Monday, May 13, 2019

Software Piracy issues Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Software Piracy issues - Assignment ExampleNow a privacy constitution covers the plagiarism aspect of software products too, so if both the calculating machine related work is through with(p) within the efficacious boundaries that have been set as a norm, all goes well for the organization and workflow is smooth. However when activities are not performed like this and limitations are crossed the repercussions are deadly (Wills, Globerman, & Booth, 1986). The unauthorized copy of computer software poses a significant threat to the computer industry. Despite progress being do in recent years to reduce software piracy the computer industry continues to face reel losses worldwide worth millions. Managers learn to be up to date with all the privacy policies or any(prenominal) sort of changes that have been made to software that are regularly used so that the society does not have to face lethal legal implications if software related boundaries are breached. Most software compa nies take serious action and implement strict fines on those organizations which do not care or so the results and continue to indulge in software policy breach and due to the increase in managerial ignorance. In these matters many hardworking people have to face hard punishments because of the apathy of certain individuals. Managers need to ensure that all employees are fully aware of all software policies and in case anyone has any doubts they need to clear them out beforehand, so that if an irregular step is taken the trouble can be fixed before it escalates out of proportion (OECD, 2002). What Are the Opportunities of Software Piracy? In the cyber world that we get along today, software piracy is a serious crime yet a huge portion of computer users still pirate computer software on a daily basis. This can sometimes be used to the advantage of various types of companies. The companies that deal with logo designs and graphical work need software that is quite an expensive and d ifficult to attain. If pirated that software can be used for free without any worries at all and can increase productivity ten folds, not saying that is the right thing to do, but since everyone is in it to save money one way or another, this certainly helps aid that cause (Honick, 2005). Now since the inauguration of the internet and learning becoming publicly available at such a fast pace, a pace that was never seen before, some people have debated time and time about all the information available on the internet to be available to people for free without any charge at all. Because of the single factor that knowledge should be free for all they stand hard and fast by their rules against corporations that sell their software and since they cannot win wars against them in the courts of law or cannot challenge these Goliath companies because they simply cannot chip in to. They develop their own softwares which have the same or more features as compared to these bad corporations. Some of these free softwares are the operating system called LINUX or Ubuntu and Open stead which are replacements for Windows and Microsoft Word respectively. Even though all the software that Microsoft produces can be pirated and used without abundance, legal licenses have and must be obtained if these are to be used in a business and this is where piracy comes in handy (Khosrow-Pour, 2000). Outline Thesis The Importance for Managers to Be Aware Of Software Policies a. Managers should be

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