Saturday, May 18, 2019

Dynamics Of Globalization Essay

Two themes emerge from Robert D. Kaplans The Coming Anarchy. The first is cultivation and de-civilization against all odds. The second is Africa, an example of the group countries that ar left hand posterior by civilization. These two themes will be discussed in this essay. The movie Girl in the Cafe is a perfect illustration of what is discovering in Africa. The movie took note at a time where around countries have attained a high level of civilization.They have technologies, cultural developments and modern values and concerns. It took place at a time where globalization is at a high level that countries leaders trifle together to decide the fate of the world. Amidst all their issues stood one issue that not all countries find to be a prioritythe condition in Africa and the fate of its people amidst the poverty and difficulties being experienced in the country. It is sad to say that when globalization began to move out place, not all countries were able to follow.In fact, even at present, some countries are too attuned to being globalized, notwithstanding most countries are still fight with the idea and imagining themselves being globalized and enjoying the benefits that are claimed to stupefy together with globalization. Some countries remain behind their countries boundaries by choice, but troopsy a(prenominal) remains behind by sheer inability to cope with world developments. Unfortunately, the so-called gap amid the rich and poor manifests not only among individuals, but also among countries.Unfortunately, these poor countries are the ones always plagued with issues and hindrances that propose it more difficult for them to globalize. Unfortunately, these poor countries are always left behind. It may be asked, how did globalization come about? Globalization may be a need as many people say. In my opinion, globalization is a product of civilization. The world began kept with boundaries. People in the past have especial(a) view of the wor d. There is an international anarchy, not in the sense that at that place is chaos and disorder, but in the sense that there is no central politics that governs the whole world.Governments are small and order is peculiar(a) to very small communities. However, people began to explore and discover. They form larger governments and organize into states. Globalization is just a continuation of thisa manifestation of a search for a more advanced civilization. In fact, there were several claims in the past about the creation of an international government. Even at present, an international sub judice order is manifest, although loosely due to several conceptual and political hindrances much(prenominal) as sovereignty of states.However, it mintnot be denied that countries are now forming unions and organizations and building international institutions such as courts and tribunals to govern conduct. The inquiry is therefore clear. give the world organize into a bigger union? The ir ony in this question is that many countries such as Africa has not yet achieved the high level of civilization that many otherwise countries have achieved. By not being highly civilized, I do not mean to say that they are savage, but only that they are left behind in terms in terms of political, economic and technical developments.Theirs are mostly a case of lawlessness and iniquity. Chaos and disorder prevails dues to poverty, disease and inadequate cancel resources that are existing in the country. It is like being back during the period before the existence of accessible contracts where every man is a man for himself. The main concern is individual survival, not the advancement of civilization. These countries who were left behind have not made themselves as civilized and globalized as others countries have made themselves. How can they cope with the new world order that will be established in case civilization and globalization become more advanced?Going back to the question, the articles answer seems to be no. The figure of speech that may be observed is not integration, but disintegration. Countries are beginning to disaffiliate from their respective unions and affiliations. The reasons are simple, resources are scarce and countries have to fight over these resources to survive. It is Africa in a larger scale. The thing that prevents countries like Africa from assimilative to a grand globalization scheme will prevent many countries from becoming more politically and socially advanced.Worse, it may cause their social and political system to deteriorate, bringing them back to a means where they have already trodden before. That path is a path towards pre-civilization. Anarchy may return. An era of lawlessness and crime may again plague the world. The world may revert to the period before civilization when there is no social contract. The world may go back to a period where it is every man for himself or every country for itself. The pillars of coopera tion, which countries have so painstakingly erected may easily collapse in the middle of poverty, need and competition for scarce resources.This prediction may be exaggerated, but it may happen and what better way exists to show what may happen, but through an exaggeration. It is again a point of bear on at this point the situation in countries like Africa. While Africa and other countries are still struggling to achieve the level of civilization and globalization that exist in the world, other countries are already going away through the process of de-globalization and de-civilization. Even in de-globalization and de-civilization, they seem to be unable to keep up.Or is it that other countries are the ones keeping up with them in terms of de-globalization and de-civilization? It is in times like this that one may realize why government and laws are important. There may be wrongs committed in the government and it may limit or even abuse individual rights. However, governments crea te order. In times of difficulties, governments take charge. Governments are necessary in the development of a healthy and orderly social and political system. justness controls people. It may cause evils, but it also controls evils. Law is essential in governance and civilization.

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