Friday, May 31, 2019

Essay --

And I, of ladies most deject and wretched, that sucked the honey of his music vows, now keep an eye on that noble and most sovereign reason out of tune and harsh (3.1.13). Ophelia is a very interesting character in the book small town written by William Shakespeare. She displays several qualities that make her interesting. Ophelia is ordered around and never speak up for herself until she finally cracks. The evidence is when her father orders Ophelia to talk to Hamlet for the first prison term in weeks after he told her to stop seeing Hamlet. Ophelia is also a sweet and innocent young girl. We attestator this when the narrator tells the readers she follows all her fathers request without asking any questions. This shows she is innocent for non having a reason to not trust her father. Lastly, she seems depressed in some scenes. The author shows this when the narrator mentions she was impression pressured for sex with Hamlet. It was oblivious too much for her to handle at the cadence. This essay will show that Ophelia possesses the three qualities fair(a) mentioned. This essay will show how the events and examples just mentioned show Ophelia unique qualities.Things are becoming unbalanced in the kingdom of Elsinore. The old Kings brother Claudius married the Kings widowed wife Gertrude. The Kings son Hamlet thinks his mother is moving on too fast. She didnt even grieve for over enough time she only grieved for two months and for her son Hamlet that wasnt enough time. Meanwhile two guards outside the castle notice a ghost that looks oddly familiar. They by and by discover its old King Hamlet hunting the castle. One of the two guards goes seek to find Hamlet and tell him about his father being a ghost. When Hamlet meets the ghost he realizes its actually... ...ent on men and sweet and innocent. When Ophelia follows her father demands for her to stop seeing Hamlet, she agrees immediately. Although she is in love with Hamlet and it breaks her heart to not be with him anymore she still obeys her father. When Polonius wants use her as bait to spy on Hamlet for King Claudius, she does exactly what shes told and still doesnt question her family motives. We witness Ophelia dependent on men quality since she is not married she has to live by her fathers rules. Even if she were married she would have to follow her husbands rules. Lastly, when Hamlet is verbally insulting her in the theater, she doesnt reply back. Given the fact she is sweet and chooses to ignore him. Ophelia is a dynamic and interesting character who hasnt intentional to stand up for her. Later on she falls into depression for not stopping this from happening.

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