Friday, May 3, 2019

The Issues Of Medicating Kids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Issues Of Medicating Kids - Essay Example plunk Gorski, the father to Gavin, says he cannot do without medicating his son with pills. Clozapine, one of the pills administered to Gavin, help him reduce the hallucinations and imaginary voices he hears. Lithium, on the otherwise hand, is useful in stabilizing Gavins moods. Failure to take the medicates results in sleepless nights and uncontrolled impulses. Rob is not comfortable with the pill medication he administers to the son. In fact, he was reluctant at stolon and wrestled within before he started the medication. According to Rob, it is impossible for them to stay without administering the pills to the son. Rob argues that without the medication, their sons calibre of life of deteriorates. The above is an example of a genuine reason that justifies the use of pill medications because the child, Gavin, has an extreme teach (Park, 2011).Readings reveal an increase in the use of behavioral drugs by children. Most of the child ren, however, do not confirm from extreme health conditions. Intellectual disability and related behavioral disorders are some of the reasons that necessitate their aspiration of pills. The trend is worrying, and experts warn that this is dangerous because there are instances where misdiagnosis appears. Children exposed to multiple drugs are susceptible to drug abuse as well as other side effects. Pavuluri, a doctor and pediatrics at the University of Illinois, cautions that drugs ought to be administered only in extreme cases where injury and hurt may result from such neglect. However, the medication is appropriate for children who have attained five years. Pavuluri further adds that people should visit pharmaceutical after behavioral therapies are done (Park, 2011).

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