Ratignolle is the ideal Grand Isle woman, a home-loving mother and a good wife. Mademoiselle Reisz is the old, unmarried, childless, medicineian who devoted her life to music instead of a man. Edna switches between the both identities until she awakens to the fact that she needs to be an individual, but encounters resistance from society. This begins the process of her awakening.Chopin carefully establishes that Edna does not neglect her children, but unacc ompanied her mother-woman image. Chopin illustrates the idea by telling the reader, "...Mrs. Pontellier was not a mother-woman" (689). Edna tries to explain to Adele how she feels about her children and how she feels about herself, which greatly differs from the mother-woman image. She says, "I would pass around up the unessential I would give my money I would give my life for my children but I wouldnt give myself. I cant make it more clear its only something I am fount to comprehend, which is revealing itself to me" (720).Similarly to Ednas relationship with her children is that with her husband, Leonce. The Grand Isle society defines the role of wife as full devotion and self-sacrifice for your husband. Edna never adhered to societies definitions. For example, the other ladies at Grand Isle "all declared that Mr.Pontellier was the best husband in the world" (689). And "Mrs. Pontellier was forced to admit she knew of none better"(689). By using du stup like "forced" and "admit", Edna has to acknowledge her true feelings towards Leonce. Ednas leaving Leonces mansion is another important detail when considering the process of her awakening. By moving to her own residence, Edna takes a big step towards her independence. Throughout The Awakening, Edna increasingly distances herself from the image of the mother-woman, until her suicide, which serves as the total opposite of the mother-woman image.Adele Ratignolle and Mademoiselle Reisz, the two important female supporting characters, provide the two different identities Edna associates with. Adele serves as the perfect mother-women in The Awakening, being both married and pregnant, but Edna does not follow Adeles footsteps.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Working With Survivors of Trauma Essay -- Post-traumatic stress disord

Bio-psychosocial AssessmentPresenting Issue Spartacus came to seek the admirer of a mental health specialist since he was experiencing a act of difficulties in his life after his service at the U.S. Army. He felt different on his return to home and erect it exceedingly tough to break down in into the family life as he did before going to serve in the army. The emotional attachment he had with his family members such as the wife and the male child had disappeared. Spartacus not attend to the parole accordingly as a father should. Though he knew that this was not right, he could not bring himself to a response and that is the reason why he sought specialized help. The problem had persisted for a while and Spartacus knew that the situation was getting worse. It was interfering with his day-to-day functioning. He wanted help so that he could revert back to his normal function just like in the period before living for the military. He could not sleep, he was constantly nervous, he felt less motivated and showed a general loss of appetite. Demographic InformationSpartacus is an African American male aged 25 years. He has served in the U.S. military for with multiple deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. He had returned to his home in U.S having suffered many physical injuries during one of the combats. He was (and is still) married to Tamika and they have a son who is three years old. Current Living SituationSpartacus spent most of his time in solitude, away from the wife and son. He easily got irritated and found comfort in smoking cigarette. In his loneliness, Spartacus could spend many hours replaying the scenes from his combat experience. He always felt jumpy. Birth and Developmental HistoryHaving been born 25 years ago... ... useful evidence that helped in coming up with the right treatment for Spartacus. BibliographyChang, Y., & Hsiao, S. (2006). Quality of Life Scaling with Maslows Need Hierarchy. Gerontology, 52(6), 376-376.Hofmann, S. G. (2007). Enhan cing exposure-based therapy from a translational research perspective. Behavior Research and Therapy, 45(9), 1987-2001.Kennedy, J. E. (2007). Posttraumatic stress disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder-like symptoms and mild traumatic brain injury. The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 44(7), 895-920.Resick, P. A., & Miller, M. W. (2009). Posttraumatic stress disorder disquiet or traumatic stress disorder?. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 22(5), 384-390.Taylor, S. (2004). Understanding and treating health anxiety A cognitive-behavioral approach. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 11(1), 112-123.

Drug Enforcement :: essays research papers fc

What we Prohibit We Cannot Control Restriction Before Education? there is a definite problem regarding the laws that enforce dose use in the unite States today. Think about this question. Why are some of the most injurious, addictive, and question altering substances in the world--tobacco and alcohol--legal, while other drugs are illegal that potentially cause no harm and have very niggling abuse? The United States has declared 178 substances illegal. These substances are believed to be so dangerous that they are controlled at the highest level for medical use or forbidden outright, even for medical research. remarkably many of these substances are not physically harmful and have never caused a death. Every year, legal drug use results in about cardinal percent of all hospital admissions, with one hundred thirty six billion dollars in medical costs. It seems odd, then, to make such a big sign between legal and illegal drugs regarding the law.A startling fact, Congressman Newt Gingrich, the Speaker of the House, proposed legislation that would impose the death penalty for people caught carrying as little as two ounces of marijuana. He excused his own past marijuana use by explaining that pot smoking was a sign that we were alive and in graduate school in that era. Prison sentences for being caught with a large amount of marijuana are ten years, mandatory minimum, with no parole allowed. A prison sentence for murder six point three years. That is the average served, with parole allowed. The average sentence for a first time, non-violent drug offender is perennial than for rape, child molestation, bank robbery, or manslaughter.(Gahlinger 2) This is an appalling statistic. The government is enforcing harsher punishment on a marijuana smoker compared to a murderer The government is filling prisons with drug offenders that will not learn any topic while there. Most likely when their term in prison is over they will go back to the same thing that they were doi ng before they went in to the system. Billions of tax payer dollars are keeping these drug offenders behind bars when a drug treatment program could be component part them to correct current addictive behavior and how to curtail their thoughts and actions to a more positive lifestyle. While the government puts one drug offender away some other one is ready to step up to the plate and replace him or her. This is a never ending cycle. Why do we not speak of move abuse or a chain saw problem?

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Topology Essay -- Mathematics Essays Mathematical Math

regional anatomy Mathematics is a field so vast and diverse that it is impossible to be an expert in every areas. It is also a field that is constantly evolving and branching outward. The field of network topology is one of the newest intensively studied branches of mathematics. A simple way to describe topology is as rubber sheet geometry 2. Topology is an offshoot of geometry that originated during the 19th century and that studies those properties an object retains under deformation - specifically, bending, stretching and squeezing, but not breaking or tearing 1. Under these conditions, one could say that a square is topologically equivalent to a circle because a square can be bent and stretched into a circle 3. However, a square is not topologically equivalent to a torus because a torus cannot be formed unless a hole is bored done the medium, or two pieces are joined together. Topologists obviously have expanded upon these simple concepts over time to create theorems f urther removed from our ordinary experiences. any(prenominal) of these shapes and objects exist in four dimensional space or higher dimensions and cannot exist in our world. Theoretically these shapes would be as commonplace as a tree or rock in a higher dimensional universe. However, in our universe topologists turn to mathematics to understand these shapes 6. The first mathematical problem, which conduct to the origins of topology, was the Konigsberg bridges problem. The people of Konigsberg wondered if they could walk around the city in a way that they would also cross every bridge exactly once. The city occasion looked something like this 2 Euler determined that it was indeed impossible to accomplish this feat. He rationalized this problem... ...nal space. Works Cited 1 http//,5716,115452+1,00.html Encyclopedia Britannica Topology. Accessed December 6, 1999.2 http// ml The Beginnings of Topology. Accessed December 6, 1999.3 http// Topology. Accessed December 6, 1999.4 http// Enters Mathematics. Accessed December 6, 1999.5 http// FelixChristian Klein. Accessed December 7, 1999.6 http// What is Topology. Accessed December 7, 1999.7 Yaglom, I. M. Felix Klein and Sophus Lie. Birkhauser, Boston. 1988.

Topology Essay -- Mathematics Essays Mathematical Math

topographic anatomy Mathematics is a field so vast and diverse that it is impossible to be an expert in every(prenominal) areas. It is also a field that is constantly evolving and branching outward. The field of regional anatomy is one of the newest intensively studied branches of mathematics. A simple way to describe topology is as rubber sheet geometry 2. Topology is an offshoot of geometry that originated during the 19th century and that studies those properties an object retains under deformation - specifically, bending, stretching and squeezing, but not breaking or tearing 1. Under these conditions, one could say that a square is topologically equivalent to a circle because a square can be bent and stretched into a circle 3. However, a square is not topologically equivalent to a torus because a torus cannot be formed unless a hole is bored finished the medium, or two pieces are joined together. Topologists obviously have expanded upon these simple concepts over time to create theorems further removed from our ordinary experiences. nigh of these shapes and objects exist in four dimensional space or higher dimensions and cannot exist in our world. Theoretically these shapes would be as commonplace as a tree or rock in a higher dimensional universe. However, in our universe topologists turn to mathematics to understand these shapes 6. The first mathematical problem, which guide to the origins of topology, was the Konigsberg bridges problem. The people of Konigsberg wondered if they could walk around the city in a way that they would also cross every bridge exactly once. The city mapping looked something like this 2 Euler determined that it was indeed impossible to accomplish this feat. He rationalized this problem... ...nal space. Works Cited 1 http//,5716,115452+1,00.html Encyclopedia Britannica Topology. Accessed December 6, 1999.2 http// 1.html The Beginnings of Topology. Accessed December 6, 1999.3 http// Topology. Accessed December 6, 1999.4 http// Enters Mathematics. Accessed December 6, 1999.5 http// FelixChristian Klein. Accessed December 7, 1999.6 http// What is Topology. Accessed December 7, 1999.7 Yaglom, I. M. Felix Klein and Sophus Lie. Birkhauser, Boston. 1988.

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Administrative Agencies in the United States and their Implications

Administrative agencies be apart from the other branches of the government, the executive, judicial and the legislative, but are able to exercise the functions of the three. These agencies are authorized and supported by the legislative orders, and are capable of implementing and creating regulations, enforcing and adjudicating. They say that courts do not possess these capabilities.The continuous prevalence of this kind of system has increased the popularity of administrative laws in the exacting Court. It came to the point that al nearly 1/3 of the decisions to be made by the court is about the administrative actions.Take note that administrative agencies function on the most sensitive areas of the society, and thus were called the fourth branch of the government. The agencies have a comparable scope of authority and perimeter to the three above-mentioned branches, and thus their impact is actually much anticipated (Barry and Whitcomb, 2005, p. 25).One of the disadvantages with this kind of system is that the administrative office takes itself apart from the people under their functions. Because of this, the decisions they make are lacking in sympathetic face and thus are prone to the erosion of public interest.The executive part may decide on the basis of a single person, and because of this there efficacy be narrowness in the judgment of that person, which makes the decision not applicable to many, thus is susceptible to initiating conflict (Zwart and Verhey, 2003, p. 58).The United States has be play along an increasingly administrative form. In line with this, implications were identified and patterned before the American character (democracy, justice, quality of life). Aside from the implication mentioned above, there are other troubling implications which are notwithstanding historical but still this kid of system has prevailed.The democratic options made this kind of order, and still are renewable as dictated upon by the many. To sit with this k ind of thinking, the decision makers in the administrative office must be free from interpersonal influences, and be strong-willed also in order to come up with the necessary actions.When the customary administration has come into abuse or distortion, this is a possible threat to the American governance (Salyer,1995, p 246). Interest groups are everywhere, and they may greatly influence the administrative actions (policy implementation) and even the legislation (policy adoption), or take control of them.It is of high tendency that government policies may be hypothesize in the absence of law, and the law be just allowed to be made by this fourth branch (Williams and Torrens, 2001, p, 357).ReferencesBarry, D. D., & Whitcomb, H. R. (2005). The Legal Foundations of Public Administration. Retrieved July 8, 2009, from http//, L. E. (1995). Laws Harsh as Tigers Chinese Immigrants and the Shaping of Modern Immigration Law. Retrieved July 9, 2008, from http//, S. J., & Torrens, P. R. (2001). Introduction to Health Services. Retrieved July 8, 2008, from http//, T. L., & Verhey, F. M. (2003). Agencies in European and comparative perspective. Retrieved July 9, 2008, from http//

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Flowchart for a Process Essay

The Pre-Admissions Testing (PAT) department at Good Samaritan Medical focalise conducts pre-operative testing on almost every patient registerd for surgery. The pre-surgical process from stir up to finish is more season-consuming than it has to be. This melodic theme will identify a specific process, and design a flow chart that gives a visual of the pre-surgical process. The flowchart will show the various factors that incite the design process, and highlight the specific process. By designing a flowchart for the process, the intent is to identify the amount of time, redundancy of calls do to the patient, and initiate ideas to make the process more efficient. Factors Affecting Process figureFactors that affect the process design ar1. Is the patient scheduled as soon as the reservation is received? 2. Is the pre-admissions department notified in a apropos manner for next day add- ons? 3. Is the patients contact randomness correct?Each factor menti integrityd has a huge im pact on the out settle of the pre-admission process. Additional factors that affect the process design be1. Incorrect spelling of names2. Incorrect booking status3. Surgery cancellations and updating surgical schedule in a timely mannerIndentified MetricThe metrics identified to measure the process is time, efficiency, and productivity. The following data gives a brief description of the daily activities, and the flowchart gives a description of the PAT process. Week 1Tuesday 01/28/13- Scheduled several appointments two patients showed up for appointments that were not on the schedule and had to be rescheduled due to the schedule being full. Several patients were called two or three times due to lack of communication. Called doctor offices to get correct patient phone numbers. Wednesday- 01/29/13- Had to made several doctor offices to get correct patient phone numbers. Patient was added to the schedule and PAT was not notified. Patients were rushed to come in because he was asked to come in at the last minute. Thursday-01/30/13- Had to call doctors offices to get correct phone numbers.Patients arrived that were not on the scheduled and the wait time was over one hour. Patients contacted after their surgery was cancelled because PAT was not notified that the surgery was cancelled. Friday- 01/31/13- Several doctors offices had to be contacted to get correct phone numbers. Contacted patients that were added on the schedule. Conversed with scheduling, regarding errors and incorrect information on surgery schedule also mentioned incorrect phone numbers.I work a ten-hour workday and as shown, a large amount of time goes into getting correct phone numbers, rescheduling patients, and re-calling patients that have already been contacted. Due to the inefficiency in the PAT department, the number of patients that are seen on a daily basis are limited. With several minor changes the PAT department could run more efficiently and the employees will have less stress.Pre-Ad missions Testing Process FlowchartMissing References .2 apexWhen writing academic papers a minimum of one reference should be provided which would be your course text. This demonstrates that you read the course text and can implement it to the topic of the paper. No references indicate a paper that reflects personal opinion only and does not demonstrate application of course concepts covered in the information material for the week.Week 1 Grading Design a Flowchart for a Process AssignmentContent and Development 6 Points Points Earned6/6 consider a process you perform daily but would like to spend less time doing, such as driving to work. Design a flowchart using an appropriate tool.Comment on the factors that affect the process design. Identify at least one metric to measure the process.Submit your flowchart for the process. Inez,You have provided 1. An explanation more or less the process chosen to improve2. A flowchart of the process which uses the flow chart symbols approp riately as described in Week 1 readings 3. A discussion about the factors that affect the process design 4. An identification of at least one metric to measure the process that data will be collected against for completion of students Week 5 Statistical Process Control Improvement Plan Readability and Style 1 Point Points Earned1/1The stride is appropriate to the content and assignment. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. * Central theme/purpose is immediately clear * Structure is clear, logical, and easy to follow Mechanics 1 Points Points Earned.8/1The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.Spelling is correct. * Rules of grammar, usage, punctuation are followed * Spelling is correct * APA issue as celebrated in your assignment .2 Point Total 8 Points Points Earned7.8/8Chapter 5Page 154 What Is A Process?A process is any part of an transcription that takes inputs and transform s them into outputs that are of greater value to the organization than the original inputs.Page 157 How Is A Process Represented?Often the activities associated with a process affect one some some other so that it is important to consider the simultaneous performance of a number of activities, all operating at the same time. A good way to start analyzing a process is with a diagram showing the basic elements of a process, typically tasks, flows, and storage areas.Tasks are shown as rectangles, flows as arrows, and the storage of goods or other items as inverted triangles. Sometimes flows through a process can be diverted in multiple directions depending on some condition. Decision points are depicted as a diamond with the different flows running from the points on the diamond.Process Flowchart ExamplePage 162 How Is The Performance Of A Process measured?

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Cjs 240 week 2 checkpoint Essay

Juvenile delinquency along with the punishments associated with it seems to be one of the touchier subjects in todays society. When it comes to pueriles, there are a number of different things that break away them to commit crimes. Things like the level of crime in their community, the bond they have with their parents, and level their economic status all lead juveniles to crime. In order for communities to even start to deter crime among juveniles, they claim to start implementing a number of sources. One strategy will not just wipe out juvenile crime, you need a combination of many things to keep children away from crime.When it comes to general deterrence, my opinion is that it starts at home. While a child is growing up, his or her parents spiel a large role in their childs concept and view of the world. They also help their children deal with feelings and issues that they come across. A positive up bringing will more than likely create a positive outcome, while a negative u p bringing is more likely to let out a negative outcome. If a parent is into illegal behavior, the child is likely to follow in those footsteps. In terms of specific deterrence, this comes from people like fond workers.Social workers are there to help the children in desperate need. They produce the positive influence that many from broken homes and poverty so desperately need and do not receive at home. With situational crime prevention, I believe this falls on the community as a whole. It is up to the community to take a shit sure that there is safety. If a community is not safe, crime will breed like wild fire.With all the concepts on juvenile crime prevention, I believe that general deterrence is the one that is going to have the most effect. Parents have to determine the right amount of discipline. Too much discipline can buoy cause your child to turn to illegal activity and the same goes for too little discipline. Too many times have we seen that parents want to be friends and not parents. Fix that problem, and you are one step closer to stop juvenile crime.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Oscar Wao: Domincan Irony

Question The Gangster, unlike universey of the men in the book, is friendly, and treats Beli like a woman. However, his action creates an banter in the book. Explain. Answer Many of the man in the book have been rude toward the girls in the book. They thought that their action is the right thing to do, since they have the friar preacher Pride. All they really cared about was their appearance as a muchacha figure, and did not care for the girls feeling or needs.When gangster steps in after Beli had a rough time with Jack who used her as nothing but as a toy Beli starts to feel a feeling of love. Gangster treats her differently, purchasing her gifts, treating her to nice restaurants, and taking her out to places. He even opens his heart up and tells her, about the hardship and torment he is going through. Due to his actions, she realizes she loves him, since no man has ever appreciated her or opened up so much before in her life.His actions create an irony and the actions differ fr om everything we have encountered about the Dominican Culture so far. However, the real irony kicks in as Beli realizes that gangster has a habit of disappearing for days or weeks on end without notice. When he comes back, she persists about where he has been, and about their marriage, however, gangster does not give her any answers back. When Gangster takes Beli out for a trip, to relax, Beli is extremely happy.During the trip, gangster tells Beli that he wants to be free, creating an humorous moment as he goes back and forth between a gentleman, and a muchacha. However, when she returns home she realizes that she is pregnant, and the reader anticipates for the dramatic irony that will be created, as soon as gangster makes his decision about sticking with being a gentleman and staying with Beli, or leave her and the baby, like the other Dominican men.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Impact of Colonization on Native Americans Essay

Aztecs in Mexico ? Pueblos of Southwest ? Mound Builders in Mississippi valley ? 300 separate languages by 1492 REASONS WHY EARLY HARMONIOUS LIVING ENDEND ? No immunologic protection against European diseases up to 90% of native community died in the first century of contact ? Native people had different spiritual beliefs and ideas about land ownership than Europeans. Many resisted Christianity, and the idea of buying and change land was unthinkable to them. ? With the exception of the Five Nation Iroquois, most Indian tribes lacked unity, and were often rivals with each other.They were very vulnerable to the Europeans with their superior weapon technology European TREATMENT OF NATIVE AMERICANS Spanish Policy ? Approach was to conquer, rule and intermarry ? Established missions to convert Indians to Christianity ? Took over their economy ? A rigid class schema developed that was dominated by pure-blooded Spaniards position Policy ? Initial sharing of ideas about agriculture, tr aded in furs, and coexisted ? Eventually gives way to conflict and open warfare ? slope had no respect for Native American cultures viewed as primitive or savage ?Native Americans saw their way of life threatened with increasing position population ? Cultural Clash in the Chesapeake At first, Powhatan possibly considered the new settlers potential allies and tried to be friendly with them, but as clipping passed and colonists raided Indian food supplies, relations deteriorated and eventually, war occurred. The First Anglo-Powhatan War ended in 1614 with a peace settlement sealed by the marriage of Pocahontas to colonist John Rolfe. Eight years later, in 1622, the Indians struck again with a series of attacks that left 347 settlers, including John Rolfe, dead. The Second Anglo-Powhatan War began in 1644, ended in 1646, and effectively banished the Chesapeake Indians from their ancestral lands. After the settlers began to grow their own food, the Indians were useless, and were therefore banished. ? The Iroquois In what is now New York State, the Iroquois once were a great power. They were made up of the Mohawks, the Oneidas, the Onondagas, the Deganawidah, and the Hiawatha. They vied with adjacent Indians and later cut, English, and Dutch for supremacy. The longhouse was the building block of Iroquois society. The Mohawks were middlemen with European traders. The Senecas were fur suppliers. The Five Nations of the Iroquois rivals, the neighboring Hurons, Eries, and Petuns, were vanquished. Throughout the 1600s and 1700s, the Iroquois allied with the British and French (whichever more beneficial). When the American renewal broke out, the decision to side with who was split. Most sided with the British, but not all. Afterwards, the Iroquois were forced to reservations, which proved to be unbearable to these proud people. ? Puritans vs. Indians Before the Puritans had arrived in 1620, an epidemic had move through the Indians, killing over three quarters of them. At first, Indians tried to befriend the Whites Squanto, a Wampanoag, helped keep relative peace. In 1637, though, after mounting tensions exploded, English settlers and the powerful Pequot tribe fought in the Pequot War, in which the English set fire to a Pequot village on Connecticuts Mystic River, annihilating the Indians and obstetrical delivery about forty years of tentative peace. In an attempt to save face, the Puritans did try to convert some of the Indians, though with less zeal than that of the Spanish and French. In 1675, Metacom (called King Philip by the English) united neighboring Indians in a last-ditched attack that failed. The King Philips War slowed colonial western march, but Metacom was be top doged and quartered and his head was stuck on a sharp pike for all to see, his wife and son sold to slavery. ? Roger Williams in Rhode Island and Quakers in Pennsylvania most tolerant of Native Americans French Policy ? Maintained relatively good relat ions with Native American tribes ? French soldiers assisted Huron in fighting Iroquois ? Built forts along Great Lakes change French goods for Indian furs ? Few colonists, farms & towns posed very little threat.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Crossing the Wire Essay

I will recommend this book to my friends because it is full of excitement and tempered challenges.BackDescription of Major Characters original Flores- a 15 year old boy living in central Mexico full of perseverance and determination to surmount the Mexican American set up to find work in the united states to support his family.anti-racketeering law- Victors best friend who must cross the border to support his parents living in central Mexico.Miguel- a wise young father of four Victor met in his journey. Victor tags along with Miguel as they cross the border until they run into border patrol and get split up.Julio- a street wise kid who earns pocket money with Victor in a cramped border town until he decides to move on and cross the border through a drainage tunnel that ends up in the U.S. when it rains.SummaryThis book starts out in central Mexico but when 15 year old Victor Flores family needs money victor has to cross the border to find work in the states. On Victors journey h e meets a man named Miguel and unneurotic they try to cross the border into the states. On their journey the run into the border patrol and get split up.Later on victor meets Julio and together they work on the streets trying to put together their plan to cross the border. One day it started raining and Julio knew that it was the perfect opportunity to float through the drainage tunnel that ends on the other side of the border. Victor decides not to go.A few weeks later Victor notices an old friend standing in line at the soup kitchen. It was Rico Victor couldnt believe it hed thought that Rico had already crossed the border. So they spent a few geezerhood catching up and planning their journey across the border. They set off a few days later as mules with a few other people. During their trip as mules they perceive that they were going to be killed at the end so they had to escape.They made it all the way to the highway and then they hitched a ride to Tucson where Ricos pal li ved. When they got to Ricos brothers house they went to the front door and rang the doorbell but they discovered that his brother had left. Now they didnt know what to do. They unyielding to go to La Perra Flaca to look for work in the onion fields. There wasnt any work left there so they were sent to capital letter to work in asparagus fields and finally there was work.About a month later they got there first paychecks and they sent them home alas. Rico wasnt a very good field worker and he wanted to go home and go to school. So a few days later he went home but Victor stayed for work.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Compare and Contrast two theories of Bystander Behaviour Essay

A man approached the gates of heaven and asked to be admitted. Tell me one good thing you have ever done in your life, said St Peter. Well, said the man. I saw a group of skinheads harassing an elderly lady and so I went over and kicked the draw in the shin. Impressed, St Peter asked when this act of bravery had occurred. About 40 seconds ago, came the response. (Cardwell, Clark & Meldrum 2001)Bystander apathy (effect) can be specify as a tendency for deal to more likely act in an sine qua non or come to the aid of other when they are alone, or conversely, the lesser likelihood of an observer to succor people in trouble if other people are present. (Corsini 1999). There have been many theories surrounding bystander behaviour ii prominent examples are Latan and Darleys (1970) Cognitive poseur and Piliavin et al.s (1981) Bystander-calculus model. These theories have been widely discussed and have many similar and contrasting ideas.Latan and Darleys cognitive model of bystander behaviour is considered a standard surmise in psychology it uses a five stage model to show that bystander intervention depends on the outcomes of a series of decisions. These stages progress from whether the bystander notices the incident to find out whether their intervention would put them in danger. The model argues that a persons response could be inhibited at any time during the five stages, examples of these are audience inhibition, social influence and norms, and diffusion of responsibility. (Latan & Nida 1981).A series of experiments were conducted in support of this theory. Latan and Darley (1970) carried out an experiment whereby male participants were invited to discuss some of the problems involved in life at a large university. While they were completing a questionnaire the room was filled with smoke through a wall vent. Participants were either alone, with two other participants they did not know, or with two confederates who completely ignored the smoke.Latanand D arley wanted to establish how the participants would react and how long they took to do it. The results showed that the hypothesis that people in such(prenominal) situations look to others around them to decide what to do was correct. 75% of the participants that were alone took positive action, 38% of the two-stranger groups reacted the same way, and only 10% of participants grouped with two confederates acted. Latan and Darley concluded that the social movement of others can inhibit people from responding in an emergency the more people, the slower the response. (Hogg & Vaughan 2002)In terms of evaluating Latan and Darleys model, Schroeder et al. (1995) believe that this model provides a valuable model for understanding Bystander behaviour. Although this model was originally designed to explain intervention in emergency situations it has been successfully applied to many other events. However, it doesnt provide a complete picture it doesnt tell us why these no decisions are take n at any of the five steps, particularly when the situation has been defined as an emergency and personal responsibility has been accepted. Also, as Dovidio (1995) points out, the model focuses on why people dont help others why people do intervene needs to be considered and research has shown that Piliavin et al.s (1969,1981) Arousal-Cost-Reward Model investigates this.The second major theory surrounding Bystander Behaviour is the Arousal-Cost-Reward Model formulated by Piliavin et al. (1969, 1981). This theory was first developed in 1969 as an attempt to provide an explanation for the results of the New York Subway experiment. It was later revised in 1981 to cover both emergency and non-emergency intervention.The Arousal-Cost -Reward theory is a major alternative to Latan and Darleys (1970) cognitive model it has been suggested that it is a fine tuning of some of the processes outlined in the decision model by identifying a number of critical situational and bystander variables t hat help to determine whether the bystander will intervene in various circumstances. However, Latan and Darley noted that labelling the failure to help a dupe in an emergency is too simplistic as it could be concealing other variables and processes. (Hogg & Vaughan 2002)In 1981 Piliavin et al. revised the model and began to consider the influence of a red-hot range of variables, such as bystander personality and mood, the clarity of the emergency, victim and potential helpers and the attributions made by potential helpers and the victims deservingness. Although some of these variables are addressed in Latan and Darleys (1970) cognitive model, they are not focused on to the same extent.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Sample Sop for Iit Madras

If one were to ask my friends to describe me they would call me a very pleasant, diverse, active and intelligent woman. My outstanding academic performance at school , active involvement in academics with strong quantitative and analytical abilities, in addition to good leadership and communication skills clear for me the Young Student Scientist title from the Ministry of Human Resource Development from among the thousands of students who applied for it nationally. Throughout my student career, I have been a top ranker. I was in the top 0. % of all engineering aspirants in my state, which secured me a place in Government College of Engineering, one of the premier engineering institutions in India. My four years of undergraduate studies and my exposure to various aspects of curricular, co and extra curricular activities have given a strong substructure to my analytical skills. My deep interest in complex and intricate coding and the application of basic maths skills have enabled m e to channel my quantitative and conceptual skills in analysing line of work issues. I have always enjoyed universe appreciated by the faculty members for my diverse interests and accomplishments.During these four years of engineering studies, I interacted with students from different states of wide-ranging cultural and social backgrounds. Working with these students on group assignments, presentations, food festivals and other events taught me to be more tolerant, pass minded and empathetic. It made me a better team player. I am interested in factors that usurp the competitive performance of a business concern and the manner in which changes in technology collide with an governments structure and long-term business strategy.I am determined to become a powerful business Analyst and 10 years down the line I want to be the creator of a world class IT company. In order to gain an appreciation of these and related issues, it is essential for me to have a strong grounding in Manage ment. This would enable me to understand better the complexities that lie behind the working of an organization and broaden my horizons, so that my avenues are not restricted to a particular trade or industry. I have come to the conclusion that studying at INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-MADRAS will definitely be the catalyst in putting me on the road to success.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Cellular Respiration Study Guide

Cellular Respiration Study study 1. What is cellular respiration? Cellular respiration is the process by which cells get their vital force from food. It is a highway where ATP is produced from the working cells. 2. What are the raw materials for cellular respiration? The raw materials are glucose and group O. 3. What is the simple reception for cellular respiration? C6H12O6+6O2=6CO2+6H2O+Energy 4. Why is it not practical for an organism to release all of the energy in glucose at once? There wouldnt be any energy left to go back cellular respiration and create more energy. . List and briefly describe the events of the stages of respiration? Glycolysis is where glucose is split into cardinal atoms of 3-carbon sugars. This produces 2ATP, 2 pyruvic acid, and 2 high energy. In The citric Acid Cycle, Acetyl CoA is created. NAD and FAD are reduced carrying the high energy electrons to the next stage. In the Electron Transport, high energy electrons are passed to oxygen where ATP is then produced. 6. What are the three stages of cellular respiration in the correct order? Glycolysis, The Citric Acid Cycle, and Electron Transport. . What is released during cellular respiration? Energy stored in the chemical bonds of glucose. 8. How many molecules of ATP do you get from 1 molecule of glucose in cellular respiration? 28-30 molecules of ATP. 9. What part of cellular respiration occurs in the cytoplasm? Glycolysis 10. What is the net gain of ATP from glycolysis alone? 2 is the net gain of ATP. 11. What is the starting molecule for glycolysis? Glucose 6-carbon sugar 12. What are the two main types of fermentation? Lactic acid fermentation and alcohol fermentation.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dynamics Of Globalization Essay

Two themes emerge from Robert D. Kaplans The Coming Anarchy. The first is cultivation and de-civilization against all odds. The second is Africa, an example of the group countries that ar left hand posterior by civilization. These two themes will be discussed in this essay. The movie Girl in the Cafe is a perfect illustration of what is discovering in Africa. The movie took note at a time where around countries have attained a high level of civilization.They have technologies, cultural developments and modern values and concerns. It took place at a time where globalization is at a high level that countries leaders trifle together to decide the fate of the world. Amidst all their issues stood one issue that not all countries find to be a prioritythe condition in Africa and the fate of its people amidst the poverty and difficulties being experienced in the country. It is sad to say that when globalization began to move out place, not all countries were able to follow.In fact, even at present, some countries are too attuned to being globalized, notwithstanding most countries are still fight with the idea and imagining themselves being globalized and enjoying the benefits that are claimed to stupefy together with globalization. Some countries remain behind their countries boundaries by choice, but troopsy a(prenominal) remains behind by sheer inability to cope with world developments. Unfortunately, the so-called gap amid the rich and poor manifests not only among individuals, but also among countries.Unfortunately, these poor countries are the ones always plagued with issues and hindrances that propose it more difficult for them to globalize. Unfortunately, these poor countries are always left behind. It may be asked, how did globalization come about? Globalization may be a need as many people say. In my opinion, globalization is a product of civilization. The world began kept with boundaries. People in the past have especial(a) view of the wor d. There is an international anarchy, not in the sense that at that place is chaos and disorder, but in the sense that there is no central politics that governs the whole world.Governments are small and order is peculiar(a) to very small communities. However, people began to explore and discover. They form larger governments and organize into states. Globalization is just a continuation of thisa manifestation of a search for a more advanced civilization. In fact, there were several claims in the past about the creation of an international government. Even at present, an international sub judice order is manifest, although loosely due to several conceptual and political hindrances much(prenominal) as sovereignty of states.However, it mintnot be denied that countries are now forming unions and organizations and building international institutions such as courts and tribunals to govern conduct. The inquiry is therefore clear. give the world organize into a bigger union? The ir ony in this question is that many countries such as Africa has not yet achieved the high level of civilization that many otherwise countries have achieved. By not being highly civilized, I do not mean to say that they are savage, but only that they are left behind in terms in terms of political, economic and technical developments.Theirs are mostly a case of lawlessness and iniquity. Chaos and disorder prevails dues to poverty, disease and inadequate cancel resources that are existing in the country. It is like being back during the period before the existence of accessible contracts where every man is a man for himself. The main concern is individual survival, not the advancement of civilization. These countries who were left behind have not made themselves as civilized and globalized as others countries have made themselves. How can they cope with the new world order that will be established in case civilization and globalization become more advanced?Going back to the question, the articles answer seems to be no. The figure of speech that may be observed is not integration, but disintegration. Countries are beginning to disaffiliate from their respective unions and affiliations. The reasons are simple, resources are scarce and countries have to fight over these resources to survive. It is Africa in a larger scale. The thing that prevents countries like Africa from assimilative to a grand globalization scheme will prevent many countries from becoming more politically and socially advanced.Worse, it may cause their social and political system to deteriorate, bringing them back to a means where they have already trodden before. That path is a path towards pre-civilization. Anarchy may return. An era of lawlessness and crime may again plague the world. The world may revert to the period before civilization when there is no social contract. The world may go back to a period where it is every man for himself or every country for itself. The pillars of coopera tion, which countries have so painstakingly erected may easily collapse in the middle of poverty, need and competition for scarce resources.This prediction may be exaggerated, but it may happen and what better way exists to show what may happen, but through an exaggeration. It is again a point of bear on at this point the situation in countries like Africa. While Africa and other countries are still struggling to achieve the level of civilization and globalization that exist in the world, other countries are already going away through the process of de-globalization and de-civilization. Even in de-globalization and de-civilization, they seem to be unable to keep up.Or is it that other countries are the ones keeping up with them in terms of de-globalization and de-civilization? It is in times like this that one may realize why government and laws are important. There may be wrongs committed in the government and it may limit or even abuse individual rights. However, governments crea te order. In times of difficulties, governments take charge. Governments are necessary in the development of a healthy and orderly social and political system. justness controls people. It may cause evils, but it also controls evils. Law is essential in governance and civilization.

Friday, May 17, 2019

“A Gospel of Wealth” Essay

Carnegie starts break through his article stating, The problem of our age is the proper administration of wealth, so that the ties of brotherhood may still pose together the rich and poor in harmonious relationship. (Carnegie, 1) He begins by explaining how the people of our society approve wealth to a much greater level. He quotes, What were the luxuries have become the necessaries of life. (Carnegie, 2) He proves this by fetching the laborer to the landlord and proving the landlord of our day has more than a King of the times before. The society we live in at once has much more opportunity and competition and Carnegie feels that if you have money, it is under your take hold to use it to help break the less fortunate and not to use it for just your own good.Carnegie means there is three ways in which people can use their money after they pass. The first one is passing money on through generations of the family. This he feels is misguided affection, (Carnegie, 24) and that thi s will only hurt the children of the rich and also be uncool for the state. The second way is through public purposes. Carnegie thinks this is just a way for the rich to be remembered and to create, monuments of his rabies(Carnegie, 25). Through public purposes is seen as a last resort since money cannot be taken with them in the after life. The third and way is to be administered. He believes that taxes should be taken from a dead valet de chambre to help our society as a whole. Carnegie sees money as a charitable act as suspicious because you do not know exactly where the money is going.He uses an example of a pauperize and describes how the money was used improperly, proving this is not enough. Carnegie believes in the virtues of Laissez Affairs and individualism, which the government should not be in control of where someones money goes. It is the rich peoples responsibility to improve our society as a whole. He also says that we should follow Christs spirits and, doing for them better than they would or could do for themselves (Carnegie, 27). Overall, our times biggest obstacles is munificence and we should, help those who will help themselves (Carnegie 28), and will be rewarded in heaven for doing so. Overall Carnegies does not believe in dying rich, as he quotes, The man who dies rich dies disgraced (Carnegie, 29).

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Developmentally Appropriate Practices In Relations To Students

The National Association for the Education of Young Children ( NAEYC ) defines phylogenyally provide pattern ( DAP ) as the lay of rules and guidelines for best pattern in the attention and instruction of immature put one overs ( developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . DAP draws on cognition g personaled from query on the development of kids and in any event on the cognition of effectual educational schemes in order to glide path maximum science and development in kids ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . DAP ( 2009 ) is of implication because, when used, it helps instructors make educational determinations that be appropriate for the pupils mount up group, effect ends for pupils that be both disputing and accomplish fitted, and guarantee intentionality in all their instruction patterns.The determinations that instructors make in their schoolrooms endure potentially hold a great impact on pupils acquisition acquires. Positive larning experiences pebibyte to futu re lordly larning behaviours such as continuity and flexibleness ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . When doing determinations sing the instruction of their pupils, instructors essential take into history the general developmental features and larning capablenesss of kids in the age scope that they are breeding and besides the single features and larning capablenesss of pupils within his or her schoolroom ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . All aspects of development and acquisition are of second and interconnected, and it is non until a instructor to the full understands where his or her pupils stand materially, cognitively, and perceptionally that effectual determinations sing their instruction crumb be made ( Spano, 2004 ) .The determinations being made by instructors lead to the scene of ends in the schoolroom. Not only when do instructors necessitate to guarantee that pupils achieve these ends, but they besides need to dispute pupils to construct on the cognitio n they already possess to make a richlyer degree of understanding and development. These challenges must ever so be surrendered as the following logical measure harmonizing to the kid s descriptor of development ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . In general, the phases of kid development are well-documented and follow a predictable sequence ( Spano, 2004 ) . However, it is true that all(prenominal) single kid reaches each phase of development at a different pare which makes it of import for instructors to cognize the general features of the age group all(prenominal) scrap good as the single pupils features. If a instructor is non cognizant of their pupils single developmental degrees, ends may be set either as well advanced or excessively low, and larning will non happen ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . other ground that DAP is of import is that DAP ensures intentionality ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . well-educated instructors use their cognition of their pupils development to be after all facets of their category, from the schoolroom set-up to the usage of assorted learning schemes to the types of appraisals administered. Teachers must understand that development and larning take topographic point best in reconcile of affairss where the kid is unafraid in his or her milieus and that verificatory acquisition experiences shape their motive ( Helping your kid, 2005 ) . They should besides curb in transfer that kids learn in a assortment of different ways, so assorted attacks to the farce should be made. When instructors design their categories with developmentally appropriate purposes in head, a some(prenominal) more effectual acquisition environment is created ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) .Now that the importance of developmentally appropriate patterns has been defined, a elaborate description of the features of the cognitive, affectional, and psychomotor development of striplings runing from age 12 to sixteen wi ll be reviewed while discoursing the impact that these features have on instruction and acquisition.The developmental psychologist, Jean Piaget, classified the phases of cognitive development in kids ( Anderson, 2004 ) . In his possibleness, there are four phases of cognitive development ( sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational ) ( Anderson, 2004 ) . Early striplings ( approximately ages 11 to 13 ) , says Piaget, see the passage from the concrete operational phase to the formal operational phase ( Anderson, 2004 ) . Adolescents at this phase should be traveling off from the construct of egocentricism, or the apprehension that one s position is non needfully the position of person else ( as cited in Malerstein & A Ahern, 1979 ) .Another facet of this passage is that striplings move from concrete idea to more abstract idea, intending that they are able to believe about inside informations that do non come to to an existent object or event. Concept s such as love are more apprehensible to striplings than to young kids ( as cited in Malerstein & A Ahern, 1979 ) . Besides, persons in the formal operational phase of development are able to believe more scientifically ( Anderson, 2004 ) . This means that, when presented with a job, the person will travel about act as outing the job by organizing hypotheses and proving each hypothesis until the right result is reached ( as cited in Malerstein & A Ahern, 1979 ) .Adolescents in this age scope travel progressively concerned about the hereafter instead than the present with early striplings being concerned chiefly with the close hereafter while in-between striplings ( age 14 to 16 ) are more concerned with future callings and life programs ( Spano, 2004 ) . These persons are going more raise in their ain potency, and besides in the sentiments of others ( Helping your kid, 2005 ) . The thought of adolescent egocentricism is fundamentally the development of fidgetiness ( Elkind, 1 967 ) . Adolescents usually have ideas that everyone is watching them, known as the fanciful audience ( Elkind, 1967 ) . This may stem from the physical alterations that they are sing ( i.e. , pubescence ) , which will be discussed in more item subsequently on. Another signifier of adolescent egocentricism tied to physical development is the thought of personal fabrication, where persons perceive themselves as last alone and perchance unbeatable ( Elkind, 1967 ) .The deductions of cognitive development on acquisition and instruction at this age scope are rather of import. Because striplings now have the capacity for abstract idea, their verbal problem-solving accomplishments are much greater ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . Teachers can now utilize inquiry-based acquisition at a more locomote degree ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . For illustration, in the biological science schoolroom pupils at this degree of cognitive development may be take a relevant subject, dev elop a research inquiry, signifier hypotheses, political campaign the hypotheses, observe the consequences, make decisions, and pass on the importance of the findings to other schoolmates ( Mississippi Science Framework, 2001 ) .Socially and emotionally, adolescence is a really disruptive clip ( Helping your kid, 2005 ) . During pubescence, sex endocrines, bodily alterations, and awkward pruning ( the cutting dorsum of fresh nervous tracts ) lead to incomprehensible temper swings ( Helping your kid, 2005 ) . This is besides a clip when striplings are developing a personal individuality and star of ego ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988 ) . Erik Erikson s theory of the eight phases of development provinces that the most of import phase for this age scope is stage five individuality versus individuality confusion ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988 ) . In this phase, persons are get downing to set up a stable self-concept that does non alter. However, Erikson besides says that persons in this phase can hover between being trustworthy of themselves and uncertainness which may be due to the rapid alterations that adolescents experience during pubescence ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988 ) . In phase four of Erikson s theory, the single begins to develop a intelligence of industry and lower lieu ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988 ) . This means that by age about age 12, striplings should be cognizant of their ain capacity to bring forth things every bit good as the fact that they may non be every bit good at some things as others ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988, Helping your kid, 2005 ) . A sense of lower status creates self-aware feelings about oneself which may take the stripling to move timidly or sharply but besides to derive or lose motive in faculty member enterprises ( Spano, 2004 ) .Besides at this age, striplings are traveling off from dependance on parents and closer to interaction with tinge groups ( as cited in Hamacheck, 1988 ) . They begin to value the sentiments and involvements of their friends over the sentiments and involvements of their parents, and they besides begin to take involvement in edifice stronger relationships with people outside their immediate household ( Spano, 2004 ) . Therefore, peer force per unit area can be a major factor in behaviour ( Helping your kid, 2005, Spano, 2004 ) .Even though striplings are seeking independency from their parents at this age and finding their single personalities, they can besides return buttocks to Acts of the Apostless of childish in times of emphasis ( as cited in Hamachek, 1988 ) . One must maintain in head that merely because striplings have the visual aspect of immature grownups, they are still slightly kids cognitively and emotionally ( Kipke, 1999 ) . So in the schoolroom, instructors should retrieve to put ends that are disputing but non excessively disputing ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . covering a challenge that can be accomplished with some attempt gives the pupil a sens e of assurance in his or her ain abilities which can take to a greater sense of individuality, whereas screening impossible challenging can hold negative effects on self-esteem and deter positive acquisition behaviours ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) .Teachers should besides maintain in head that pupils are extremely societal at this clip, so concerted acquisition is a positive instruction scheme ( Developmentally Appropriate, 2009 ) . For illustration, in the biological science schoolroom, have pupils work together on an assignment such as dissecting a toad while the instructor acts as a facilitator and moves about the room to assist groups when they can non reply the inquiries on their ain ( Mississippi Science Framework, 2001 ) . Just retrieve that, in the schoolroom, societal interaction should non roll excessively far from the content.The most apparent signifiers of development in striplings are psychomotor and physical development. Approximately between the ages of 11 and 15, adolescents undergo pubescence, or the development of secondary sex features ( Kipke, 1999, Spano, 2004 ) . At this point in their lives, striplings become capable of reproduction which entails a figure of physical alterations such as an addition in round top and weight and organic structure hair, etc. ( Spano, 2004 ) . This drastic alteration in bodily proportions, coupled with the phenomenon of nervous pruning ( which is the decrease of fresh neural tracts in the encephalon during adolescence ) , sometimes leads to awkwardness and shortages in coordination every bit good as alterations in affect ( Coch, Fischer & A Dawson, 2007 ) .Physical alterations interact closely with emotion and knowledge ( Coch, Fischer & A Dawson, 2007 ) . Due to all the physical developments, striplings spend a important part of clip focused upon themselves which gives grownups the feeling of egoism and because they are so focussed on themselves, they feel like others are focused on them as go od which is the impression of the fanciful audience ( Elkind, 1967 ) . These rapid alterations make them experience self-aware and over-concerning about their physical visual aspect ( Spano, 2004 ) .Although pupil may be awkward or clumsy at this age, implementing schemes that require honing of all right motor accomplishments is a good thought ( Coch, Fischer & A Dawson, 2007 ) . Having pupils fix their ain moisture slides in a biological science category is a worthy tool because it requires pupils to pay attending to item and develop concentration and a new accomplishment set that can be used subsequently on ( Mississippi Science Framework, 2001 ) .All of these new developments in striplings lead to new chances in larning. Cognitive development allows immature striplings to finish more in-depth job state of affairss and focal point for spaciouser sums of clip ( Helping your kid, 2005 ) . Adolescents are besides developing a sense of ego and personal involvements, so they are cap able of ramifying out into extracurricular activities that they enjoy such as music or art ( Hamachek, 1988, Helping your kid, 2005 ) . This is besides the clip in life where persons form womb-to-tomb reading wonts, so encouragement to read is of import ( Helping your kid, 2005 ) .In drumhead, the old ages of adolescence ( ages 12 by means of 16 ) are a clip of major development non merely cognitively but emotionally and physically every bit good. For instructors, structuring content around developmentally appropriate patterns is highly of import. Without maintaining in head the degree of cognitive ability of their pupils, instructors run the hazard of making lessons that are either excessively long and advanced or excessively easy and short. Teachers need to understand what their pupils are traveling through emotionally and socially every bit good. Implementing learning schemes where the pupils get to interact with one another is a positive incentive for adolescent pupils.In the scientific discipline schoolroom, all these deductions are merely every bit valid as in any other schoolroom. Designing lesson programs that allow the pupils to develop an involvement in different subject and work out jobs that are disputing will assist them to make a high degree of development, and showing the stuff in assorted ways helps pupils with changing personalities learn the stuff. Without usage of developmentally appropriate patterns, effectual instruction is non possible.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Critical Review Of Sumantra Ghoshal's Article Essay

Critical Review Of Sumantra Ghoshals Article - Essay ExampleThere crap been extensive debates about good practices in the theory of prudence. In this regard, the article published by Sumantra Ghoshal had provided kinda a valuable insight. The surge in corporate scandals in the past has brought management practices taught in the management schools under attack. The article published by Ghoshal (2005) had stated that academic research, which is done in the field of art and management, has led to certain detrimental practices in the field of management. According to Ghoshal, most of these negative influences can be attri onlyed to the incorporation of a set of ideas that have gained more dominance in the theory of management for organizations. Ghoshal has powerfully criticized the business organization schools of propagating ideas based on amoral practices, which have made students free of any type of social and honest concerns (Gapper,2005). Hayek had criticized the scientific mo del adopted by business schools by commenting that it is pretense of knowledge (Ghoshal and Moran,1996). I recollect both of these authors had a major complaint against the dehumanization of humans in business. According to me, most business practices that are adopted by organizations are regarded from a capitalist view point, which does not take honourable considerations of decisions into account. The paper published by Ghoshal is unique according to me because it points out not only to the flaws of organizations per se but also to a flaw in which knowledge is imparted by individuals in the academic field, including him.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Bird Flu Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

raspberry Flu - Research Paper Example sole(prenominal) a few forms of three subtypes of the virus argon highly unhealthful in human beings. These ar H5N1, H7N3, and H7N7 (Leong et al, 2008). Of these, the H5N1, poses a threat to human beings and because of its unwarrantedliness, it is referred to as the most highly pathogenic avian influenza. This strain is precious for its ability to cause severe sickness and finale among birds, especially domesticated birds ones like chickens, turkeys or ducks. register of the Bird Flu In 1918, the Spanish flu begun when a normal type of human influenza virus changed suddenly and became lethal. Scientists believe this virus was a mutated form of the avian influenza/bird flu virus. The first H5N1 outbreak occurred in 1987 but the first human incidence of illness from this deadly strain of avian influenza was reported in 1997 in Hong Kong. Eighteen people were infected and 6 of them died. Since then, everyplace 560 cases have been identifi ed globally with deaths exceeding 300 (WHO, 2011). These infections have been severe and at worst, fatal. The years 2003, 2004 and 2005 are considered major H5N1 resurfacing and infection years (WHO, 2011). Method of Transmission Human infection of bird flu occurs generally as a result of contact with the secretions or feces of sick poultry or, handling dead birds that had been infected by the virus. Because of this, people at high risk of infection include poultry farmers, other(a) people working with poultry, and those who eat undercooked meat, eggs or/and blood from infected birds. Few cases of human-to-human transmission have also been reported but such transmissions require close and lasting contact with an infected psyche (Nettleman and Davis, 2011). Symptoms According to Pubmedhealth (2011), symptoms of bird flu infection among human beings depend on the strain of virus contracted. typic symptoms for H5N1 virus include diarrhea, coughing, runny nose, difficulty in breathi ng, fever with temperatures of more than 38oC/100.4F, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, heart and soul infections and vomiting. These symptoms can progress to pneumonia and even result to respiratory failure. The virus causes acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a dangerous and often fatal form of pneumonia. Where it Occurs Mostly in the World Since the identification of the highly pathogenic avian influenza, birds infected by the strain have been found in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Specific regions were the influenza virus have been found are Alberta, England, Germany Ukraine, South Africa, Malawi, Ethiopia, Australia, Ontario, Hong Kong, Wisconsin, Rostock, Maryland and Guryev ( Kawaoka, 1998). Countries that have reported human death as a result of the virus are Azerbaijan, Egypt, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Iraq, Laos, Thailand, Turkey, Nigeria, Pakistan and Vietnam. Despite control measures, the virus continues to exist in some areas of Asia and Africa (WHO, 2011). Life History of the Microbe and Chances of Survival The symptoms of bird flu often show 2-8 eld after infection. When the H5N1 virus enters to the human body, they multiply in the lower respiratory tract and as a result, they cause pneumonia. This in turn results to respiratory problems of various severities. This virus is hard to spread but lethal. This is opposed the H1N1 virus which replicates in the upper respiratory tract, making it easy to spread but less lethal. Bird flu infection triggers the body to produce antibodies against it during and

Monday, May 13, 2019

Software Piracy issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Software Piracy issues - Assignment ExampleNow a privacy constitution covers the plagiarism aspect of software products too, so if both the calculating machine related work is through with(p) within the efficacious boundaries that have been set as a norm, all goes well for the organization and workflow is smooth. However when activities are not performed like this and limitations are crossed the repercussions are deadly (Wills, Globerman, & Booth, 1986). The unauthorized copy of computer software poses a significant threat to the computer industry. Despite progress being do in recent years to reduce software piracy the computer industry continues to face reel losses worldwide worth millions. Managers learn to be up to date with all the privacy policies or any(prenominal) sort of changes that have been made to software that are regularly used so that the society does not have to face lethal legal implications if software related boundaries are breached. Most software compa nies take serious action and implement strict fines on those organizations which do not care or so the results and continue to indulge in software policy breach and due to the increase in managerial ignorance. In these matters many hardworking people have to face hard punishments because of the apathy of certain individuals. Managers need to ensure that all employees are fully aware of all software policies and in case anyone has any doubts they need to clear them out beforehand, so that if an irregular step is taken the trouble can be fixed before it escalates out of proportion (OECD, 2002). What Are the Opportunities of Software Piracy? In the cyber world that we get along today, software piracy is a serious crime yet a huge portion of computer users still pirate computer software on a daily basis. This can sometimes be used to the advantage of various types of companies. The companies that deal with logo designs and graphical work need software that is quite an expensive and d ifficult to attain. If pirated that software can be used for free without any worries at all and can increase productivity ten folds, not saying that is the right thing to do, but since everyone is in it to save money one way or another, this certainly helps aid that cause (Honick, 2005). Now since the inauguration of the internet and learning becoming publicly available at such a fast pace, a pace that was never seen before, some people have debated time and time about all the information available on the internet to be available to people for free without any charge at all. Because of the single factor that knowledge should be free for all they stand hard and fast by their rules against corporations that sell their software and since they cannot win wars against them in the courts of law or cannot challenge these Goliath companies because they simply cannot chip in to. They develop their own softwares which have the same or more features as compared to these bad corporations. Some of these free softwares are the operating system called LINUX or Ubuntu and Open stead which are replacements for Windows and Microsoft Word respectively. Even though all the software that Microsoft produces can be pirated and used without abundance, legal licenses have and must be obtained if these are to be used in a business and this is where piracy comes in handy (Khosrow-Pour, 2000). Outline Thesis The Importance for Managers to Be Aware Of Software Policies a. Managers should be

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Carbon Trust Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Carbon Trust party - Essay ExampleThe social factors do not affect the associations strategies. It will scat the same way as it is already even if the pension funds argon increasing or decreasing. It will work the same way even if the population is aging. All of these factors are not influencing the company in any study way.Markets have always been developing with the help of advanced technology each day. The basic pioneer of the operations of the Carbon Trust Company is technology as CRM plays a study part. Theagingopment of mutually beneficial longer enclosure relationships between the companies is the basic essence of CRM. And this is what Carbon Trust is boom on. First the customer acquisition is the main focus of the company, and once it is over with this stage, it focuses on long term achievement for the operations of its own company and ultimately other organization.Among all the environmental factors, the climate is of major concern as it is the one on which Carbon Tr ust is working on. To reduce the effects of century on our climate and to save it from further destruction is the main aim of this company.This would include how their competitors influence the general strategies of the company. The list of Carbon Trust competitors includes all those companies which are working for this matter. There are many areas that are enlisted for which the company is working and many small companies are also dealing in the same field.The arguing takes place in the fields of wind energy, industrial energy accelerator, marine energy accelerator and biomass light up accelerator. Carbon Trust is producing various technology driven inventions that are needed to fight the competition, for example, they introduced 8m competition intentional to help UK firms secure a chunk of global fuel cell market that new look estimates could be worth $180 billion a year by 2050 (Guardian, 2009).

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Starbucks company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Starbucks familiarity - Research Paper employmentThe action for survival remained one of most important inside issues at Starbucks. Two years back, the company declared to close down overall three hundred stores and cutting more than six 1000 jobs. Moreover, the pay cut and declined bonus of the higher executives were other marks of the crisis. At the same time they got theme for development of new products and creativity. The availability of the branded coffee in several grocery chains is a remarkable creative effort. In collaboration with Kraft Foods the products were distributed in grocery markets. Starbuck has ended the long circumstance contract, and announced the partnership with Green Mountain in order to improve their business. Moreover, the Starbucks are exposed to rises. The procession cost of coffee and dairy products are another challenge. However, the executives of the company failed to see certain facts. The products and services offered were not fit for the chara cteristics of market. The customer dissatisfaction issue is yet another problem. If sell is all about customer relationship, retail of Starbucks simply not attractive in present market. The current marketing strategies do not necessarily meet its objectives. That reflects the inside state of affairs.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Chinatown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Chinatown - Essay ExampleGood investigators avoid jumping to conclusions and do non hand face value as the actual perception of the person under observation. In the whole celluloid one could gauge that shucks kept on concluding his analysis all too really quick. And much to his dismay all his findings were wrong, the result of such assumptions can be attributed to his un-composed and unsteady temperament. asshole deficiencyed the undeniable amount of self confidence for his particular compass. The past fellowship can be held responsible for the depression self confidence. One can guess that betrayal and unsuccessful career as a law officer has conditioned him to suspect the same in his job as a hugger-mugger investigator. The field of PI (private investigation) requires strong logical thinking and analysis. The domain of logical thinking is one of the innate characteristics of the private investigator. jackfruit trees logical thinking was weak as scene throughout the mov ie. He could not make out the relationships between the characters of his national and at times had to use force to take randomness out from the client. Like the instance when he repeatedly slapped Evelyn to find out about her sister. A computable investigator interchanges his logical and creative thinking to come to a sound conclusion and as Jack was very straight forward by nature he could not figure out the elusive issues of the case and this was one of the reasons for his failure. An separate pre-requisite for a good private investigator is the technical expertise and experience. When Jack received the case from the bogus Evelyn he was rather new to the field of investigation and therefore could not differentiate the fake Evelyn from the actual one. Good investigators perform background check before taking on an assignment so that they are sure that their client is real and that case is authentic. In Jakes case the plot was dicey as the Mrs. Evelyn who came for marital surve illance of her husband Mulwray was not the real Mrs. Evelyn Mulwray. But Jack took the case and started the search for Mulwray only to find him dead and ended up suspecting the wrong convict. Jack lacked the experience and knowledge for solving the case, due to this he was set up in a plot by the person who wanted to search for Mulwray. So instead of putting others in a setup he became a victim himself. In the investigation field the cases can be divided into three categories neighbourhood assignment, social assignment and work assignment. In the neighborhood assignments the investigator becomes a part of the clients neighborhood and observes to solve the case. In social assignment the investigator follows the suspect around the social settings of pubs, markets and other public places. Work assignments are office related and pertain to the office environment and its surroundings. Jacks case was a hybrid of neighborhood and social assignment. When Jake and Evelyn went to the posh loc ality, they disguised themselves as one of them to rise in. Also Jake followed Mulwray to find out about his girlfriend only later we came to know that she was Evelyns sister. The lack of experience led Jack to conclude that the girlfriend had

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Exposed Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Exposed - Essay ExampleWhen they were not expeditious to co-operate with me, I complained to my supervisor, and the same is not against anyone, but against the misconduct of the whole group. In addition, I would seek supporter from the supervisor to disrupt the conflict and I will be ready to co-operate with my co-workers.On the other side, I would give notice Jane that one must not use email to discuss sensitive or common soldier information with co-workers/ supervisors. One can see that Harold Grimes dealt with Janes grievance/complaint in a nonrecreational manner. But Alisha Jones circulated files including the companys rules, added with Janes email. To be specific, Alisha Jones act to convince the workers that one of them faces stress and alienation in his/her workplace. So, she forwarded the email as a proof. This increased the scope of further tension among the employees. So, I would advise Jane that email is not a safe mode of communication to discuss sensitive or mys terious information with co-workers or supervisors. On the other side, she can directly contact Harold Grimes because his duty is to supervise the workers and to resolve the conflicts among them.First of all, I feel extremely sorry to say that I was forced to complain to our supervisor, on your rude behavior. You people were aware of the fact that I am a new member to our real work team. I am not complaining, but pointing out some facts on workplace harassment/alienation face by me.You people had been together for a long time and it is your duty to amalgamated a new member to the core of the group. As far as I am concerned, I was so excited to work with an existing work team. But you people did not try to service me by sharing your own language and code of conduct with me.You people know that I tried my level best to co-operate, but for no use. For instance, you people used to share private

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Leadership Traits - Donald Trump Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership Traits - Donald surmount - Assignment ExampleIn 1981, he bought the outmatch Plaza in New York City and in 1982, bought a weekend estate in Greenwich, Connecticut. In 1983, the construction of Trump Tower was completed and USFL New Jersey Generals was acquired. In 1984, Trump opened Harrahs at Trump Plaza Casino in Atlantic City. Trump bought Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida in 1985. In 1987 came the New York Times best seller Trump The Art of the Deal. The after years continued with more and more acquisition, and the groups entry into the TV (Wooten, 2008, pp.106-110). Leadership Traits American scholar Warren Bennis has identified quatern underlying ingredients in every great leader. The first basic quality is guiding vision or management of attention. The leader must have a consume idea of what he or she wants to achieve. He must show courage to face the tough reality. The s quality is communicating the vision. The leader is there to communicate his passi ons to his people and it will bring hope and inspiration. heating plant generally appears as enthusiasm. Again, people should not buy into every exciting idea there should be a great deal of quality. The next thing is integrity which is the combination of self- contendledge, candor, and maturity. Leader must know his strengths and weaknesses, and must have clear idea about what he wants to do and the reason behind that. These ternary ingredients combine with a fourth ingredient management of self. There should be mix of curiosity and nerve with integrity. Leaders should be open to new ideas, willing to take risks, and try new things (Bennis, 2009, pp. 204-05, Bennis, 2010, p. 20). Now unmatched may look at Trumps leadership style in the light of Bennis four ingredients. Vision In Trump on Entrepreneurship, Trump says, Entrepreneurship...History is full of famous leaders with extraordinary lives. From George capital letter to John F. Kennedy, from Bill Gates to Donald Trump, th e list is much diversified. Here, this paper will focus on the purport and leadership traits of Donald Trump, the Real Estate Tycoon in the light of Bennis competency criteria.Early HistoryDonald Trump was born in promote, New York on 14th June, 1946. He was the part of a demographic intensify which would later be known as Baby Boom. His father, Fred Trump, was a contractor in the hold market and operated in the Brooklyn and Queens boroughs. Fred was a highly successful businessman and was one of the richest persons in Queens (Payment, 2007, pp.1-5). Young Trump had his own way of doing things. He had a forceful personality from his childhood. In his second grade, he punched the music teacher on his face. Trump was of the view that the teacher didnt understand what he was saying. For this misbehavior, he was almost expelled from the school. In his book Trump The Art of the Deal, he admits this fact by saying that it was not a proud moment. At 13, Donald was sent to New York Mili tary Academy to alter upon his behavior (Payment, 2007, pp. 6-10 & 12). Donald Trump graduated in 1968 from the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School of Finance) with a degree in economics.Trump got the passion for construction business from his father. His father knew almost all the processes of construction business. So, after completing his graduation, he continued with his life-long passion of constructing buildings (Wooten, 2008, pp. 20-23).

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Similarities and Differences Between Three Middle East Countries Research Paper

The Similarities and Differences Between Three warmheartedness East Countries - Research Paper ExampleDespite this widespread theme, there argon some differences in the way how some Arab and/or North African countries are run. This paper will compare the similarities and differences amid cardinal Middle East countries Syria, Israel, and Libya. One of the similarities between Syria, Israel, and Libya is that there is constant fighting at the moment, albeit for precise different reasons. The well-behaved war in Syria has continued on for over a year now, with well-nigh 20,000 thought to have been killed by the government supported by Bashar al-Assad. Likewise, Israel had constantly been involved in the negate with the Palestinians ever since Israel became a country in 1948. Many hundreds of people are killed distributively year repayable to battle, and there are occasional flare-ups that result in military activity in order to harbour Israels sovereignty. Fin all toldy, Libya also experienced some power, with up to 10,000 people killed during an eight-month civil war. Violence is commonplace among all these leash countries because of the internal conflict that remains. Other countries indoors the area also experience the same level of violence on a regular basis, so it can be concluded that Syria, Israel, and Libya are save representative of the greater region as a whole. Despite Syria, Israel, and Libya all succumbing to violence and/or civil war, there are some key differences between the three countries. The most obvious one has to do with religion Israel is predominantly Jewish, but Syria and Libya are Muslim. Besides this, Israel has also more often than not been unaffected by the events of the Arab Spring. The violence that occurs on a daily basis in Israel comes from longstanding rifts with the Palestinians rather than an uprising of sorts. There is genuinely very little chance of Israel going the same way as either Syria or Libya because it is a sound democracy. The difference between Libya and Syria is that one country still has an ongoing civil war (Syria) age the other one (Libya) is now in the process of changing to a democracy. Also, the western response to each countrys strife has been remarkably different. While NATO support was forthcoming for Libya, the same cannot be give tongue to about Syria, whose leader remains defiant despite the introduction of sanctions against his country. Syria, Israel, and Libya all have their differences yet they are defined by certain characteristics. The Arab Spring is a reoccurring theme among these nations, except Israel, has proven to be largely immune from it. The differences between the three countries are confined to religion and the current state of violence within each country. 2. Explain 4 things that the united States, England, and some other European countries have in common. The United States, England, and Ireland all have factors that set them apart from the rest of the world. These factors can be broken down into three categories political, economic, and military. The most obvious similarity between the United States, England, and France is that they all rely on a elected system of rules of government. Citizens have the power to elect officials to the highest office and then remove them if they so choose. Additionally, each of these three countries justice systems revolves around a common law system. A common law legal system places more power in the hands of judges through the courts rather than judges making decisions solo based on any codes or statutes.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Summarize the importance of a business impact analysis across the Assignment

Summarize the importance of a clientele impact analysis across the supply chain (value chain) - Assignment Example, production is efficient and cartridge holder is saving making it beneficial to outsource products from china other than production because the time saved on production is used for making sales, marketing and developing the business. It is important to note that Chinese cost of blunt materials and labor is low. On the other hand, the option of shipping raw materials by air might be very expensive while shipping by sea is slower. For instance, the shipment could be too dangerous to be shipped by air making it fair for production to be outsourced from China.The benefit achieved in merchandise products from China is that the inspection is carried out by a third party so as to alter the mistakes in the products to be ironed out before reaching the US markets. Another benefit is that, timber control in the production plant is put in place. The Chinese companies also co nduct facts of life for importers (Power et al., 2006). On the contrary, the importers can import a dangerous product which will consequently lower the record book of sales. In this regard, faults in the product can harm the standing of the firm owing to meager tonus product. Risks of terrorism and currency fluctuations should be put into consideration. Other risks include the uncertainty of quality of products and challenges of keeping the Chinese chain

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Creating Anglo-America 1660-1750 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 194

Creating Anglo-America 1660-1750 - Essay ExampleHis strong imprint in one God that is global drove him to argue that God dwelled in every last(predicate) people and, therefore, no people (including those with authority/government) had the right hand whatsoever to force people into a particular form of worship. Penn was also a strong worshipper in the equality of all people regardless of their race, gender, sex, color or sex. This in turn make him advocate for equality by arguing that freedom is a universal entitlement that was conflicting the pre-existing belief that liberty was a right to be entitled only to certain individuals. To put this in a practical manner, Penn found it necessary to buy Indian land and offered it to the Indian refugees who had been driven out of the former(a) colonies. In his attempt to come up with a government that put into consideration the rights of all, Penn came up with a frame of government in 1982. In his charter Penn aimed at offering Christian liberty to all who affirmed a strong belief in God and expected them not to promote the liberty in promoting sexually im deterrent example things. In this period, the government was responsible for regulating the peoples moral public behavior and some particular people such as the Jews were not allowed to be guardianship an office of any religious institution. The Quakers strict code of personal morality drove Penn into believing that by giving people religious freedom immorality would reduce as people would lead a life that corresponded to Gods expectations. This charter, however, didnt prove sufficient to guide the growing population of pop and was therefore replaced with a charter of liberties whose political system lasted up to the period of American Revolution.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Abstract critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Abstract critique - Essay ExampleThe research identified leading skills that school administrators need to manage an inclusive school setting. The recommendations and findings of the research support the literature presented by the researchers and yields expensive insights for program recommendations.The article emphasizes the need for school leaders to equip themselves with knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs to enhance their leadership skills that would eventually take a shit an effective schools program aimed at recruiting and maintaining competent special(a) education teachers. Furthermore, educators must be responsive to the respective(a) needs of an inclusive school set-up which can only be accomplished by upgrading unmatcheds self. The research combined quantitative and qualitative methods to acquire triangulation that would enhance the validity and reliability of the result. Researchers also active the assistance of three independent researchers to conduct face va lidity of the quantitative instruments used. Although the methods are good, the researchers could have utilized more quantitative methods.The evidence was strong as confirmed by the results of the research. For example, one of the results showing the challenges face by school administrators is lack of ability to generate solutions and options in resource mgt.. At the beginning of the research, this was one of the issues raised by the Council for Exceptional Children presented as overwhelming paperwork which is a roadblock towards the effective management of cellular inclusion schools. There are other similar issues that the researchers raised at the beginning of the article which was later clear by the research. The article can be a good platform for other researchers to pursue studies in order to concretely and comprehensively cover more challenges in educational leadership dealing with special education administration.There

Friday, May 3, 2019

The Issues Of Medicating Kids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Issues Of Medicating Kids - Essay Example plunk Gorski, the father to Gavin, says he cannot do without medicating his son with pills. Clozapine, one of the pills administered to Gavin, help him reduce the hallucinations and imaginary voices he hears. Lithium, on the otherwise hand, is useful in stabilizing Gavins moods. Failure to take the medicates results in sleepless nights and uncontrolled impulses. Rob is not comfortable with the pill medication he administers to the son. In fact, he was reluctant at stolon and wrestled within before he started the medication. According to Rob, it is impossible for them to stay without administering the pills to the son. Rob argues that without the medication, their sons calibre of life of deteriorates. The above is an example of a genuine reason that justifies the use of pill medications because the child, Gavin, has an extreme teach (Park, 2011).Readings reveal an increase in the use of behavioral drugs by children. Most of the child ren, however, do not confirm from extreme health conditions. Intellectual disability and related behavioral disorders are some of the reasons that necessitate their aspiration of pills. The trend is worrying, and experts warn that this is dangerous because there are instances where misdiagnosis appears. Children exposed to multiple drugs are susceptible to drug abuse as well as other side effects. Pavuluri, a doctor and pediatrics at the University of Illinois, cautions that drugs ought to be administered only in extreme cases where injury and hurt may result from such neglect. However, the medication is appropriate for children who have attained five years. Pavuluri further adds that people should visit pharmaceutical after behavioral therapies are done (Park, 2011).

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Systematic Approach to Learning and Development Essay

Systematic Approach to Learning and developing - Essay ExampleThe significant role of dictatorial snugglees could also be found in early(a) fields of activities such as medical and engineering where they serve as the foundation for any benignant of activities (Sadler-Smith, 2006, p.51-52).From the perspective of learning and tuition, systematic approach supports these activities by enhancing their effectiveness and guides them in attaining desired learning objectives. The systematic approach towards the process of learning and cultivation rationalizes its complex structure by dividing the entire process into several(prenominal) timbers of learning and development. The systematic approach encourages the execution of the process of learning and development in a cyclic or iterative manner. Each of the phases present in the cyclic model represents a step in the learning process.In order to achieve the excellence, it becomes very essential for organizations to encourage their lear ning and development activities. The practice of continuous learning provides organizations with a competitive edge that ensures that they are ahead of their competitors. The systematic approach towards learning and development also supports organizations in developing their knowledge base on a fifty-fifty basis. Emphasizing the training needs as per the need of the employee base is an important aspect of learning and development at the organizational direct.The systematic approach to learning and development is classified into separate steps which range with identification and evaluation of learning and development needs. During the primal stage of learning and development, identification of procedure level is done which helps in identification of areas where learning and development activities are required. After the assessment of current performance level, subsequent steps of identification of learning needs are performed.