Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Bird Flu Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

raspberry Flu - Research Paper Example sole(prenominal) a few forms of three subtypes of the virus argon highly unhealthful in human beings. These ar H5N1, H7N3, and H7N7 (Leong et al, 2008). Of these, the H5N1, poses a threat to human beings and because of its unwarrantedliness, it is referred to as the most highly pathogenic avian influenza. This strain is precious for its ability to cause severe sickness and finale among birds, especially domesticated birds ones like chickens, turkeys or ducks. register of the Bird Flu In 1918, the Spanish flu begun when a normal type of human influenza virus changed suddenly and became lethal. Scientists believe this virus was a mutated form of the avian influenza/bird flu virus. The first H5N1 outbreak occurred in 1987 but the first human incidence of illness from this deadly strain of avian influenza was reported in 1997 in Hong Kong. Eighteen people were infected and 6 of them died. Since then, everyplace 560 cases have been identifi ed globally with deaths exceeding 300 (WHO, 2011). These infections have been severe and at worst, fatal. The years 2003, 2004 and 2005 are considered major H5N1 resurfacing and infection years (WHO, 2011). Method of Transmission Human infection of bird flu occurs generally as a result of contact with the secretions or feces of sick poultry or, handling dead birds that had been infected by the virus. Because of this, people at high risk of infection include poultry farmers, other(a) people working with poultry, and those who eat undercooked meat, eggs or/and blood from infected birds. Few cases of human-to-human transmission have also been reported but such transmissions require close and lasting contact with an infected psyche (Nettleman and Davis, 2011). Symptoms According to Pubmedhealth (2011), symptoms of bird flu infection among human beings depend on the strain of virus contracted. typic symptoms for H5N1 virus include diarrhea, coughing, runny nose, difficulty in breathi ng, fever with temperatures of more than 38oC/100.4F, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, heart and soul infections and vomiting. These symptoms can progress to pneumonia and even result to respiratory failure. The virus causes acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a dangerous and often fatal form of pneumonia. Where it Occurs Mostly in the World Since the identification of the highly pathogenic avian influenza, birds infected by the strain have been found in Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. Specific regions were the influenza virus have been found are Alberta, England, Germany Ukraine, South Africa, Malawi, Ethiopia, Australia, Ontario, Hong Kong, Wisconsin, Rostock, Maryland and Guryev ( Kawaoka, 1998). Countries that have reported human death as a result of the virus are Azerbaijan, Egypt, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Iraq, Laos, Thailand, Turkey, Nigeria, Pakistan and Vietnam. Despite control measures, the virus continues to exist in some areas of Asia and Africa (WHO, 2011). Life History of the Microbe and Chances of Survival The symptoms of bird flu often show 2-8 eld after infection. When the H5N1 virus enters to the human body, they multiply in the lower respiratory tract and as a result, they cause pneumonia. This in turn results to respiratory problems of various severities. This virus is hard to spread but lethal. This is opposed the H1N1 virus which replicates in the upper respiratory tract, making it easy to spread but less lethal. Bird flu infection triggers the body to produce antibodies against it during and

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